IPCC Ignores Its Own Data…Attempts To Incite Global Green Coup d’Etat Led By Alarmist Scientists

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P Gosselin:

The IPCC’s tone, amplified by the media, speaks volumes: With its latest report, the UN organization is attempting to incite and lead a global coup d’état – with the main focus on Europe and North America.

Predictably the media in Germany are reporting today on the release of the IPCC’s Working Group II report and the new, shrill levels of alarm it has reached. The overall underlying tone from much of the German media is: The whole world needs to panic and drastic action is urgent and warranted!

Never mind that global temperatures have not warmed at all in over 15 years. The message coming from the German media is as clear as it is alarmist: Go for the hostile takeover! We’ll be behind you.

The center-left Die Zeit writes:

According to the new UN climate report, climate change is going to have more drastic impacts if man does not put the brakes on it more than it has up to now.”

And adds it’s not yet too late to act:

Through rash and comprehensive measures to reduce CO2, the dangers can be considerably reduced.”

Nothing like a thinly veiled call for a coup d’état.

Berlin’s leftist TAZ here writes that climate change is “blossoming and thriving“, warning that:

The galloping global warming is going to have drastic impacts. The UN climate report leaves no doubt a change of course is urgently needed.”

Tim Gore of Oxfam is quoted by TAZ:

The report is there and the message is clear: The impacts of climate change on the supply of food are worse than estimated earlier.”

The Handelsblatt, the business paper for the guilt-ridden rich, writes:

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The more obvious it becomes that this nonsense is nothing more than a hoax, the more frantic the warnings from those who profiteer benefit from “environmental justice” will become.