In First WH Briefing, Spicer Upsets Media Pecking Order

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Jon Gabriel:

The major media have warned that Donald Trump would wage a war on the First Amendment. His quick draw to call out bad reporting, boot disruptive journalists, and mock fake news were obvious signs that the freedom of the press would hang by a squib during the Trump administration.

And, lo, it came to pass Monday that all their fears were realized. Did the new President sent red-hatted mobs to smash printing presses and hijack the cable news to run non-stop ads for Trump Steaks? Even worse. In his first official White House press briefing, Sean Spicer called on reporters from the wrong side of the tracks.

a;jsidn’ae’lk4i’31;;,,, <cracks ampule of smelling salts> Sorry, had a fainting spell there.

Apparently, in an unwritten rule precious only to careerist Beltway journos, the Press Secretary calls on an Associated Press reporter first then follows with questions to other large media companies. For the first time, Spicer chose less storied agencies for the first handful of questions. Did he blacklist journalists from CNN, the New York Times, etc? No, he got to them a few minutes later. In fact, Spicer stayed as long as the reporters wanted, answering questions for well over an hour.

What so appalled the press was that Spicer upset the media’s caste system.

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Ronald Reagan followed that tradition.
Perhaps Spicer knew the Post wouldn’t call him out on his lies from Saturday, or ask about the 30 or so sycophants Trump stuck in front of the CIA wall of honor to applaud for him, or ask about his Soviet inspired “Day of Patriotic Devotion” declaration or the emoluments lawsuit.

I see Trump is on another “illegals voted” bender again today.

@PhillipMarlowe: Actually dingbat, when 37 precincts in Detroit had more votes casts than registered voters, there is something. By the way, this was uncovered by the Democrat recount in MI.

@Randy: Randy, like Trump, lies again.
Click your heels three times Randy and say, “there was voter fraud.”
Then drop another tab and lose yourself in a dream.

@Randy: PS. “Dingbat?”
Identity politics died on Election Day, or so says the Glorious Leader.

you are a snowflake, where is your metal of valor? two baby pins with a snowflake hanging from them

Trump repeatedly lies when when it will be obvious, and when there’s nothing to be gained from doing so. This is beginning to look like a symptom. If nothing else, it’s symptomatic of appallingly poor judgement. He’s going to totally destroy the credibility of his own administration.

Attacking journalists for pointing out the lies isn’t a winning proposition. It’s part of their job.

Oh Curt, what about Trumps cheering minions he dragged in front of the hall of honor at the CIA?


As any rookie Totaltarian knows, silencing the media is 101 on dictatorship.

Funny thing, a few weeks ago, not even the looniest of the fruitcakes here would argue that Trump wasn’t an abject liar. Now all of a sudden, they seem to think anything he says is gospel.

Before long, expect for Bill and/or his cronies to be yapping “prove Trump has ever lied, just give one example, just one”.

@Greg: Uh, mirroring the Tea Party in 2008 can’t be your boss’s stance, right?

I can get you job out west, when your leftist masters run out of money, son…

@PhillipMarlowe: That worked for Obama for the last 8 years…only admit those who’ve submitted to the WH pressroom….

Why wouldn’t Trump use the same tactic?

We told you Obama was a bad idea, bub. Deal with the consequences and stop whining.

@Ajay42302: As Obama proved, you don’t silence the media…you just decide whose allowed access to spread the right propaganda…fake…I mean news.

Trump’s the natural consequence to letting the media rule the culture and essentially the country for the last 16 years.

Lies? The “gotcha” game seems a little…fundamentalist for an enlightened lib like you, no?

The Left became the oppressive Right, and they don’t even know it.

But keep talking, rookie. I’m sure you dream isn’t total control of the country by the Left forever…that would be actual totalitarianism.

P.S. – Obama silenced the media. Turning it into “Pravda” is silencing it, you twit.


President Trump does not lie, the alt left media and the alt left democrat party lies….