Can we cut to the chase and making changing out empty magazines illegal?
Maybe we can pass a law that says you can only put three (3) bullets in a magazine, and cannot carry a second magazine, whenever you plan on shooting up a school or business…?
Wait a tic — if we can pass a law requiring those intending a mass casualty shooting to load no more than three (3) bullets, perhaps we can tighten up the law a little to limit them to zero (0) bullets…?
Problem solved! I’m astonished at my own brilliance! I’ve solved the mass shooting crisis!
Is this one of them there “loopholes” the left wants so desperately to close? Quick! Get David Hogg on the phone and ask him what we should do!!!
Any hints as to why the left is so quiet about this shooting?
@Deplorable Me: Female, Vegan, Animal Rights nut case, not that I endorse the torture of animals and it was a ‘legally’ registered hand gun. oops
So how about we add animal rights advocates to a no-buy list?
Censorship kills, Those how to disarm a gunmen videos you took down…
Cruz used low capacity magazines, too. Funny, I don’t feel safer.