If you want the truth about Hillary’s campaign you’re going to have to stay with the Daily Mail

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You have to hand it to them. That’s twice in two days, doing the journalism the American horse’s ass media won’t do.


Iowa students preparing for Hillary’s first ‘listening’ session think she’s a ‘control freak’ who will be ‘talking s**t’ and only wants immigration reform because the Democratic party needs voters

Then today:

EXCLUSIVE: Campaign staff recruited and DROVE ‘everyday’ Iowans to Hillary’s first campaign stop – including health care ‘lobbyist in training’ who was an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur

You’re never going to see this in the liberal lamestream media. Outside of Fox News the American media is for sh*t.

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And Buzzfeed:
Apparently Hillary was ”caught on video” lying about her four grandparents all immigrating to the US when legal documents show only one of them did so.
Fauxahontus and Hillary are in a race to the bottom of a barrel of lies.
I wonder which one will win?