Is America Awakening To The Real Jobs Picture (11% Unemployment)?

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I had to read this liberal’s epiphany and laugh a sad laugh:

But today, the most important sentence isn’t a report on something that just happened, but a fresh look at something that’s been happening for the last three years. In particular, it’s this sentence by the Financial Times’ Ed Luce, who writes, “According to government statistics, if the same number of people were seeking work today as in 2007, the jobless rate would be 11 percent.”

Welcome to the real world Ezra. For your information this has been reportedad naseum on my blog and others FOR MONTHS!:

From December 2011 on November Unemployment:

When you recompute the unemployment rate using the number of employed (140,580,000) out of  the real workforce of 158,500,000, you get a more accurate reflection of the job situation in America.

That actual unemployment rate is 11.3%

From September 2011 on the August unemployment:

The adjusted U3 unemployment for July, based on a nominal workforce size (the red line) was 10.7% – and rising.

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Our local free newspaper has been running stories about people in their late 50’s early 60’s who have run through their 99 weeks worth of unemployment and are now not counted as looking for work.
Some of them would still take a job IF they could get one.
But they are no longer officially asked by the unemployment office, ”have you looked for work this week?”
since they don’t go to that office they are no longer counted.
It is really sad.
They are dipping into savings they were planning on not touching until after their retirement, sometimes 10 years before they planned to.
They are also willing to go off the grid and take under-the-table work.

Great job, Obama!

Nan G
you can also tell, by the crowd paid to attend OBAMA CAMPAIGN’S SPEECHS,
they would not be there if they had a job to go to,
and any money is needed, so it’s a place like any other to get paid for attending,
same as the OWLS CROWD Occupiers, we’re not naive enough that they go there for fun,
that’s why they want to stay there, the money is good. and they are unemployed.

But today, the most important sentence isn’t a report on something that just happened, but a fresh look at something that’s been happening for the last three years.

The last four years. Someone seems to have forgotten that 2.6 million jobs were lost during 2008, the last year of the Bush presidency.

The recession began at the end of 2007.

This February 2010 pre-revisionist job loss chart from Business Insider should refresh our memories concerning what actually happened.

it was while the DEMOCRATS HAD A MAJORITY.
it did not do much for jobs then, and not until now either.
since they took power in 2008.

Exactly Bees. Let’s also not forget how the dems set the whole thing into motion, kept the brakes from being applied, and profited from it. Then there is the matter of obama’s role in it all…

Hard Right
talking about jobs, KERRY IS with the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD IN EGYPT,
I think he’s bringing the good CHRISTMAS WISHES OF OBAMA, and lots of toys for them.

Obama is in full campaign mode now.
He speaks in terms 180′ removed from his own actions over the last three years.

Like the other day in his speech in Osawatomie, Kansas.
Obama orates his desire for the middle class to be able to be restored, have secure jobs, safe retirements, able to afford to (PRIVATELY or through CHARTER schools) educate their children in the manner they would like.
BUT what has Obama done for three years?
Obama has ruined the middle class.
He has destroyed their retirement nest eggs whether they were money market accounts, equity in their properties or even bonds.
Obama has only looked to help the 6% of workers who happen to be in unions.
Obama has opposed allowing parents to take their child out of a badly run school and put him into a well run one.
He has made it more difficult to afford private schools.

Obama lacks solutions but he is long on oratory.
Obama had the audacity to even claim his own policies have nothing to do with how the country is right now!

The other day Charles Krauthammer took Obama’s speech apart better than I ever could.
He pointed out a lie by Obama that only STUPID folks would swallow:
Obama’s solution to all our middle class’s problems is to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
As if a 4.6% hike in the marginal tax rates for the rich is all that keeps the economy from humming and the middle class from advancing.

Bees, let’s hope he likes it there so much he stays.

Let Obama keep talking… about “jobs” and how he is for the “middle class” Bullshit! … If Americans do not see through this man and what he is NOT ABOUT [ the middle class, jobs, etc..] at THIS POINT, then we “are” in HUGE Trouble…

I am so sick of this man and the Left… We Americans need to Clean House and set limits on the terms for Congressmen and Senators…. No more lifers…

and that’s why I like RICK PERRY’S PLAN.

For a still more accurate picture of unemployment, I would recommend Or if that’s too far around the bend for you, just look at the employment ratio, or the demographically adjusted employment ratio. There is no recovery on the employment front.

@Nan G:
If you listen to the speech barry has laid out who he really is and what he plans to do. He is setting our country up for failure and those that are still sucking on the Kool aid do not realize they are just the useful idiots that will help his plan

He has already gotten past the bill that allows the military to arrest you for almost any reason and hold you with no due process. This law was supposed to be only for illegals and those living legally in the United States but not a citizen, but was changed. I read today the camps barry reopened when he was elected is being stocked. These are the assimilation camps as written by bill ayers. This too is scary. AND now they ( the senate) wants to censor those on the Internet – the only method left to find out the truth. This man needs to be voted out of office before he destroys the country. I apologize for going onto a tangent but everything fits in together in the plan of the despot barry.

I think so too,


Talk about “revisionist”…

Let’s look at the entire forest instead of a duo of carefully selected saplings:

h/t – America’s North Shore Journal

@Aye:, #14:

Consider your topmost chart. Bush took office at the beginning of 2001. Obama took office at the beginning of 2009. According to the chart, during whose presidency did most of the decline in the percentage of the American population employed take place?

During who’s presidency was the percentage at it’s peak?

You’re sort of talking past us here, Greg. I actually agree that Bush deserves an huge part of the blame for the crash – after all he was also giving speeches in favor of minority homeownership, and did nothing to avert the crash. Furthermore, you can plausibly lay blame on various parties all the way back to the 1970s for laying the foundations of our current problems. But the main point here is that the drop in the unemployment rate doesn’t reflect any real improvement in the employment picture.