Is Mail-In Voting Even Legal? Dems Ignored State Lawmakers: Lawsuit Filed in PA

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By Kari Donovan

Republicans have filed a lawsuit in the state of Pennsylvania that could destroy the entire 2020 Presidential election, if they gain legal authority to scrutinize the process of mail in voting.

“Yesterday several Pennsylvania Republican Party officials and individual Republican voters filed a lawsuit in state court seeking to obtain declaratory and injunctive relief based on a claim that the legislation which adopted “no excuse” eligibility for absentee voting was an illegitimate amendment of the Pennsylvania State Constitution,” Shipewreckedcrew wrote for Red

The Complaint alleges that the Pennsylvania State Constitution requires in-person voting, and the only recognized exception to this requirement is the options reflected in Sec. 14, which were added to the Constitution via the accepted Amendment process in 1967.  Sec. 14 sets forth four specific bases for a qualified voter to cast an absentee vote under the Constitution:  1) the voter will be absent from their municipality because duties, occupation, or business needs require them to be elsewhere; 2) illness or physical disability; 3) observance of a religious holiday, and 4) due to status as a county worker.

In other words, recognizing that there was no basis in the Constitution to support “no excuse” mail-in balloting, at the same time the Pennsylvania Legislature approved Act 77, it also initiated the process for Amending Sec. 14 of the Constitution to accomplish that purpose.  However, neither Act 77 nor the simultaneously proposed amendment were ever passed by a majority vote of the Legislature in two consecutive sessions, and neither was ever approved by a majority of voters in Pennsylvania in a general election.

The heart of the lawsuit, the Democrats went around the PA state legislature:

  1. Defendant the Pennsylvania General Assembly is the state legislature
    for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is comprised of the State House and
    State Senate. The General Assembly convenes in the State Capitol building in
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  2. The U.S. Constitution provides that the Legislatures of each state shall
    direct the manner for appointing electors for President and Vice President. The
    General Assembly is named as a party who would be at least partially responsible
    for implementing the relief Plaintiffs seek.

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Hmmmm…Trump stops China’s takeover of the world, by using economic means and not force. Covid suddenly engulfs the world…coming from China but China suddenly doesn’t have it anymore…and even more suddenly, we all have to vote via mail…because Covid…and the Democrat’s non-candidate suddenly “wins” with votes we can’t even verify, delivered in vans and by way of “glitches” from antifa-run companies who already said they’d rig the election?


Biden wins nothing.

@Nathan Blue:

Prior to this election, the Democrats had brought hundreds of law suits against states and counties to change the election laws. Judges, who clearly don’t understand election law, allowed the change in voting protocols.

In my own state, the Democrats sued for blanket mail-in ballots (not to be confused with absentee ballots) but was turned down by the State Supreme Court who, rightfully so, said if you can go to the grocery store, you can go vote. Also, the Governor has lost a lot of support by opening early voting a week early giving us 3 weeks of early voting instead of the normal 2.

Judges cannot change election law. It is depressing to me how many of these black robed gods think they are the final word.

The bad part of all of this is that Biden may pull off the largest heist in the history of our nation. The good part is that Americans are waking up to how this was even possible and their votes in 2022 will reflect that new knowledge.

Seriously, only an idiot could believe a dim-witted, incoherent boob like Biden could win a national election. Hell, he only got to be the nominee because the DNC forced other candidates to drop out and push their support to him so Bernie wouldn’t win (gotcha again, Bernie! Don’t ya just wish you had another party?). No one, including EVERY Democrat, was fooled one bit that vote-by-mail was expressly intended to allow all the fraud necessary to win.

Only problem was, Joe needed MORE help, so the vote counting manipulation was required as a back up, which provided such outlandish jumps in votes going to Biden that fraud became undeniable.

The Pandemic. Not safe to vote. Constitution be d……d. Emergency. Terrible emergency. Black Death running rampant. 95% mortality rate. Must vote by mail.
Okay. So the mortality is only 1.5%, But still. Must vote by mail. Must. Must. Must. Would not be fair otherwise.
Can protest. Can riot. Can Burn, Loot, and Murder. But cannot vote. Too dangerous.
Really. Don’t you understand? Orange Man Bad. Bad Bad.