Davos Forum Elites to Demand Immediate Global Action on ‘Climate Change’
An impatient demand for the world to work harder to counter “climate change” will top the agenda at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting next month in Davos, Switzerland.
Organizers expect some 3,000 corporate and government representatives to fly in from around the world to broach climate issues at the luxury ski resort, with a squadron of some 1700 private jets providing transport for the bulk of the attendees.
The meeting’s theme in 2020 has been announced as “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World.” It aims to “drive governments and international institutions in tracking progress towards the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, and facilitate discussions on technology and trade governance.”
There’s more here but this is all you need to read. I am guessing that there has to be a lot of money to be made in global warming hysteria
These are supposedly smart people but they have never heard of video conferencing. Of course, that would eliminate the opportunity to travel to exotic locations in a private jet and party like a teenager on someone else’s nickel.
Yeah, it’s total BS, they know it and they are pretty sure WE know it. That’s why getting control of the world’s economy is getting more and more desperate.
Just think about t he size of their Carbon Footprints their going to leave bigger then the carbon footprint of the Average American Family no ones flapping their arms or using flying carpet and their not walking there
Technocrats go figure. They wish to sustain their rich and famous lifestyle but wont tell you the exact plan for controlling natural climate cycles. It will involve them telling you what you can have, what you must sacrifice loads of catch phrases from Agenda 2030.
DJ, it appears the unhingeness is getting stronger with you guys each hour.
A denial of climate change is out of step with reality. It’s right up there with Barack Obama born in Kenya or as Nathan says, planted here by foreign globalist. It channels the conspiracy push that Ukraine interfered with our election and Russia did not, or that Mueler’s report came up empty while in reality bringing 35 indictments and 7 convictions. Or maybe another of Nathan’s whoppers that Trump lying is a conspiracy theory of the left. It’s like promoting Ds are a do-nothing congress while delivering nearly 500 bills to McConnell who is sitting on them or that Mitch isn’t doing all he can to keep evidence of Trump’s from the people.
When you see the kind of idiot that comes out in support of the climate change hoax it only reinforces the belief that it is, indeed, a hoax that relies of lies to survive.
@Ronald J. Ward: Come on up to Wisconsin I can show you evidence of real climate change
How much tax money was spent to end it?
They take 4th graders out on field trips you might be able to grasp the concept.
DNA evidence proves that early humans survived the last Ice Age. Bones of Kostenki man, found in western Russia, are 37,000 years old, without Greta , Al Gore, government controls or a Paris climate agreement. But if you must scare the shit out of kids and not educate them, have at it.
@Ronald J. Ward: Seems AJ might want to understand calling someone a “liar” isn’t grounds for arrest or removal from a democratic election.
Purgery however (as Clinton verifiably committed), IS impeachable. Funny to falsely accuse Trump of doing what Clinton was convicted of doing. Actually, that’s silly.
@Nathan Blue: Well, they falsely accuse Trump of doing what Biden did… and VERIFIED ON VIDEO!! Democrats are not the smartest of people.
@Deplorable Me: The Church of Atheism/Marxism/Post-Modernism is just simple authoritarianism…power gained by mob rule, propaganda, and eventually violence.
The above “church” is the Left’s religion. They will tell you what to believe.
@Nathan Blue:
Assuming you’re referencing my comment above of “Or maybe another of Nathan’s whoppers that Trump lying is a conspiracy theory of the left”, I suspect that is 1 way for you to backtrack on your previous claim that the left pointing out trump’s constant and habitual lying is a conspiracy theory.
@Ronald J. Ward: Does repeating yourself over and over help?
Man made climate change is a hoax, it is a wealth redistribution scheme. If you so believe in this how willing are you to live like the Amish? Do you have any survival skills that would get you through 1 winter? They have no plan to save the planet even simple recycling is a massive fail, your plastics are floating in the ocean after being shipped by a huge polluting barge to Asia.
Standing on a corner with a sign saying “Will lie and avoid answering questions for food” got him a job with Soros, didn’t it?
@Deplorable Me: You give him way too much credit, 1 he has a job, 2 he would be paid to get laughed at.
@kitt: :
Denying man made climate change is a wealth redistribution scheme by the donor class and their purchased legislators.
I’m no tree huger by any stretch and I generally avoid the climate change arguments. But as a rule, even the most unhinged generally doesn’t state verbatim that it’s a hoax as that defies a great deal of reality. “To the extent of” is a much saner argument. The magnitude of man made climate change can be reasonably debated.
It reminds me of the 2012 Republican debate where Rick Perry, in his “oops” moment even stated an absolute no way of abolishing the EPA. Anyone of either party with a lick of common sense or memory of the 60’s smog or when rivers actually burned or the India Bhopal tragedy should agree that total deregulation and total denial of overwhelming scientific facts are not in our best interests.
But then, the Trump cult are not of the common sense guild.
@Ronald J. Ward: No, it’s one way for me to spin your little beta male ego around like a top…
The political Left is now the religious Right, taking umbrage at their enemies transgressions while hypocritically committing the same much more boldly in the public square.
You being a religious zealot, you’re never going to see your own sins.
Trump “lies” as much as any politician ever. What’s different is that he’s f*cking with idiots like you so you will defeat yourself.
It’s working.
@Ronald J. Ward: What dire predictions have panned out? I never denied climate change not once, I said MAN made climate change is a scam, hoax, fraud, fake they have turned it into some freaky religion, where anyone who questions them must be destroyed. They scare little kids with sure death. They repackage it on a regular basis as their bullshit prophesy of end of days falls flat time after time.
The Earth was a snowball and no icecaps at all, we are somewhere in a cycle that repeats.
Giving in and letting tehnocrats enslave you isnt going to stop the cycle, just create misery and mass poverty.
I know freedom is scary to someone who has no skills or knowledge so just go curl up and die never educate yourself, never take responsibility for your own life never adapt.
I would not have been surprised if this was you
Unable to accept he could purchase a weapon, unable to accept the blame of what he himself had done.
@kitt: Ain’t that your typical liberal; commits heinous crimes, then blames everyone else. Probably will be the left’s next idol.
@Nathan Blue:
I suppose if a frothing hate filled rant somehow in your mind brings credence to your disinformation and ultimately makes you feel better, well, Happy New Year.
@kitt: I corrected the “man made” part in my comment. I suppose you claim that fossil fuels, you know, oil and coal, have never been a factor? If so, they extracted themselves from the ground and then burned themselves.
One more time, I don’t chase butterflies or chain myself to trees in protest. In some cases, I even think some EPA and other regulations go too far. But I don’t believe that Mother Earth is exactly begging for more fuel fossil use. And that my friend, is a factual contributor to climate change.
And even if you don’t buy that, it would be hard to deny that Republican legislators and the right wing media, at the nod of corporate interest, is doing all it can to prevent any reasonable conversation of the issue.
Well, I could be wrong on one point, it’s no hard for Trump enablers to deny or claim anything.
@kitt: There. Does that answer your questions?
@Ronald J. Ward: No fossil fuels do not, Nature puts out more CO2 with 1 eruption. The EPA began by a Republican, was hijacked. No one except Green protestors thinks we shouldnt be making a shithole mess left for others to clean up. Eliminating pollution is a good thing. CO2 is plant food, not pollution.
Id be more willing to pay extra taxes if what the governments were doing made any sense. Anytime they call “consensus” science and their findings are wrong or data has been manipulated for any reason we start to ask reasoned questions. We are then accused of being deniers. They are deniers wont accept any other possible causes just like you.
Solar minima is correlated with changes in climate. Can Gore control the sun?
Expect colder temperatures we are going to burn more fuel to survive.
Only technology will save the planet, not drop outs that screech How Dare You.
Anybody notice that the whole “Greta” thing’s wheels came off this week?
first she is “taking a break,” and going back to school, then she’s back out “on strike.”
Next her dad says he and her mom used her mental illness’ ability to micro-focus as a means to distract her from parts of her other mental illnesses, namely her deep depressions.
He, the dad, is now saying this was a very misguided thing to do to her.
(Gee, ya think?)
Maybe now that they have acknowledged the real problem with her, they can get her effective help instead of distracting her from her real problems with fantasy ones.
Hope so.
@Nan G:
Yeah, I find the best way to fight depression is to become immersed in a fantasy that the world will end in a few years.
The shine kind of came off her when she advocated mass executions. Now, as predicted, the left is done with her, so she can join Cindy Sheehan on the ash heap of history.
@Ronald J. Ward:
We got you beat, buddy. You know it…hence you keep coming back for more.
Surrender accepted.
Now go do something in the New Year worth doing, rather than looking like a fool on FA. You’re an “anger” addict, and you need real therapy.
Greta’s daddy now worries that his daughter being used as a propaganda prop might harm her.
Meanwhile, Australia is burning…
@Greg: Wild fires are not “climate”, you know. Just for the record.
@Ronald J. Ward: 10
Give us just one absolutely factual lie that Trump has done. Just one. So far, after asking that many times, I’ve never had one Dimocrat be able to actually come up with even one example of a lie by President Trump. I suspect I’ll still be waiting even after this request. Oh, I suspect you’ll spout something, but it will not be an actual lie.
@Greg: greggie, is it global warming or global cooling that causes wildfires?
December 8, 2019 — Fish all gone! Gulf of Alaska fishery to close for the first time ever: No more cod: Salmon all but gone: Millions of small sea birds died since 2015
@Greg: Ok how much $$$ to the government will lower the ocean temperature?
Not to worry. Extinction will solve everything, including any concerns about dollars.
@Greg: I await the day when the climate zealots are extinct.
@Greg: So the fish have moved where they live. You ever noticed that people move around also? There are many old areas in the desert where entire cities are buried under the sand, but I didn’t notice anyone claiming humans are getting extinct just because they moved. Remember a few years ago when Polar bears were ‘getting extinct’, ? now they’re coming out of our ears. Remember when bald eagles nearly disappeared, now they are common in every state. They’ve even gotten so plentiful that it’s no longer illegal for a liberal to erect a giant windmill that a bald eagle can fly into and get killed. The libs don’t even care about eagles getting extinct anymore (it’s not the ‘hot’ in thing that gets all the publicity it used to. Some lobsters are over a hundred years old, but no one thinks twice about dropping them into boiling water just so they can have a meal. When we can’t go into Walmart and buy as much Salmon as we want to, then I’ll start being concerned. But I won’t be around when that happens a million years from now.
@Greg: No really whats the plan to fix the emergency and how much does it cost?
See thats a problem, they have no plan just give us money lots and lots of money. If they had a plan they dont care about the cost or quality cause its not their money, til we dont want them to take it for the non plan.
@Greg: 29
So you’re complaining about it getting hot and then you warn us that a huge iceberg is coming, only the tip is here now, but it’ll get hotter. What the hell?
@Redteam: Greg and his peudo scientists want you to believe climate never changes, the Sahara desert was never a grassland abundant with creatures that live in that climate, Wisconsin was never under 2 miles of ice way way way before this planet ever saw fossil fuel use. Volcanic and solar activity can all be plotted in a perfect computer model, governments can stop climate change, solar cycles, asteroids, and volcanic activity.
We are the crazy ones for non belief?
@kitt: Yes and Alaska was once a tropical paradise, but I’m sure that was just while the ancient cavemen were flying their private jets all over the Sahara wanting them to move some of that cooler air up to Alaska and cool it off a little. But they weren’t agreeable to not using the fossil fuels, so what did they end up with, ice floats all over the place and no place to plant their usual tropical gardens. Those climate changers are never happy. ” According to the science website Our Amazing Planet, Alaska and the polar regions were once hot enough to support flora and fauna as tropical as palm trees and crocodiles.” And just for the record, Antarctica was once tropical also.