Daily Mail:
Interviews with IRS employees have established that the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service was engaged in targeting tea party groups and other conservative organizations for unfair levels of scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status.
Rep. Darrel lssa, chairman of powerful House Committee of Oversight and Government Reform, made that startling announcement on CNN Sunday morning.
‘As late as last week,’ he said, ‘the [Obama] administration was still trying to say the [IRS targeting scandal] was from a few rogue agents in Cincinnati, when in fact the indication is that they were directly being ordered from Washington.’
A committee spokesman sent MailOnline partial transcripts of two interviews with unnamed IRS workers about the agency’s actions in early 2010, on whose testimony Issa based his bombshell statement.
One of those interviewees said it was ‘impossible’ for a few IRS agents to have orchestrated such widespread partisan targeting on their own.
‘Did [your supervisor] give you any indication of the need for the search [for tea party groups], any more context?’ one IRS witness was asked in a closed-door interview.
‘He told me that Washington, D.C., wanted some cases,’ came the reply.
The employee, who said he or she was evaluating 40 such applications for tax-exempt status from conservative organizations at the time, said ‘some went to Washington. D.C. … I sent seven.’
The interviews, which are still ongoing, are being conducted by oversight committee staff in conjunction with House Ways and Means committee staff, and include both Republicans and Democrats.
The employee told those congressional investigators that IRS headquarters had also requested two specific cases for review.
Another employee, that witness said, ‘wanted to have two cases that she couldn’t — Washington, D.C. wanted them, but she couldn’t find the paper. So she requested me, through an email, to find these cases for her and to send them to Washington, D.C.’
‘[The] allegation has been made, I think as you have seen in lots of press reports, that there were two rogue agents in Cincinnati that are sort of responsible for all of the issues that we have been talking about today.,’ the investigator noted. ‘What do you think about those allegations?’
‘It’s impossible.,’ the employee replied. ‘As an agent we are controlled by many, many people. We have to submit many, many reports. So the chance of two agents being rogue and doing things like that could never happen.’
Asked whether the problem ‘was originated in and contained in the Cincinnati office,’ as some Obama administration officials in Washington have claimed, the agent replied that ‘I still hear people saying we were low level employees, so we were lower than dirt, according to people in D.C. So, take it for what it is.’
‘They were basically throwing us underneath the bus.’
Carney: (paraphrase) “Nothing to see here. Move along…”
living on $171000dollars,
and OBAMA cut the hot meals for the WARRIORS NIGHT SHIFT,
that would amount to quite a few good hot meals if she is FIRED.
investigate that SCANDAL
I know this is not surprising to conservative minded folks, as the machinations of the left have always been clear to us…since we end up being the targets of their evil.
Democrats cannot be trusted. The “leaders” of the left are inherently dishonest, greedy, self-absorbed scumbags who will blatantly lie about the purpose of the sharp piece of metal in their hands right up until the moment they slit your throat with it….then tell you that it is YOUR fault your neck got in the way of their innocent blade.
All the leftists saying “You right wingers are crazy conspiracy theorists…there is nothing to this IRS thing…it was just a few rogue agents in Cincinnati…the White House knew nothing about it…” where are your new talking points now that the “rogue agents” being thrown under the bus are singing about who ordered the deliberate targetting of conservative groups and donors to conservative causes? Do you even have the integrity to admit that if a republican administration was accused of doing the same thing to leftist groups and donors you would be shrieking like banshees demanding a special prosecutor, impeachment hearings and jail time for all involved?
It is the blatantly contemptible hypocrisy of the left that is so nauseating. Facts do not matter. Truth and integrity do not matter. All that matters is obfuscation via manipulative psychology (false victimhood, bogus self-esteem issues, rebellion against traditional values, Alinsky-ite targetting of those who resist this political slavery) to advance the anti-American leftist agenda.
Everyone of these IRS agents, all the way up to Lehrner and Shulman, should be put on trial, and if the allegations are true, spend the rest of their lives in jail. Obama should be impeached, because either he absolutely knew and approved of this IRS targetting of conservatives, or he is too incompetent to be in control of the executive branch of government. If he knew, he should go to jail as well.
This is well beyond the crimes of Watergate. The fact the Plouffe is tossing out such desperate flack against Issa means we are getting closer to the truth on what the White House knew and when they knew it.
Again, when you look at the collection of unseemly scandals (IRS, Benghazi, ACORN and voter fraud, Fast and Furious, the GM bailout to the unions, the tax increases, the crony capitalism of Obama donors and the multiple failed green energy companies, the refusal to approve Keystone pipeline, the weakening of our military, the abject failure of Obamanomics) it is treason to ever vote for any leftists, either democrat or RINO.