Interpol Echoes NRA, Suggests Arming Citizens as Solution to Mass Shootings

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Interpol Secretary General Robert Noble says the U.S. and the rest of the diplomatic world may need to consider “arming citizens” as a way to deter mass shootings and terror attacks.

Referencing last month’s attack in Kenya’s Westgate mall, where armed terrorists shot and killed unarmed shoppers with no fear of retaliation, Noble said: “Societies have to think about how they are going to handle the problem. One is to say we want an armed citizenry, you can see the reason for that.”

Noble made these comments in an interview with ABC News, where he also highlighted putting “extraordinary security” around “soft targets” so that those who have guns for ill intent having a harder time accessing malls and other public areas to begin with.

Ironically, this multi-layer approach is exactly what the NRA has been calling for in response to mass shootings at gun free zones in America.

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As I have mentioned different times, I’m glad I settled in Idaho. We can have almost any kind of gun, any number of them, any number of rounds in magazines, any kind of ammo, any amount of ammo, and we can open carry even in our state capital. I feel very safe knowing there are many armed people around me where I live.

Those of you who want to live in a gun free zone, think about it. What area are the crooks going to go to to do their crooking, an area where they know guns are banned, or my area? Even if you don’t want a gun in your house, wouldn’t it make you feel safer knowing the neighbors around you have them, and know how to us them? As I have said before, I feel very safe in my area, and the state.

Some Idaho politicians are looking into forming a state militia so that even if obama gets a federal gun ban like he wants, we can still have our guns.