“Innocent” Assault On Glenn Beck

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On Tuesday, Glenn Beck told his radio and TV audiences how he and his family were harassed during an outing to an outdoor movie in New York City’s Bryant Park.

You can listen to Glenn describe what happened here.

The account involves people shouting nasty things and even a cup of wine being kicked onto Glenn’s wife.

“These people were some of the most hateful people I have ever seen,” Beck said. “All I wanted to do is go out on a blanket with my family and have dinner in the afternoon sun and sit around Americans, not like-minded Americans, and just watch a movie in the park.  And last night that was what it was about‑‑ when the movie was just about over, my wife and I got out because it was hostile.”

Well, now a woman has come forward to say that she was seated right behind Glenn and that his account is “FALSE.”


The woman, Lindsey Piscitell, wrote to New York Magazine:

To Whom It May Concern:

Just a quick FYI -saw your article on Mr. Beck and his numerous FALSE claims about the way that he was treated at Bryant Park last night. Myself and several of my friends were seated immediately behind Mr. Beck & co (have pictures) and I can tell you that while the crowd was certainly not *thrilled* that he had shown up, his family was left completely alone, and for the most part he was too. Conversely, it was his security detail (two body guards) that seemed to be unnecessarily prickly with the crowd, scolding myself and my friends for acrobatics and other harmless activities taking place well before the movie started, and contributing to a considerably less relaxed atmosphere than is typically experienced during BPMN (I’ve been going for about six years now).

It was my friend that spilled the glass of wine on Tanya -and I can assure you that it was a complete accident. A happy one, to be sure, but nonetheless a complete and utter accident. As soon as the wine spilled (and I question how Tanya became soaked from a half glass of wine) apologies were made and my friends pretty much scrambled to give Tanya & co napkins -no doubt aware that it would look terrible and that their actions could be perceived as purposeful. No words were exchanged after that, as I think that it became pretty clear to Beck & co that my friends and I were doing everything in our capacity to help clean the “mess”.

I‘m sure it’s unnecessary to point out the hypocrisy in Glen’s statements that we were being hateful. I can assure him that we don’t need his sympathy. Incidentally, none of us have made a career of “spewing hate” on the radio, or any other media platform. We live our lives intolerant only of those who don’t tolerate: We have chosen New York as our city for that very reason. We do things like go to Bryant Park Movie Night, and vote to legalize gay marriage. We don’t taunt Glen, or his family. And we certainly don’t waste our wine, even on Tanya.

Thanks, and please let me know if you have further questions.

Lindsey Piscitell

So that changes everything.  Glenn will be issuing an apology this aft….oh, wait.

We decided to learn a little more about Lindsey Piscitell.

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Oh well…whatever.

The Blaze’s Scott Baker really did his homework!

Glenn’s experiences made me think of that Giant’s fan at Dodger stadium on opening day.
There is video showing many dodger ”fans” giving him the finger during the game.
His ”crime?”
Being a Giant’s fan.
And he will never be the same, will he?
Brain damaged for life.

Glenn should count his blessings that he wasn’t hurt.
Those screen shots show malice aforethought.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

An expected liberal response from you. Apparently our “rights” are wholly subservient to yours. Remind me, again, where in the Constitution it allows that?

What kind of nation have we become that a man, with his family, cannot attend a public event?

I remember when Dan Rather came to my town for a funeral. He walked around freely, even going to the grocery store to buy some Cokes, and no one bothered him. No one (although he had many fans here at the time) bothered him for an autograph, or tried to impose on him in any way.

Why is that? Is it because small towns are less impressed with celebrities or that they are more polite than New Yorkers? Ummm…………………..

Liberal tolerance

There have been known instances of liquids being spilled without it being a deliberate act of aggression.

That being said, when a highly recognizable person has spent an hour a day for several years making disparaging public comments that are personally offensive to roughly one-half of the people in the country, appearing in public carries a certain risk that some of them might make a comment back. Personally I don’t approve of that sort of discourteous behavior, but it’s predictable.

Greg: That being said, when a highly recognizable person has spent an hour a day for several years making disparaging public comments that are personally offensive to roughly one-half of the people in the country, appearing in public carries a certain risk that some of them might make a comment back.

I’m sorry, but what “personal disparaging public comments” would that be, Greg? I’ll take a rough guess you don’t watch Beck. I don’t watch him daily either, but I’ve watched him off and on for his career on both CNN and Fox, as well as hearing his radio show. His Fox career has been devoted to educating the public on the founding fathers and the Constitution. So… exactly what “disparaging” comments would you be referring to?

I suggest something more than your talking points and second hand opinions is in order.

The, “innocent” party in this has spent this week scrubbing Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and various blog postings that can be accessed to hide materials. The Blaze and other sights have taken snippets of material before it could be deleted, and even some Google Caches still have materials about how the, “Innocent” party have taken on a rather hostile attitude towards Glenn and other like minded people. Interesting enough there hasn’t been Youtube video uploaded to back up either side’s case since this is an outdoor event. If the, “innocent” party is so innocent then why the scrubbing of data and lack of video proof in an age of digital cell phones with camcorder ablity?

@MataHarley, #8:

Right. Why would any liberal take offense at a comment such as this?

That one, imho, goes beyond being simply “disparaging”.

I’ve watched Glenn Beck on and off for years. He wasn’t always like this.

First of all, had you watched the segment, and ensuing segments… where he had to address all the out of proportion hyperbole you hypersensitive wackos inflated this in to – much as you did Palin’s electorial “crosshairs”…. you’d know it was not delivered, nor intended, as a literal comment and suggestion.

But I see how it is. It’s all about if *liberals* (using your exact comment there) take offense at Beck’s “disparaging” comments. Mercy, if that’s the gauge, there is no free speech since you all are the queens of being offended. All the while, you simultaneously give Fat Ed Shultz and Rachel Madcow, and their “disparing remarks” about conservatives, a nonchalant pass. Or how about all of you and your peers who’ve accused an entire movement of tea partiers of being racist, and label them with offensive names of sexual positions?


I’m not tiptoeing around your hyper’emotional party members, Greg. Quite frankly, I’ve had it up the kazootie with all this PC crap about language promoted by the left, and twisting words into intent that was never there. If you’re offended? What a pity… get over it. And you might want to attempt to redeem some part of yourself by condeming actions such as this by your ilk.

Yeah a video that takes material out of context and doesn’t use the full quote. Very nice, sir. You win a cookie for fail.


Sir, I don’t believe you can salvage something such as that by putting it into a context. But I’ve watched him more than enough to understand the overall context. I don’t believe it’s been good for any of us.

Greg, you are a blazing moron.

That is the show for June 10, 2010, full verison instead of the horseplop you ate up like facts and spewed at us without even remotely checking your info.

And to directly point out, the context of that, “quote” you so use as ammo is misused by you and every Liberal out there. The rest of the quote which was nicely sliced off, was about how the Media would go bonkers if Conservatives would say such comments about Liberals after the infamous Ed Shultz wish that Conservatives should shoot themselves in the head with their own guns. And to top it off, I do think this quote was in a May show, not June.


Careful. You might make me spill my wine.


Men drink Bourbon. Pansies who lie sip wine from a box.


Interesting observation. Maybe you’ve stumbled on a cure for pansy tendencies.

The cure: is water with fresh ferlizer and a good 8 oz of wine to allow the shit to bond to the roots.

Oh, that won’t fix your problem about being a liar, however. It’ll sure make a for a good garden.


Or how about all of you and your peers who’ve accused an entire movement of tea partiers of being racist, and label them with offensive names of sexual positions?

I’m trying to think of any comment I’ve ever made here along those lines, and seem to be drawing a total blank. I don’t actually recall having ever returned a personal insult, of which there have been many.

This particular exchange doesn’t really seem to be going anywhere for anybody, does it? I’m calling it quits for the evening.

Ah, yes, Greg the typical liberal. When he gets his clock cleaned he exits stage left, pronto.

Perhaps I’ll leave you with something you’ll find really annoying, then.

Greg, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. You call Beck “disparaging”, yet happily ignore the public demeaning and hatred that the media – plus you and your side of the political aisle – have heaped on him and conservatives in general. To boot, you’re an Olbermann fan, who is truly the master at “disparaging” remarks, and your head is stuck in the proverbial sand.

Yet you don’t see conservatives treating Olbermann, out with his family, like this, do you? Disgusting behavior by humans who have lost all social graces, and have one demented defintion of “tolerance”… their usual party banner.

Oh but wait…. you made excuses for the leftist wacko who threatened the tea party speaker in Tucson, saying “perhaps he thought he was making a point in the most public way possible, by snapping a picture and then stating “You’re dead!”


You don’t like Beck… we get it. You get your knickers all in a twist, and sit around being “offended” by Beck. Newsflash… I find your media heroes classless, uninformed, hyper’emotional and vicious. But I’d be right up there, condemning such behavior as this, if done to them, as despicable.

But not you… no. You, in essence, say Beck deserved it. So how far do you carry that type of twisted belief? Or is it only held for those you disagree with politically?

But then, as you say… and I quote, misspelling and all…. “Hipocrisy is generally something people readily detect in others but have trouble seeing in themselves.”

Yup… true ’nuff.



I’m trying to think of any comment I’ve ever made here along those lines, and seem to be drawing a total blank. I don’t actually recall having ever returned a personal insult, of which there have been many.

Careful, Greg. There are months upon months of data preserved for all to see.