by Larry O’Connor
I am so confused.
Yesterday, President Joe Biden chastised a reporter for asking a question about the classified document scandal he has created for his presidency by haphazardly storing Top Secret national security documents in his garage.
After claiming there were more important things that he should be discussing, he went on to read a prepared statement that his lawyers had provided him.
BIDEN ON CLASSIFIED DOCS: "I have no regrets. I'm following what the lawyers have told me they want me to do. It's exactly what we're doing. There's no there, there."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 19, 2023
Just the day before, White House press Secretary Karin Jean-Pierre deflected question after question from an increasingly intense White House press corps. Her explanation was that the White House did not want to get in the way of an ongoing investigation.
Oh wait, I’m sorry. It’s not an investigation, according to the White House. It’s just a “review.” Last I checked, the Attorney General doesn’t appoint a special counsel to conduct a “review.”
But back to our plucky little press secretary at the White House. She deflected every question posed to her with the same “I refer you to the Justice Department” or “I refer you to the White House counsel’s office” response.
President Biden and the White House communications team claim that they’re not going to address any of these questions because they don’t want to disrupt the work of the Justice Department or the work of the special counsel’s office.
At the same time, they claim they did absolutely nothing wrong and that everything is on the up and up and there was no mishandling of classified documents, and that either way, they’re a lot better than Trump because he’s just a mean orange man who tweets mean things.
That’s basically their line of defense at this point
But let’s play this out logically, shall we?
If Joe Biden did absolutely nothing wrong, why does he have to read a prepared statement from his lawyers?
If Joe Biden did absolutely nothing wrong, why is he resistant to answering questions?
If Joe Biden did absolutely nothing wrong, why is his press secretary deflecting every benign innocuous question about the matter?
If Joe Biden did absolutely nothing wrong, why doesn’t he hold an open-ended press conference fielding every single question that any reporter might have about the matter?
If Joe Biden has the truth on his side, why should he be hesitant to answer every question any of us might have?
If Joe Biden has the truth on his side, why can he only read from a carefully prepared statement?
If Joe Biden has the truth on his side and he did absolutely nothing wrong, how could his answers or his press secretaries’ answers to any of these questions get in the way of the Justice Department’s work?
The investigation (or even “review” if you want to be generous) of Biden’s handling of classified materials and his sloppy storage of national security secrets could only be aided by hearing from the president and having him answer obvious questions.
I mean, if he really wants to help the Justice Department and the special counsel, he should start answering questions immediately. You would think he would want to get this thing over with.
He’s in the right, after all. He didn’t do anything wrong…
He has the truth on his side!
So let’s have every question asked and answered, get the truth out there so the special counsel’s office can finish its review and then we can move on.
I’m so confused.
The president and his entire White House assure us that he did nothing wrong and state secrets were never in jeopardy, and nobody had access to any of the sensitive material, and did I mention the president did nothing wrong and he has the truth on his side?
Yeah, that’s right. The president did nothing wrong and has the truth on his side.
So you can understand why I’m so confused. When somebody has the truth on their side, they’re eager to tell the truth. They’re eager to speak out for themselves.
Mike Davis: Joe Biden’s Handling of Classified Documents Was No Accident (
Mike Davis Reveals How Biden White House and DOJ Have Colluded to Hide Document Scandal (
biden is a CCP asset, fully compromised and has engaged in espionage. He qualifies as a traitor having committed numerous acts of treason.
Idiot Biden’s defense is he’s cooperating with his lawyers that are trying to make sure he doesn’t blurt out the truth. That’s it. He stole classified, even Top Secret documents. It doesn’t matter who packed them up, he had them when he shouldn’t have when the packing was done. He didn’t accidentally take them and the wind didn’t blow them into his offices, library and garage. He stole them and put them there in the most unsecured condition they could possibly be stored.
Trump declassified documents, most likely all regarding “Crossfire Hurricane”, and took unclassified documents. He locked them up. He allowed the FBI to review them and returned some. He complied with FBI recommendations to secure the documents further. There is no comparison between Trump lawfully doing what every other President has been allowed to do and idiot Biden stealing Top Secret documents.
What is more important than national security? Certainly not exploiting some storms and human misery to promote the climate scam. Our border is national security as well and he has stolen our border security and made it porous. Idiot Biden does not take national security seriously. He only takes increasing his personal wealth seriously. VERY seriously. It’s his obsession.
I’m not confused. Not in the least. Idiot Biden is exposed in yet another corruption scandal and his prime focus is to follow lawyer’s advice and clam up. It’s a very familiar routine with this corrupt, thieving liar. Impeach his sorry ass and get him out of my sight.
Joey has a big mouth he loves to brag, he tells you about illegal stuff he pulled like in Ukraine. Using loan guarantees as blackmail. Back then a billion was big bucks now 100 billion is peanuts to Ukraine. His Lawyers want Joey to keep his big yap shut, someone flipped on Joey he has had this stuff for 6 years, well since he began to make enough to buy mansions. Perhaps a SS agent maybe maybe not.
Is the M.S. Media still going to support Biden next year and follow him off the cliff a like bunch of lemmings?
The “special counsel” is there to create a buffer and black box. Any requests for information that get too close to facts or truth will be deemed to be unavailable due to the ongoing “review” by the Special Counsel.
This leaves the Biden team as the only voice in the media.