Illegal Animals Ravage Three Girls in Four Days; Democrat Harpies Laugh

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by Kevin Downey Jr.

Three young girls were raped, abducted, and/or murdered in four days by illegal immigrant animals who were invited into the nation by Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. Where is the media outrage?

Right here. Poltroons in the communist press corps won’t talk about these horrid attacks, but here at PJ Media, we believe in warning people when their kids are being targeted.

Last Friday, an illegal invader from Ecuador, armed with a “machete-style” knife, forced a 13-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy into the woods, tied them together, gagged the girl, cut off her shorts and underwear with the knife, and raped her in a ghoulish daytime attack in a Queens park.

Locals saw photos of the rapist that had been posted by police, recognized him, and waited at a store he frequented. When he showed up, the Good Samaritans beat him into submission, and the cops locked him up.

After the attack, the miscreant, who is living off of our tax dollars, told cops he went to buy drugs.

Then he gave the police a more nauseating confession.

“I was nervous at first, then got comfortable and recorded it,” the filth revealed to police while recounting his attack.

Most Democrats have been radio silent about the assault, except for Marxist cacodemons Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who laughed at the Fox News headline reporting the arrest, and dismissed it as “fear-mongering.”

On Sunday, five illegal immigrants abducted a 14-year-old in her home state of Indiana. Her father witnessed the kidnapping, got a description of the car, and called the police.

Fortunately, the young girl’s cell phone pinged 323 miles near Hannibal, Mo., roughly five hours away.

Missouri State Troopers were alerted to the ping at around 2 a.m. Monday. Cops spotted the vehicle, pulled it over, and arrested the five “asylum seekers.” Police found no evidence of sexual assault.

Did I mention that Joe Biden, who showered with his young daughter Ashley, invited them into our country, and we’ve been financially supporting them?

Hours after the Indiana girl was rescued, a passerby in Houston saw what he thought was a body in a creek under a bridge.

Jocelyn Nungaray, only 12 years old, snuck out of her family’s apartment the night before. Her mother noticed she was missing in the morning and called the police.

FACT-O-RAMA! I searched Jocelyn Nungaray on CNN’s “news” site it and seems Jocelyn’s murder isn’t the type of news the Stalinists over at the Pravda press wants to write about. I DID find a story about Patti LaBelle facing discrimination decades ago and something about a Diane Von Furstenberg documentary refering her as a “woman in charge.”

Two days later, police arrested two illegal immigrants for her murder. It is not yet known if the young girl had been sexually assaulted. Police did reveal she was strangled and thrown off a bridge into the water. Divers were brought in to look for evidence in the creek.

With the exceptions of Reid and Jayapal cackling over the brutal rape in Queens, the apparatchiks aren’t interested in talking about the savagery taking place at the hands of illegal immigrants, whom they welcomed and financially supported with open arms.

Now, let’s connect some dots.

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A simple solution Rope Horse Tree make it five ropes horses and trees

The left cannot acknowledge that their wide open, no vetting border is getting people killed. Furthermore, they don’t care. Their agenda of giving them all ballots is far more important than any young girl’s life. This is how they can support the pedophile that forced his daughter to shower with him.

“We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future is if we welcome immigrants….get a path to citizenship for all 11 million (illegal immigrants).”

Chuck Schumer Nov. 16, 2022

Our Mission – The Remembrance Project (

Last edited 2 months ago by retire05

Chuckie ought to look at Europe.
Their elites thought the same as you, Chuck.
They were wrong, too.
All these newcomers do is eat, reproduce and hate/predate on Americans.
The WEF wants a compliant slave class.
They aren’t getting that from their immigrants here or in Europe.

Yeah, Chuckie… what if they don’t WANT to be your slaves?

Anyone ever notice these are all fairly short men?
Under 5’10” tall.
Any inferiority complex going on?
Picking on little girls maybe because grown women scare them to death.

Poorly fed when growing up stunted, physically and mentally. Importing violent retards a Democrat policy.

Two thirds of the nation support mass deportation. Mass deportation will commence January 20, 2025 and any objection will be ignored. That is objection from the left or the shithole countries to which they will be returned. Operation Wetback II will be a great success for America.

Isn’t it odd how the left pretends to believe in democracy until it comes time to practice it?

Bidens a Globalists and Traitor and Liberal rags like Time support these illegal Immagration while supporting disarming all law abiding Americans proves the Liberal leftists and the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders are Globalists/Traitors