Inhofe to climate conference: Nobody’s listening any more

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Two years ago, the Obama administration practically staged an airlift of leading Democratic officials to the UN climate conference in Copenhagen.  Barack Obama himself made an appearance, as did Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and even Republican Senator Jim Inhofe, who went to represent the AGW skeptics and demand answers to the then-breaking Climategate scandal.  In the end, Obama could only produce a non-binding agreement that even he didn’t agree to sign, while domestic support for climate-change policy collapsed underneath him.

Fast forward two years.  We have Climategate 2.0 accompanying another UN conference on climate change, this time in Durban.  The one big difference?  The White House has completely ignored it.  Senator Inhofe sends his greetings to the Durban conference and gleefully points out that they have become irrelevant:

Hello, I am Senator Jim Inhofe, Republican Senator from Oklahoma. Today, I’m happy to bring you the good news about the complete collapse of the global warming movement and the failure of the Kyoto Protocol, as world leaders meet for the United Nations global warming conference in Durban, South Africa. For the past decade, I have been the leader in the United States Senate standing up against global warming alarmism and cap-and-trade, which would have been the largest tax increase in American history. This victory is especially important today, as families in America and around the world continue to face tough economic times. Tossing out any remote possibility of a UN global warming treaty is one of the most important things we can do for the economy.

I am making this announcement from Washington DC – where I am confident that the only person left talking about global warming is me. The message from Washington to the UN delegates in South Africa this week could not be any clearer: you are being ignored. And you are being ignored by your biggest allies in the United States: President Obama and the Democratic leadership in the Senate.

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I wish it were that easy. But “global warming” has been drummed into the public’s mind to the point where everyone is infected. Turn on a sitcom an there will be a joke about global warming. Let the temperature go up, and there will be letters to the editor, or even editorials, proclaiming it’s because of global warming. Let there be a hurricane, or a big storm, and it will be blamed on global warming. The EPA is about to shut down most coal-burning electric plants in the name of preventing global warming. Polar bears have been declared an endangered species (despite the fact their numbers are higher than ever) because when global warming arrives, the polar ice cap will melt and the bears will drown. It’s like a steady drum-beat: G L O B A L W A R M I N G G L O B A L W A R M I N G. It will be a long time before mere facts penetrate the public’s consciousness. and until the fact do penetrate, demagogues will continue trying to gain power by warning against this mythical threat.

I’d like to see state governors simply ignore the EPA and leave their coal burning plants open. Lets get the governors along that Canadian pipeline to do the same and authorize it on their own.

Maybe it is just Obama and the Dems.
But that can still cost us taxpayers plenty!

The Navy just signed deals to buy 450,000 gallons of biofuels — arguably the biggest purchase of its kind in U.S. government history.
The purchase is a significant step for Navy Secretary Ray Mabus’ plans to transform the service into an energy-efficient fleet.
But at approximately $15 per gallon — nearly four times the price of traditional fuel — the new fuels won’t come cheap.

Money’s no object when it isn’t your money!

jim s
I bet they have that POWER,