IRS Whistleblowers Exposed DOJ’s Biden Family Cover-Up. Who Will Expose the Crimes?

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When Hunter Biden inked a plea deal with the Justice Department, President Joe Biden and his protectors must have thought they were burying two major scandals at once: The Biden family’s international influence-peddling operation, and their allies’ efforts to cover it up.

Sure, the optics might not have been perfect. The agreement was rightly understood by at least half the country to be a sweetheart deal, one cut by the U.S. Attorney from the Bidens’ native Delaware – a prosecutor appointed by Trump but importantly with the full endorsement of the state’s two Democrat Senators – who served ultimately at the president’s pleasure.

But with Hunter copping to two tax-related misdemeanors (instead of merited felonies), and a felony gun charge for which he would avoid jail time under a diversion program (that he should have never been eligible for) – while skirting potential charges pertaining to the Foreign Agent Registrations Act, money laundering, and other serious crimes – the Bidens and their backers could downplay the saga, and declare it over.

They could portray this, brazenly, as a redemption story about a disturbed son – always treated like some hapless child, not a middle-aged man with children, including one he won’t recognize, of his own – who was atoning for his sins, and how his doting father stood by him through it all.

The relatively innocuous nature of the charges, the minor penalties, and the father-son framing would divert attention from the nefarious dealings that enabled Hunter’s crimes, just as the idea that he was the target of a mere “tax probe,” and the focus on his debauchery and drug abuse, served as purposeful diversions from how seriously his “work” threatened the national interest.

Namely, Hunter was the bag man in a likely criminal, obviously unethical, and clearly national-security compromising scheme to monetize patriarch Joe’s office for millions of dollars from corrupt nations led by Ukraine, and adversarial nations led by China and Russia.

Absent those dealings, there would have been no income for Hunter to hide; taxes for him to evade; fraudulent expenses concealing blackmailable acts like allegedly criminally trafficking in prostitutes for him to record; nor any need for the Bidens and their associates to create a complex structure of shell companies to surreptitiously and perhaps illegally flow the funds from the family influence peddling business on down even to one of the president’s grandchildren.

That Hunter’s plea deal seemingly violated Justice Department policies and practices, and represented a deal that mere mortals, let alone Biden bundlers, or Donald Trump Jr. could never expect to get, simply added insult to the injustice of it all.

Yet the deal did not have its intended effect. Instead of causing the Biden scandals baked into Hunter’s case to blow over, it triggered a bomb in the form of whistleblower disclosures about the cover-up of those scandals, of which the agreement now seems to have been a part.

Just days after the plea deal emerged, the House Ways and Means Committee released the sworn testimony of two eminently credible and compelling IRS whistleblowers tasked to the Hunter Biden case.

The criminal investigators who had led the Hunter Biden probe – apparently apolitical, experienced agents, with virtually everything to lose by coming forward – alleged that their counterparts at the Department of Justice and FBI systematically subverted and sabotaged the investigation, not only giving Hunter preferential treatment, but protecting Joe at every turn.

In essence, they suggested the sweetheart plea deal was the product of a sweetheart “investigation.”

“The criminal tax investigation of Hunter Biden,” says one of the whistleblowers, Gary Shapley, a Supervisory Special Agent with the IRS’ Criminal Investigation division, “has been handled differently than any investigation I’ve ever been a part of for the past 14 years of my IRS service,” with decisions “at every stage…benefiting the subject.”

“I have reason to believe that there was gross mismanagement present throughout this investigation…and that there was an abuse of authority by DOJ Tax and the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office,” says Whistleblower X, a special agent who served as the case agent.

Among the breathtaking claims they have raised, substantiating these conclusions, are that prosecutors:

  • Slow-walked the investigation, including well before election “stand-down” periods, ultimately running out relevant statutes of limitation.
  • Stymied efforts to obtain critical search warrants, interview relevant subjects, and pursue pivotal leads.
  • Hid pivotal evidence from investigators, including Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the FBI FD-1023 memorializing the allegations of a trusted FBI whistleblower that Hunter and Joe Biden received $10 million in bribes from former Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.
  • Sought to remove Hunter Biden’s name from communications searches and document requests, knowing it would likely lead to incomplete data production.
  • Explicitly shielded Joe Biden from scrutiny.
  • Refused to pursue Foreign Agent Registration Act-related evidence apparently on political grounds, and criminal campaign finance violations seemingly on similar ones.
  • Tipped off Hunter Biden’s team to the existence of a Virginia storage unit allegedly containing critical documents to the IRS’ case, sabotaging investigators’ plans to search it. Likewise, FBI headquarters allegedly tipped off the Secret Service and then-incoming President Biden’s transition team about investigators’ plans to interview Hunter Biden in December 2020, causing him to clam up. So too did nearly a dozen other witnesses investigators sought to interview that day.
  • Apparently tolerated threats from Hunter Biden’s defense counsel aimed at intimidating prosecutors into not charging Hunter Biden – a defense counsel that allegedly also asked to speak with their superiors before any charging decisions were made.
  • Seemingly sought to snoop on IRS investigators with whom they butted heads through requesting that they produce emails related to the case.
  • Threw the IRS whistleblowers’ team that had for years been working the case off of it after they raised the foregoing issues internally.

Their interviews, and further public statements, also suggest that either Attorney General Merrick Garland perjured himself, or Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss lied to myriad individuals working the case, about who really controlled it.

U.S. Attorney Weiss reportedly sought to charge cases in Washington, D.C., and the Central District of California, only for the Biden-appointed U.S. attorneys there to have shot him down – contra AG Garland’s claims he would have full charging authority.

By extension, they have called into question whether the president’s appointees interfered on his behalf to obstruct an investigation into his son that could implicate himself.

These claims have to be seen in context of broader Deep State efforts to protect the Bidens.

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Idiot Biden used the FBI to try and retrieve his daughter’s lost diary that contained evidence of his pedophilia. The IRS, FBI and DOJ are being used to keep Hunter out of jail and try to keep his trail of corruption from leading back to idiot Biden. This is what the most ingenious form of government ever conceived by man has been reduced to: a Praetorian Guard for a corrupt, incompetent pedophile.

Their interviews, and further public statements, also suggest that either Attorney General Merrick Garland perjured himself, or Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss lied to myriad individuals working the case, about who really controlled it.

And who is going to prosecute the Attorney General? No one in this corrupt regime.