‘Inside Job’? Mystery Woman Who Moved Biden’s Classified Docs Gave ‘Treasure Trove’ of Intel to Hunter Biden

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By Kyle Becker

Kathy Chung, Biden’s executive assistant for Joe Biden when he was vice president, was a close associate of Hunter Biden who gave him what a retired top general called a “treasure trove” of intelligence information that was ultimately leaked from his infamous laptop.
Hunter Biden was so close to the “mystery woman,” whose profile images have been widely scrubbed from the Internet, that he recommended Chung to work for his father in the vice president’s office while she was working for former Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) in 2012.

While Chung was in the vice president’s office, she passed on to Hunter hundreds of the Vice President’s “Intelligence Briefings,” which consisted of open source information, but nonetheless provide unique insights into the vice president’s agenda.


More valuable to foreign intelligence services would be the hundreds of phone numbers for security officials, senators and congressmen, and numerous celebrities that Chung passed on to Hunter Biden.

This highly sensitive information was stored on Hunter Biden’s unencrypted laptop and mobile devices.
Former President Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi were among those listed in Chung’s emails to Hunter Biden. Chung on a separate occasion emailed Hunter Biden the phone numbers for the president’s cabinet secretaries.

The vice presidential assistant also forwarded Hunter Biden a contact database of 1,500 people, including actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Coldplay singer Chris Martin. She also provided the contact information for ex-FBI chief Louis Freeh and the names of three Secret Service agents.
Chung was recently questioned by law enforcement agencies over the national security breach of classified documents found in Joe Biden’s residence in Wilmington, Delaware, including his garage, as well as his unsecured, non-governmental office at the Penn Biden Center. Chung had helped pack up the vice president’s office in January 2017.
“The people who were boxing [up the vice presidential office] had no idea that there was anything in there that shouldn’t leave the White House,” a source told NBC News. “There was no decision made to take certain documents that should have been presidential records or classified.”

Chung currently serves as deputy director of protocol for Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Pentagon Press Secretary Brig Gen Patrick Ryder has referred all questions about Chung’s interview to the Department of Justice.

General Michael Flynn in a November 2020 tweet reacted to the revelation that Chung had given Hunter Biden the highly sensitive information.

“Ask who is Kathy Chung (EOP) and why in 2015 is she giving a ‘treasure trove’ of intelligence (phone no’s) to Hunter & Redacted,” he tweeted. “Any foreign power would love to have this information!!!”
The vice president’s son notoriously secured his laptop with the password Hunter02. He once disclosed on video with a prostitute that he had lost a laptop, which was likely seized by the Russians.
“Hunter Biden claimed Russians stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was close to overdosing in a Las Vegas hotel room,” the Daily Mail reported.
“The alleged incident would mean Hunter lost a total of three computers – the first abandoned at a Delaware computer store and the second seized by federal agents –  each likely to hold sensitive information on President Joe Biden and the embarrassing pictures, videos and communications of his son,” the report continued.
“The third laptop still appears to be missing – and was taken by Russian drug dealers after they partied with Hunter in Vegas, he told a prostitute in a conversation caught on camera,” the report added.
IT expert Chris Greany told the Daily Mail in a different report that it was ‘staggering’ the laptop had not been encrypted. He also called it a ‘national security nightmare.’
“It’s a data breach and dangerous to have this type of material floating around,” said Greany, a former police commander who had advised British Foreign Secretaries on laptop security.
“For someone prominent, there is not only a risk of great reputational damage but also a risk of blackmail should the material fall into the wrong hands,” he said.
In a report about the documents found at the Penn Biden Center, it was revealed that Hunter Biden was in talks to potentially get an office at the think tank. It is unclear if Hunter Biden visited the center, but it is certain from emails that he had met a number of times with former University of Pennsylvania President Amy Guttman, who is now the U.S. Ambassador to Germany.
The first visit appears to be in November 2011, when Guttman invited Hunter Biden to New York City for a breakfast. His former business associated Eric Schwerin had passed on the invitation to him.

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Keep in mind, for Chung to have packed up the classified (including Top Secret) documents, they would have to have been in the office… where they SHOULDN’T have been.

Idiot Biden is a hazardous waste. Now, what do you do with hazardous waste?

Kabuki theater.
Its all been arranged.
The politians are “turning on joe.”
The media is “reporting ‘honestly’ about joe.”
Leakers are leaking about joe.

Kamala served her 2 years under joe and is now eligible to replace him for the remainder of his term PLUS run for president (and win) twice.
Funny how they all timed this just right…..not.
Its all part of a play.
I bet the only one they wrestled with how to put out of the way was Jill.
So, plastic surgery/skin cancer for weeks not hours (like the rabble.)

Kamala served her 2 years under joe 

Like she served under Willy?