I’m a Democrat (and ex-CIA) but the spies plotting against Trump are out of control

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Bryan Dean Wright:

Over the past few months, America has lurched from partisan warfare to the cliffs of an existential crisis.

Multiple reports show that my former colleagues in the intelligence community have decided that they must leak or withhold classified information due to unsettling connections between President Trump and the Russian Government.

Said an intelligence officer: “I know what’s best for foreign policy and national security… And I’m going to act on that.”

Some of us might applaud this man, including a few of my fellow Democrats. In their minds, this is a case of Mr. Smith Goes to Langley to do battle against a corrupt President Trump.

One small problem. The intelligence officer quoted above was actually Aldrich Ames, a CIA traitor whose crime of treason in the 1980s and 1990s resulted in the compromise of more than 100 assets. Many were tortured and executed as a result.

Ames’ flawed logic is eerily similar to that of his present-day colleagues who are engaged in a shadow war with their commander in chief. They, too, have decided that their superior judgment is more important than following the law.

For the sake of argument, however, let’s assume that these officials are somehow different than Ames. Let’s suppose that they have compelling pieces of information that indeed suggest Trump or his staff have committed treason.

When you’re trained as a spy, you’re taught how to handle these kinds of situations. Upon learning the information, it gets tightly compartmented (restricted) and sent to the Department of Justice or Congress for investigation. If the evidence is found to be credible, the constitution makes clear what happens next: impeachment.

That’s how American democracy should work.

And that’s precisely how it has been working. According to former Vice President Biden, there’s been an on-going investigation into the alleged connections between Trump and Russia. All of us should take heart in knowing that the system is functioning exactly as designed.

However, some of America’s spies are deciding that that’s not enough. For reasons of misguided righteousness or partisan hatred, they’ve taken it upon themselves to be judge, jury, and executioner. They have prosecuted their case in the court of public opinion, with likeminded media outlets such as CNN, The New York Times, and the Washington Post serving as court stenographers.

Elected by no one, responsible only to each other, these spies have determined that Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Days ago, they delivered their verdict. According to one intelligence official, the president “will die in jail.”

I understand how this might feel appealing to deeply partisan Democrats. After all, I didn’t want Trump to win either. But the solution to fighting this subpar president cannot be encouraging a network of spies to tip the scales back in our political favor. We must instead let the system continue to work, as it has, and make our case to the American people during future elections.

If you’re not convinced, imagine the consequences of letting spies decide not just Trump’s fate but other political winners and losers too. Imagine how they might treat our candidates next.

Flash-forward to November 4, 2020, where Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have defeated Donald Trump and Mike Pence for the White House. Democrats will celebrate in the streets. The liberal spies will smile.

Mission accomplished.

Conservative spies, however, will take a darker view. To them, their liberal colleagues will have gotten away with political murder. They’ll be looking for revenge.

Welcome to the new America. It’s now their turn to burn democracy down. And they’ve got the tools and motivation to do it.

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The leftists and the Useless Nations only want someone in office who will two the line and do all they command like Clinton(Bill and Hillary),Bush(Senior & Junior) and Obama did

I understand how this might feel appealing to deeply partisan Democrats. After all, I didn’t want Trump to win either. But the solution to fighting this subpar president cannot be encouraging a network of spies to tip the scales back in our political favor. We must instead let the system continue to work, as it has, and make our case to the American people during future elections.

There are a number of undeniable indications of a foreign power meddling with the internal workings of our nation’s election process. There are also more warnings of potential conflicts of interest than you can shake a stick at. This should have been investigated and resolved before the election, but it wasn’t. Now that investigation has become imperative. What Wright is characterizing as “tipping the scales” is actually an effort to see that this happens. Were it not for that, Trump would use the powers of his office to simply make the questions go away.

Trump’s efforts to preemptively discredit our own intelligence and investigative agencies and to discredit the media are only the latest in a series of clear warning flags. I’m distrustful of anyone who argues that such warnings should be ignored. A true patriot would insist that any such indications of potential danger to the nation be closely examined and ruled out.

Congress should should be willing to give this matter at least a fraction of the same time and attention they gave to investigating Obama and Clinton. If they don’t, they’ll have no credibility whatsoever.


And what, exactly, was the means by which Putin manipulated people to vote for Trump?

Because we all just know that Trump couldn’t have defeated Clinton fairly, right?

And if it is so terrible for a foreign nation to try to influence elections in another country, why was it just peachy for Obama and the left to spend US taxpayer dollars and send campaign “advisors” to Israel to influence Israeli voters against Netanyahu?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Obama Laid “Tripwires” in Intel Community to Sabotage Trump

Tony Shaffer, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research and a veteran exposer of cronyism, corruption and cover-ups at the highest level, says that Obama left loyalists in place, many of them political appointees who became career intelligence officers who are now exploding well-planned political bombs.


Prior to Trump’s inauguration, Obama loyalists both in and outside of the White House plotted a disinformation campaign to discredit Flynn, a known opponent of Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, in order to preserve the agreement, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

When Flynn failed to inform the Trump about the possible content of a series of phone calls with Russian officials, it provided all the political explosive needed to oust him.


Shaffer said CIA Director Mike Pompeo and other Trump appointees are providing the White House with all of the intelligence they have, but that people below them were making their own decisions about what to bring forth and what to withhold.

“That’s why you need to look at a house-cleaning,” Shaffer said.

The same thing I’ve been saying for months.

In a scathing commentary on intelligence professionals now in place, Shaffer said “some of those professional were selected [during the Obama years] because of their political reliability, not because of their professional ethics.”

Tony Shaffer is right. Trump has removed the political appointees, but needs to target mid- and senior-level managers who are politically motivated and not working for the good of our country.

Insiders: Obama Holdover ‘Shadow Government’ Plotting to Undermine Trump

Schaffer said it was clear that sensitive information that could compromise U.S. intelligence-gathering methods was divulged to the media as part of the campaign to bring down Flynn, by people who had access to beyond Top Secret material. That should narrow the list of suspects considerably.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Insiders familiar with the anti-Flynn campaign told the Free Beacon that these Obama loyalists plotted in the months before Trump’s inauguration to establish a set of roadblocks before Trump’s national security team, which includes several prominent opponents of diplomacy with Iran. The Free Beacon first reported on this effort in January.


However, multiple sources closely involved in the situation pointed to a larger, more secretive campaign aimed at discrediting Flynn and undermining the Trump White House.

“It’s undeniable that the campaign to discredit Flynn was well underway before Inauguration Day, with a very troublesome and politicized series of leaks designed to undermine him,” said one veteran national security adviser with close ties to the White House team. “This pattern reminds me of the lead up to the Iran deal, and probably features the same cast of characters.”

The Free Beacon first reported in January that, until its final days in office, the Obama administration hosted several pro-Iran voices who were critical in helping to mislead the American public about the terms of the nuclear agreement. This included a former Iranian government official and the head of the National Iranian American Council, or NIAC, which has been accused of serving as Iran’s mouthpiece in Washington, D.C.

Since then, top members of the Obama administration’s national security team have launched a communications infrastructure after they left the White House, and have told reporters they are using that infrastructure to undermine Trump’s foreign policy.


“The drumbeat of leaks of sensitive material related to General Flynn has been building since he was named to his position,” said the official, who is a member of the White House’s National Security Council. “Last night was not the result of a series of random events. The president has lost a valuable adviser and we need to make sure this sort of thing does not happen again.”

Other sources expressed concern that public trust in the intelligence community would be eroded by the actions of employees with anti-Trump agendas.

“The larger issue that should trouble the American people is the far-reaching power of unknown, unelected apparatchiks in the Intelligence Community deciding for themselves both who serves in government and what is an acceptable policy they will allow the elected representatives of the people to pursue,” said the national security adviser quoted above.

“Put aside the issue of Flynn himself; that nameless, faceless bureaucrats were able to take out a president’s national security adviser based on a campaign of innuendo without evidence should worry every American,” the source explained.

Let’s not bandy words here. These leaks of classified information (as well as passing off false information, intended to cause damage,) are criminal. What’s more, the establishment of an infrastructure of un-elected shadow operatives within the bureaucracy (placed by the previous administration,) in order to undermine and sabotage the properly elected Trump presidential administration, is treason.

Thankfully, some of Trump’s cabinet are already tasking action to remove highly placed Obama operatives

It Has Begun, Tillerson Fires Most of the 7th Floor

Americans were stunned to learn of the State Department rogue Shadow Government which operated in secret from the 7th floor. They were behind the corrupt handling of the Clinton documents.

CBS News
announced that Rex Tillerson, the new Secretary of State, fired most of the 7th floor policy makers who so famously called themselves the “shadow government”.

Among the firings were staffers in the offices of deputy secretary of state for management and resources as well as counselors, according to CBS News.

Policy will be controlled by the White House, not professional diplomats, CBS stated.

CBS bemoans the loss of the shadow government’s policy-making expertise.

In October of last year, a NY Post story reported that the coterie of State Department officials who called themselves the “shadow government” controlled the release of the Clinton emails. Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy even offered the FBI a quid pro quo for changing the classification of the Clinton emails.

Kennedy asked assistance in altering the email’s classification in exchange for a ‘quid pro quo,’ ” an FBI summary says. “In exchange for marking the email unclassified, State would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more agents in countries where they were presently forbidden.”

BREAKING: Bloodbath at The State Department

Last month, four top officials hit the old dusty trails and at the time, a State Department spokesman said: “As is standard with every transition, the outgoing administration, in coordination with the incoming one, requested all politically appointed officers submit letters of resignation.”

Good, it’s time for the Trump administration to get their people in place after, and still amid, shameful Democrat obstruction tactics and the deep state agenda to damage the new administration.

As we’ve reported before, Obama holdovers and others that don’t want to get on board with the new agenda have apparently decided to use a variety of tactics to undermine the administration.

That is absolutely unacceptable and extremely dangerous.

Trump and his administration shouldn’t have to be fighting anti-American tools within our own government, but that’s exactly what is happening. Hopefully they do whatever they can to sort that out and if this story is true, it’s good to see Tillerson getting people in place that are ready to get the job done.

I would strongly suggest that the Trump White House also try to obtain the list of Clinton appointed officers given George Bush, as it is very possible that many of them are still there as well.

More on the “deep state” shadow government:

Virgil: The Deep State Bumps Off General Flynn. Who’s the Next Target?
Virgil: Minutes of the Deep State Executive Committee on the Permanent Campaign Against Trump, Part 2