In honor of Andrew Breitbart, here’s what Progressives think of you

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This little bit of propaganda is wending its way through the Progressive side of Facebook:

Let’s deconstruct a little:

Corporations are people:  It’s a legal fiction that seems to elude Democrats.  Corporations are “people” so that they can be forced to pay taxes and so that they can appear in court.  You know, court, where Progressives are constantly suing them.  I’m happy to end corporate personhood, as long as the Left is happy to stop taxing and suing them.

Women who use birth control are sluts.  Women who demand that others pay for $3,000 worth of birth control annually every three years (when there’s good evidence that birth control runs about $140 annually) are clearly trying to profit from sex.  There’s a word for that.  Indeed, there’s an old joke for that:

Man to woman at party:  Hey, darling!  Would you sleep with me for $5,000?

Woman:  Well, aren’t you the generous man!  I think I could fall in love with you.  Meet me at my apartment at 10.

Man:  Okay.  So would you sleep with me for $50?

Woman:  How dare you!  What do you think I am?  A whore?

Man:  We’ve already established what you are.  Now we’re just negotiating the price.

College students are snobs:  What Santorum said is that Obama is being a snob for insisting that everyone become a college student.  Santorum is wrong.  Obama is not being a snob — he’s being a Leftist pragmatist.  College is finishing school for the Left.  After years of hammering away at students in public schools, college is where the Left finally achieves its goal of turning America’s young people into Progressives, ranging from thoughtless sorority girl Progressives to hard-core, take-it-to-the-streets OWSers.  (Incidentally, in answer to a very good question put forward by that rarest of beasts, a conservative Marin native, I think it’s the number of college degrees in Marin County that make it so liberal.)  Having said all that, there is a class divide in America, and it does derive from college education.  Progressive college grads ooze a compassion that is based upon their belief that a government controlled by Progressive college grads is infinitely smarter than all the “little people,” especially the little people of color, who actually work, and who need Big Brother government to care for them.

Gay Americans are an abomination:  If one goes out with a very big microscope, one will find people in the conservative wing of American politics who believe that gays are an abomination.  I think it’s worth pointing out here and now, though, that back in the day when conservativism was ascendent in America’s social world view (say, in the late 50s/early 60s), gays were tolerated as long as they stayed in the closet.  In the Soviet Union, that Progressive haven, they were sent to gulags and worked to death.  In Nazi Germany, a socialist paradise, they were sent to concentration camps and gassed to death.  Just sayin’.  But back to today:  Most conservatives say only that, since time immemorial, marriage has been defined as being between a man and a woman.  For the state to change that definition clashes with traditional religion, and sets up an inevitable First Amendment conflict — kind of the way the HHS mandate that religious institutions pay for birth control to which they are doctrinally opposed created a First Amendment conflict.

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Hello everyone, I’ve been out of commission for a time. Just got this link from a friend in CA and it sure made my blood boil, but at the same time I got a gigantic kick from seeing Soledad caught in her own hypocrisy. Apologies to you all if this is old stuff. It still hot nevertheless.

Trying to explain away such ignorant observations by liberals, to a liberal, is like trying to teach your dog to speak. It just ain’t gonna happen.