“I would be scared silly if I were them”

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Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake @ WaPo:

In the past two months, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee have outraised President Obama and the Democratic National Committee by $61 million.

And, while Obama’s campaign has yet to release its cash-on-hand total at the end of July, it’s a near-certainty that Romney’s $26 million edge at the end of June widened in July.

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (C) greets supporters as he arrives at a campaign event with U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock (L) at Stepto’s Bar B Q Shack on August 4, 2012 in Evansville, Indiana. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Add to those numbers the fact that, as of mid-July, Republican super PACs and other conservative aligned outside groups were outspending their Democratic counterparts by a seven-to-one margin on the TV airwaves in swing states, and you are left with a simple, inescapable conclusion: The President of the United States is likely to be heavily outspent in the final three months of this campaign.

On that point, all political types agree. On how worried Obama and his team are — and should be — about being outspent so heavily, there is considerably more debate.

Guy Saperstein, a major Democratic donor who has been publicly critical of Obama, said he recently played golf with a major Obama donor/bundler and “they will tell you they are worried” about the fundraising disparity in the race’s final stages.

Saperstein added that Obama’s team adding more fundraisers to his schedule — the president was in Connecticut on Monday night to raise money and will spend Wednesday and Thursday in Colorado collecting cash (among other activities) — amounted to evidence of those worries.

(Saperstein did note, however, that he doesn’t believe the race will be determined by which candidate spends the most. More on that below.)

Another Democrat who closely follows the activities of major donors in the party was even more blunt — although he was unwilling to speak on the record about his concerns.

“I would be scared silly if I were them,” the Democrat said of the Obama team. “While they will raise enough in September and October to stay competitive, the psychological and energy drain of having to worry about this will be another burden they don’t need.”

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Poor Barry! Mitt is raising more funds than he can get from his Hollywood, Wall Street and foreign comrads. I think that if we can look at all of the PACs and guys like Soros, this is nearly even.

Yes, I guess this election will prove whether money is more important that integrity.

libzero: I guess this election will prove whether money is more important that integrity.

Behind the eight ball again, eh? Your proof came in 2008.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Are you telling us that the liar in chief has integrity?

The next three months are going to be very interesting.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): If it is 0-bama will be gone for sure!!

@Liberal1 (objectivity):
You mean something like telling your opponent your going to accept matching funds and then decide not to and raise over a billion dollars? That kind of integrity?

@Aqua: Or like telling America that our policies will lower the unemployment rate to under 6% in three years if you give me $800 billion. But actually it’s 8.3% and rising while the workforce is 68% of what it was when he took office? Or raising the national debt by $1.4 trillion in three short years? Or blaming Bush or anyone but himself for his failures?? Well said!!

MO ELLEITHEE, democratic strategist was on PBS and said this:

Neither one of these guys is going to run out of money.

On the same program Rick Davis (used to be with McCain campaign) said:

Barack Obama has raised more fat cat money per capita than Mitt Romney has.
Barack Obama raised more money than Mitt Romney has.

Then he added:

The bottom line is I think the real issue for Barack Obama’s reelection is whether or not he has got an economy that he can pitch to people as exactly what they want four more years of.
And I don’t think all the ad spending in the country is going to make a difference if people are unhappy with the economy, and it’s the economy that Barack Obama gave them.

This is why Obama’s real campaign is all about diversion, Diversion, DIVERSION!