Intersectionality Comes For The Children

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Generally speaking, I’m not a fan of Andrew Sullivan’s politics, but on this one issue, he gets it right. Today he has a new piece titled: “When the ideologues come for the kids” which makes a point I’ve raised before about what the current focus on identity politics is likely to generate from those who are assigned the role of “the heavy” from a young age. Sullivan starts by referencing a recent piece written by a parent about seeing his kids encounter a wave of identity politics in NY schools. He then moves to a piece about “white boys” published earlier this year by a teacher:

This week, a student spoke up in class to say that every time a particular writer talked about White people and their role in racism, he would start to feel really guilty, and it made him not want to listen … I try to keep an arm around the boys who most need it, but it’s hard, because I’m also not willing to give an inch on making my room safe for my students of color. It’s not their job to keep hurting while White boys figure it out.

Here’s Sullivan:

Children, in other words, are being taught to think constantly about race, and to feel guilty if they are the wrong one. And, of course, if they resist, that merely proves the point. A boy who doesn’t think he is personally responsible for racism is merely reflecting “white fragility” which is a function of “white supremacy.” QED. No one seems to have thought through the implications of telling white boys that their core identity is their “whiteness,” or worried that indoctrinating kids into white identity might lead quite a few to, yes, become “white identitarians” of the far right.

I wrote about this back in June when Bret Weinstein published a video arguing much the same thing. He said, “People who are the object of ire from the intersectionalists are going to be backed against the wall together. Who are they going to be? Well, primarily they are going to be straight and white and male.” He went on to predict that this combination of telling people that a) racial identity is paramount and b) your racial identity is suspect creates a breeding ground for the kind of white nationalism that we’d all like to avoid. Sullivan adds another note to his criticism, which is that there is no rational way out of this cult because reason has little to do with it. This is a substitute religion:

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“All white men are guilty”… gee, sounds exactly like what the Civil Rights Act was intended to eliminate. But, the LEFT works constantly to make it their policy.

If you’re not guilty, don’t feel guilty. Pretty simple.

But the left likes to separate people into easily manageable groups and pit them against each other while THEY provide the “solutions” to the problems THEY’VE created. We could actually see the end of racism one day… if the left wasn’t so intent on using it as a weapon.

I’ve seen numerous Facebook posts asking one to share if you are “proud to be white”. It’s not a matter of pride; I didn’t strive to BECOME white… I was bred and born that way. it demands neither pride nor guilt. Unlike being proud to be an American, “white” does not go forth and do good things (nor does it do bad). It is a stupid concept.

Only the left conceives of such shit.

Since their parents are guilty of global climate change lets demonize everything they are.
Constant harangue at these poor kids…HOME SCHOOL!
Childhood ruined by a cat lady, teacher of the year? Lets test her classes proficiency in her subject.
Walk out of school over guns, climate change, what ever, they cant read and are not proficient in math. Lets make them poorly educated pre-programmed activists.

While Bret Weinstein and Andrew Sullivan and even John Sexton (who wrote this essay) all make valuable and correct points about a potential white backlash after years of this indoctrination of white guilt takes its toll, they all forget a very important point.
In his book from years ago, Bruce Bawer wrote of the demographics changing among traditionally ethno-european nations before and after the importation of needed workers to socialist Western states.
While Europe Slept made no bones about it.
In Europe, years ago, France, for instance, had an equal number of “fighting age males” of both ethnic French and Muslim immigrant backgrounds!
Yes, and that was YEARS ago!
Now the fighting age men in France are overwhelmingly of immigrant origins.
France is surrendering without war, having been beaten into submission by Car-B-Ques, knifings, bombings, kowing of teachers, and now, elections.

In the USA we are on this same glide path.
Years ago, here on FA, I opined that the saving grace of our situation was the Christianity of our imported class.
But that’s no longer the case.
Our imports tout a secular, not-so-humanist outlook, no doubt partly because of the communist leanings of both their home countries as well as the communist-leanings of their so-called Pope.
Even non-communist countries where our imports come from are failed states led nowadays by bands of drug cartels.
Violence against who these imports see as their enemies include commie and drug lord tactics: beheadings, kidnappings, robbing, raping, and, yes, congregating in areas called “districts,” by voting.

The mean age of white Americans is well over 36.
The mean age of America’s migrants and their families here is under 25.
What happened While Europe Slept is happening here, too.

@Nan G: If that continues unchecked and you want to know how the future generations will take care of the greatest nation on earth… just look at the countries they came from.

School children protesting global warming inaction in New York City on Friday, September 21, 2019.

It’s their future, not ours.

dehumanization, the NAZIs used in in the 1930-40’s on the Jew and esp. during the invasion of Poland. so most of the demorat senators and reps are white=whte supremacist. if one reads the evaluations on American schoools one will notice that nothing is being taught but leftist propaganda-Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

@Greg: They are scaring little kids its easy to frighten children. When I was in school they said global cooling was the problem we were all going to run out of fossil fuels and freeze to death, Then they told my kids its was warming, no polar bears(oh no not the cute coke bears!) the world was going to become a desert except where the oceans would flood.
No sane person denies climate change, can we stop it from changing? Can they raise enough taxes to stop it, the big lie is CO2, you know, plant food that could cause our planet to be greener.
They want to control everything and everyone, they cant create a budget, formulate an immigration package but want us to follow them into a zero emissions world, go live with the Amish for a month is that the lifestyle you want? They have no plan, except 100% compliance to things that cant stop the climate cycle.
There have been at least five major ice ages in the Earth’s history (the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean-Saharan, late Paleozoic, and the latest Quaternary Ice Age). Outside these ages, the Earth seems to have been ice free even in high latitudes.