We figured as much, President Pottymouth. That’s why nuclear weapons and a jihadist ideology with an inordinate enthusiasm for hastening the apocalypse don’t mix well. “Iran does not ‘give a damn’ about your bombs, Ahmadinejad warns US,” from Newscore, March 11:
KARAJ, Iran — Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a defiant TV speech Sunday in which he taunted the West, saying the Islamic Republic is unfazed by the threat of Western military action.”As God is my witness, the Iranian nation will not give a damn for [your] bombs, warships and planes,” Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech in Karaj, west of Tehran, reported by the official IRNA news agency.
“They say all [options] are on the table. Well, let them rot there. You yourself will rot,” he added.
I think a demonstration is in order. A flight of about 10 B-2s from Whiteman AFB carrying a full complement of GPS devices, some designed to detonate on impact and others delayed until the desired depth is reached might give this madman a taste of what the Great Satan can bring down on his ugly rag head.