If Donald Trump is guilty of bribery, Democrats are guilty of solicitation

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The headlines blasted the news: “Trump Accused of Bribery.” From Forbes to Newsweek, the latest in a long line of criminal acts was breathlessly reported after former George Bush ethics lawyer Richard Painter declared President Trump a “criminal” for raising campaign funds for senators who would sit as his jury in any impeachment trial. Over the last three years, such crimes have been declared by legal analysts with a certainty only equaled by their lack of permanency. It began with months of criminal collusion, which is not a crime, before evolving into treason, conspiracy, subornation of perjury, obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations, and more.

None of those crimes are included in the impeachment inquiry approved by the House on a partisan vote this week. Despite Democratic leaders insisting the special counsel report gave “ample” basis for impeachment charges, the resolution was conspicuous for its absence of any discussion of these prior “clear” crimes. The whole Russian scandal appears mere prelude to the real criminal conspiracy focused on a July phone call, after special counsel Robert Mueller presented his findings to Congress.

Even in the company of cable news analysts, Painter has distinguished himself as a perpetual motion machine of criminal accusations. He previously said that Trump could be impeached and removed on such grounds as a tweet referencing his ability to use nuclear weapons against an attack by North Korea. Painter also claimed that Trump met the “dictionary definition” of treason, based on Russian interference in the 2016 election. He called for his removal, under the 25th Amendment, as constitutionally incapacitated.

Now Painter claims the use of a “vast fundraising network” for Republican senators seeking reelection in 2020 is a crime. He flatly declared that “this is bribery,” no different than bribing jurors. Any senator accepting such contributions, he insisted, would be “guilty of accepting a bribe” and “should go to the slammer.” Just because a president may face a Senate trial, he is not required to end political activity, particularly with control of Congress in the balance. If that were the case, an opposing party could shut down a political activity by the president simply by moving to impeach him.

What is curious about this theory is that Painter does not appear to have any ethical problems with the potential “jurors” including himself running on their support for impeachment or conviction. He unsuccessfully ran for the Senate seat vacated by Democrat Al Franken of Minnesotra by promising to vote against Trump if elected. Last year, Time Magazine reported that Painter “made clear that calls for impeaching the president would be a major part of his platform” and quoted Painter as saying that the removal of Trump was a “very important component” of his campaign.

In their campaigns and fundraising, various House and Senate members have declared Trump guilty of a dozen crimes. Future Senate jurors such as Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren have raised money based on impeachment pledges and declaring Trump guilty. Not waiting for a trial, fellow candidate and Senate juror Kamala Harris declared in the last debate, “As a former prosecutor, I know a confession when I see it. He did it in plain sight. He has given us the evidence.”

Likewise, presidential candidate and former Housing and Urban Development secretary Julian Castro declared that Trump not only committed impeachable offenses but should be immediately removed. Various House members have pledged to seek impeachment. Representative Rashida Tlaib has sold profane shirts featuring her impeachment slogan for $29. If Trump is guilty of bribery, then Democrats are guilty of solicitation.

Why is it ethical for a potential Senate juror to raise money or campaign on a promise of voting for conviction, before charges are brought and let alone tried, yet call Trump a criminal for raising campaign funds to keep control of the Senate? Of course, this is a standard that did not apply to President Clinton, who actively campaigned for and helped finance Democratic senators who sat in judgment at his impeachment trial.

Painter’s bribery allegation also contradicts the longstanding Democratic talking point that impeachment is a “political not a legal process.” When some of us have objected that claims of clear criminal acts did not meet the standard of the criminal code or prior rulings, experts have insisted this is more of a political judgment and process. Representative Maxine Waters has insisted that this is a political judgment and “Impeachment is about whatever the Congress says it is.” If true, then why is it a crime to respond politically, by working to maintain a majority in the Senate?

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@retire05: He gets triggered and says we are strung too tight, simply amusing.

@kitt: I believe you said that as a proud cheerleader for Donnie you are fine with Trumpeteer
Why would ANYONE who supports Trump have a problem with it? Wear it proudly

Now if you thought him a bombastic fool, as most do—I’d see the problem.

BTW—Do you see grouchy old 5 answering any of my questions? Talk about being a hypocrite.

@Richard Wheeler:

@kitt: I believe you said that as a proud cheerleader for Donnie your are fine with Trumpeteer

Hint: do wap do wap, rattle the cobwebs in your old grey head, maybe your low cholesterol diet has dried up the few brain cells you have.
The brain is the most cholesterol-rich organ in the body. The concentration of cholesterol in the brain, and particularly in myelin, is consistent with an essential function related to its membrane properties.
Never said I was a cheerleader, ever.

@kitt: What was the moniker you used as a Trump supporter?—refresh my memory. Was it Trumpette?
Do you see Trumpeteer as a negative? If so –why?

“Red meat bad”—debunked you say–by who? meat packers I’d guess

Certainly agree it wise to stay away from meds.

@Richard Wheeler: No not meat packers or the GB Packers who took a second loss for the season now 7-2
Was it Trumpette? ding ding ding
Sugar and carbs are the enemy, I hate to say cause I love my pasta. These should be very limited in the diet I never agree with total elimination.
Red meat, its the same with eggs, and whole milk and cheese its good for you, add a big bunch of fresh veggies.
Trumpeteer is just dumb, as dumb as cheerleader.
Time for bed, cant turn the clock back on the poodle she has been sitting on the landing waiting to snuggle mom in bed. She had me up at 5 for her breakfast and to be let outside, sheesh!

@Richard Wheeler:

Most Americans want him gone in 2020

Sources, please?

Polls don’t count, by the way. Polls said he’d wouldn’t run, wouldn’t win the primary, wouldn’t win the election, wouldn’t do anything that a small, small minority of biased political operatives blasting propaganda didn’t want people to think he could do.

Trump wins the Popular Vote and EC in 2020.

Gabbard was the only sane Dem running, and they made her into “Trump”. They took your approval of her and said “no no…you may NOT approve of her”…

At what point do you see the Dems are completely desperate and corrupt?

@Nathan Blue: Nathan—-I truly apologize for not responding to your previous contact—life got in the way—then along came 05.

I know you like Trump for legitimate reasons you’ve given.. Quite simply I dislike him as a human being and this over powers his success with the economy—you may not understand that thinking.

Lets let the primaries play out—I love this season—almost as much as college football–The Dems may look in disarray but they are not—it would be a huge mistake to underestimate a Party that is backed by such a diversity of voters-

-If women are energized sufficiently I believe they will bring down Trump. Tulsi is the future of The Party—she is an environmentalist, a warrior and a compassionate leader—-3 things Trump is not

I believe—but certainly can’t prove until election day, that the majority of Americans feel as I do—-this must also translate to the E.C.—where Dems will not repeat their lazy 2016 efforts
I honestly don’t know who will get the Dem nod but he /she will be better than HRC and with The Party fully engaged to make Trump a one term Prez—Dems will get the W..


@kitt: So you are a proud Trumpette—other than gender what is the difference –trumpette vs trumpeteer or trumpist.

Re consumption of meat one can find articles on both sides similar to the environmental arguments

Know YOUR body and it’s reactions to what you eat
Same argument can be made re environment and climate change—do YOUR research and observe

We say refrain from animal consumption
1 compassion 2 health 3 environment

@Richard Wheeler: I consume meat not meet since we are into spelling.
1 compassion 2 health 3 environment
1 compassion, I hope a quickand painless death such as is done by a hunter and a heart shot.
2 Health, Science has never ever proven eating meat is unhealthy it was 1 mans agenda
3 environment, Vast herds of animals used to roam the planet bison, gnu elephants. For centuries humans have been managing the land and their herds.
The government is clueless they want to eliminate the wild burros despite them being beneficial to other wildlife. Their management of wild horses is dismal.
You dont trust them with medication why trust them with your diet?
Read just a little of “big fat lie” and how a healthy diet was ruined by effective propaganda and big pharma. Round up is safe…right?

@kitt: 1—“you hope”–worthless against the horrors of factory farming
2—one man??who is that?–red meat has been proven bad for the digestive system and the heart—that’s a fact–many don’t learn till they are middle aged and obese.
3—The fattening of the animals for consumption —-waste of food and water—pollution follows you can’t consume meat and be a protector of the environment.

You call yourself a Trumpette–very cute-

@Richard Wheeler: Big pharma studies, seems we evolved as omnivores, doubtful european ancestors could have survived in the harsh winters on bark, the Innuit were described as very healthy people munching on blubber, before adopting some of the modern diet.
Indeed factory farming is shameful, too bad the government policies and predatory banking practices have all but killed family farms, they have nearly killed ranching.
Fortunately my uncle rejected debt and most of his children own their own family farms now, his eldest is all organic.
You think trumpeteer is ok? how about libertard? Obamanite, NWOzombie?
I much prefer fellow American.

@kitt: We are omnivores which means we have a choice—we eat meat simply for our pleasure—there are alternatives now that taste just as good and are plant based.
You are what you eat—why should we consume violence when there is no need to do so?

IF Trumpette ok why not one who cheers and leads the parade for their chosen one? Proudly wear your MAGA hat. I’m a HUGE Tulsi SUPPORTER—She is looking to appeal to indies and traditional Repubs—her goal is The Presidency no later than 2028–she is only 38.

@Nathan Blue: Not so fast Nathan===Trump goes into Kentucky for rally and Dem beats sitting Repub Gov—-hopefully Mitch goes down next. Dems have a shot at taking The Senate—so any prediction of DEM demise is premature.

@Richard Wheeler: I dont look good in hats, I’ll just vote. I wouldnt mind losing Mitch, I celebrated mind losing Ryan.
Guess we will have to wait til November 2020 to see.
The Dem promised legal dope same thing Evers did here, very very close race Beshear has a lead over Bevin of 4,658 votes out of more than 1.4 million counted, or a margin of 0.3 percentage points.
Release of the IG report could have an effect.

@kitt: To paraphrase M.T the reports of Dems death are greatly exaggerated. Trump won state by over 20 points 3 years ago.

legal dope?? lol—any worse than tobacco?

@Richard Wheeler:

legal dope?? lol—any worse than tobacco?

No just gets out those that normally DGAF about who the gov is. They are normally too high to figure out it has to go through the state house first.

@kitt: Must be the reason both State Houses in VA. turned from Repub. to Dem.

Better than blaming that damn lame stream media.over and over.