Is it any wonder people shout back at the liberal media?

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William A. Jacobson:

Ace: “If the media has no ethical boundaries as far as publicly shaming random private citizens, why should we care about media?”

In case you missed it, the liberal media is really upset that the people they have been pissing on for years are pissing back. But it shouldn’t be a surprise.

There are countless stories of liberal media enemies-of-the-week, innocent citizens who make one errant comment or tweet and are the subject of a swarm of media bees. Remember how just recently the liberal media built up Ken Bone, who asked a question at a presidential town hall, because he said he had been for Trump but was considering Hillary after the event?

It was a useful narrative, so Ken Bone became media hero.

But when Bone appeared to go back to Trump support and commented that the Trayvon Martin verdict was correct, the media singled him out and took him down as quickly as they built him up, Ken Bone told the truth about Trayvon Martin, and for that media must destroy him.

Bone is hardly alone. There’s the guy in Rhode Island who recently complained in the local paper about women who wear yoga pants outside the gym. He thought he was being funny, but local feminists with the cooperation and encouragement of a wide range of national and international liberal media made him the New object of hate: Guy who complained about older women in Yoga pants. (Somehow no one noted or cared that he also complained about men in Speedos.)

Or how the media regularly caricatures ordinary non-liberal people as racist and violent, etc. I saw it first hand during the rise of the Tea Party movement, when media would attend a rally with multiple thousands of people and hundreds of signs, but would someone find the six people and three signs they could use to taint the entire crowd and movement. Some of those people were planted in the crowd by liberals seeking to make the Tea Party look bad.

Or how the liberal media would immediately react to any mass shooting or terror attack with a (failed) attempt to blame the Tea Party, Add Boston Marathon Bombing to pile of Failed Eliminationist Narratives.

Is it any wonder that Americans’ Trust in Mass Media has Sunk to New Low? And that was before Wikileaks emails from the Podesta account provided clear evidence of collusion with Hillary by the supposed top-tier of mainstream media, and a window into their incestuous world.

People are sick and tired of it. That doesn’t mean that every person in the media is guilty of this conduct, but the snobbery, bias and nastiness is so pervasive as to cause pushback from the targets.

And the targets this electoral season are Trump supporters. All multiple tens of millions of whom are smeared as deplorable not just by Hillary, but the liberal media. Those targets have a right to shout back.

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Only 32% of the american people still trusts the news media Katie Kourics dirty little white lie about gun owners in the UNDER THE GUN fruad their lies about CLIMATE CHANGE/GLOBAL WARMING and covering up for Hillary the lap dog press cant ever be trusted

The media IS the villain. Incompetents like Obama or criminals like Hillary could NEVER gain traction without the media covering their lies, failures and corruption and attacking anyone that comprises the opposition.

A Clinton supporter threatens Trump at a rally and gets dog-piled and the media blames Trump. This is where we are today.

In late Oct there were more than a dozen articles in major publications with the “journalists victimized by Trump supporters at rallies” narrative.
But do your own search, like I did and see that there have been zero incidences of members of the media being physically attacked or assaulted at Trump rallies.
Now, I’m not saying the press isn’t playing at being scared of Trump supporters.
They do believe that if they claim this, some people who never see a Trump rally might believe their false narrative.
But nothing was done to those reporters to warrant this fear.
It makes you wonder how our next battle will be covered?
Not by these ”special snowflakes.”

Can you imagine any of them riding in on a Hummer under REAL gunfire in some God-forsaken land?
Remember Michael Yon?×349.2hqt1.png/1365786000000.jpg
There’s some REAL danger.
Not the play-acting of a wannabe journalist narrative-maker.

The fact is American CHOOSE what media to consume. They have Fox Breibart Drudge Rush but those are not what most Americans choose. Your complaint isn’t what people/media write and say, your complaint is that Americans don’t choose to consume rightwing slanted media.
Well ……….. ?????

@Nanny G:
here is a list of 28 journalists killed in Iraq most were killed by American/coalition fire.
At least 3 were American, NONE of the journalists were killed while riding protested in a armoured HumVee

Is liberal media controlled by those Jews who always vote 75% Dem?


Is liberal media controlled by those Jews who always vote 75% Dem?

Look at the anti-Semite that calls everyone else racist! Blame the Jews! Blame the Jews! Just like his heroes, Hillary and Hitler.