Nikki Haley holds herself up as the adult in the room – but from this journalist’s perspective, she appears to be nothing more than a petty, thin-skinned, petulant child.
Perhaps, worse.
On Friday, Haley’s campaign booted out journalists from her New Hampshire rally – and then informed the website, one of the largest English-language online news outlets in the world – that they’ll be banned from any and all future events.
It’s enough to make one wonder: Did something rub off on the former U.N. Ambassador as she sat next to Russia, China and Iran?
This is not how it works in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
So, what happened that was so ghastly, so horrid, so out-of-bounds that it merited a campaign trail death sentence?
Nothing more than journalists doing their jobs.
Earlier Friday, reported on exclusive new sources alleging that Haley was lying in 2010 when she denied having two alleged extramarital affairs.
The initial claims were based on the sworn affidavits of Will Folks, 49, and Larry Marchant, 61.
The two South Carolina men alleged to have had separate sexual relationships with Haley while she was a South Carolina state lawmaker and before she became governor of the Palmetto State in 2011.
The new reporting – based on the claims of multiple Republican Party sources ‘intimately aware’ of the allegations – is that Haley’s alleged infidelities were widely known inside South Carolina political circles.
So, this week, per good journalist practice, contacted the Haley campaign and offered them an opportunity to comment.
But instead of issuing a furious denial, or, in fact, any comment at all, Haley responded with an illiberal, un-American tantrum.
The question is – why not respond to and refute the new claims?
I can’t answer that question.
Moreover, is hardly hostile to Haley’s campaign.
On Wednesday, the site published an opinion piece by the beloved TV courtroom judge – Judge Judy.
‘It takes a lot for me to support any one candidate so strongly,’ wrote Judge Sheindlin. ‘But Nikki Haley’s integrity, intelligence, energy, and experience speak for themselves.’
Of course, one can see why the Governor would be personally discomfited by this reporting, but this unquestionably legitimate report cuts straight to the heart of Haley’s raison d’etre.
If proven true, the allegations undermine one of her key talking points – that her husband’s service in the South Carolina Army National Guard is a driving force behind her run.
‘I’m doing this for my husband and his military brothers and sisters. They need to know their sacrifice matters,’ Haley often says.
And that’s not all.
When asked at a debate if Donald Trump had the ‘character’ to be elected president again, Haley said that ‘moral clarity’ is a prerequisite for the position.
You see, Missus Haley – this is a job interview. Not a coronation or a launching pad for your ambitions.
If you’d like hold the same office as George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, you’ll have to face a few tough, perhaps, uncomfortable questions.
It is not the role of journalists to lick the boots of politicians.
It’s our duty to hold your feet to the fire.
Haley has exhibited an authoritarian street. And this isn’t the first time she has veered in the direction of despotic attacks.
Recall how Haley has called for social media companies to ban anonymous users from posting on their platforms. In the age of the digital town square – that’s a chilling prospect.
It is now fair to ask: what type of administration would Nikki Haley run if she so recklessly tramples on a free press?
Donald Trump has called the media, ‘the enemy of the people.’ Doddering Joe Biden dodges journalists’ questions at nearly every opportunity.
The Obama Administration shamelessly branded the Fox News Channel an illegitimate news organization, targeted its journalists with wiretaps and President Obama refused to appear on their shows.
Should we expect more of the same from President Haley?
No, journalists in America shouldn’t take Friday’s events lightly – and in the past, they haven’t.
‘Donald Trump just barred Washington Post reporters from campaign events. That should bother you,’ wrote the Washington Post in 2016.
What say you now, WaPo?
This is a very dangerous game that Nikki Haley is playing.
If this is pettiness, it belies a childishness that ought not be in the Oval Office.
If it is strategy – it is idiotic. It won’t have the slightest impact on the way honest journalists cover her.
If this is vicious retaliation – well, that is alarming.
The knock on Nikki is that she is a globalist puppet. If this doesn’t signal tone-deaf elitism, I don’t know what does.
You can ban journalists from your events, Madame Ambassador. But you can never stop the American media from seeking the truth.
It is disgraceful that you would even try.
Its not freedom of the Press when the Chief Editor of a Newspaper only allows what meets their approval to be printed
Neo con nikki should suspend as well.
DeSantis and Trump will make up and DeSantis will support Trump.
Haley has zero chance at winning the Republican nomination.
Reviving? Can someone tell me when it wasn’t a thing? The lizards in Davos lament they dont have absolute control.
Alert DeSantis is out endorses Trump
Nikki Haley is the one republican candidate who could actually defeat Joe Biden in the general election.
That is a bald faced lie, moron.
Nikki Haley is also the only remaining republican candidate who is fit to hold the office.
So you vote for her. We dont want a bushy.
But… you think Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is fit to hold office. What you think is of no particular interest to us.
In recent WSJ poll results, Haley had a 17-point lead over Biden in a Biden vs. Haley match.
Why do you feel the need to lie? You are showing signs of serious desperation.
DeSantis is out and she won’t survive Super Tuesday.
Haley is a globalist and an adulterous lying snake who shouldn’t be eligible for VP or POTUS based on her Anchor Baby status!!
She (Haley, not Pelosi) isn’t suffering from early-stage dementia. Many voters consider that a plus.
Funny how EVERYONE knew he meant Pelosi. It’s common knowledge, then, that Pelosi withheld the additional security that was needed after the Capital Police opened fire on the peaceful protesters.
He should have an interpreter with him at all times to explain what he actually meant to say. This no new development, as the above video demonstrates.
You mean Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, who cannot put a coherent sentence together day in, day out. Trump make one confused mistake and you pounce on it like a starving dog jumping on a potato chip.
In addition to being totally incoherent, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is corrupt and a pedophile.
I meant what I said, not what you imagine I meant.
Well, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is the only candidate that routinely and consistently speaks undecipherable gibberish and when he isn’t speaking gibberish, he’s lying.
Did somebody say “undecipherable gibberish”?
He’s clear enough when he talks about needing full presidential immunity, like Putin now has. He can really focus his mind on that. Putin can launch wars on a whim and kill off political enemies at will without fear of legal repercussions. Complain about it, and you get locked up yourself. Why should everyone’s favorite crazy billionaire not be granted such powers?
Yeah. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden said undecipherable gibberish. Day in, day out. “De-bank” is a perfectly understandable and descriptive term and it applies to fascist Democrats who seek to take away the personal rights of those who oppose their totalitarianism.
Should the soros dirtbag get a visit from the secret service?
VP pick is minor, I hope Don doesnt fall for a DEI, too attempt extra votes, you know like Harris.
You all know who I wish for, Pence failed at his covid assignment hardly freed up Trump at all, totally useless.
It isn’t minor for Ron DeSantis. He hopes he might ride Trump’s coattails into the Oval Office. That’s why he has continued to attack Haley after dropping out of the race himself. He will speak no evil of Trump. He will wag his tail if Trump looks at him. He will knowingly nod his head when Trump attacks Haley.
DeSantis has a Job in Fl, this expensive stunt may have cost him 28.
The second term of President Trump will not be infiltrated by the DC establishment. Personnel is being put in place as we speak so they can hit the ground running. The staff has been vetted and there will not be a repeat of those who previously were not on the team.
Saw that. Halderman has for years proven the electronic machines are vulnerable to hacking. 2020 proved that beyond a doubt.
That’ll just make the machines appeal to Democrats all the more.
They already knew about the vote flipping feature, it could be a democrat app by now.
Check the Apple store. 😉
Haley needs a New Hampshire jolt to stop Trump. But where’s the energy?
Biden isnt even on the Ballot, talk about a stupid lazy campaign.
The Democrats are afraid to see him lose to everyone.
As if collecting, authenticating, and counting 150 million paper ballots would be a process invulnerable to manipulation…
There would not be any manipulation as long as democrats don’t kick out republican observers or fake a water main break.
Most proven voter fraud involves republicans.
Trying to push that drivel again?
It’s a fact.
Nope, wrong again, as usual. No Republicans involved at State Farm Arena, where an entire state was decided.
joe biden did not get 81 million legal votes
Running the same ballots through the machines three times like ruby freeman and her daughter did does not make then votes legal.
Ken Paxton — ‘They stopped counting votes so they could manufacture more fake ballots.’
A full adjudication of the stolen 2020 election must be done to remove the stain placed on America and to help the country unite and move forward.
You Democrats are always thinking ahead, aren’t you? I remember the left criticizing photo ID because it wouldn’t secure voting by mail. How prophetic.
But, without fake water main breaks and having election observers in place, the possibility of manipulating cast votes is greatly reduced.
All of the ambition of Lucifer without the principles.
01/22/24 – Senate GOP fears drop in Trump enthusiasm, energy –
Too bad the GOP has made an irrevocable suicide pact with this guy. The crash is going to be HUGE.
Maybe they should look again. One thing is for absolute certain: Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is an unmitigated failure, disaster, criminal, traitor and pedophile.
Yeah, that’s going to work in November.
When hard core Socialists are rooting for Haley, tells conservatives all they need to know.
Haley’s their last chance for salvation. Once she’s gone, there will be no way to save themselves.