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The koran demands that Muslims never seem to be the initiators of a war, only the responders to some offence that they simply cannot allow to go unanswered.
Thus Islam has a long and rich history of finding offence and turning that feeling of being slighted to their advantage.
Khamenei is thus dog whistling to his followers that now it the time to create false offence over American actions or inactions.

Nanny so sorry but neither Obama nor the next (D) POTUS is going to be going to war against Iran. All of the “Coalition of the Willing” likes the Iran Agreement.

Nanny so sorry but neither Obama nor the next (D) POTUS is going to be going to war against Iran. All of the “Coalition of the Willing” likes the Iran Agreement. 50% of all boots on the ground come back disabled. How many do you want to send ?