I won’t call this a struggle between good and evil. I mean, it is, but I won’t call it that.

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by Don Surber

Tucker Carlson nailed it last night: “A leader’s courage gives courage to his people.”

Trump later told the audience: “I’m not supposed to be here tonight.”

The crowd erupted in chants of “YES YOU ARE! YES YOU ARE!”

Trump: “I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God.”

Humility seems like an odd word to use around Donald Trump, but he has been humbled. Being shot drove him to his knees. His life flashed before him. And I believe that his future was revealed as well.

I won’t call this a struggle between good and evil. I mean, it is, but I won’t call it that. This is a battle between those who believe they are entitled to prominence and power, and those who earn it.

An odd news item illustrates this.

Newsweek reported, “According to data provided by Donald J. Trump For President 2024 — the official campaign aimed at supporting the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s reelection bid — the campaign spent over $36,780 in the period in 113 transactions in chains including Chick Fil-A, Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts.

“Meanwhile, President Joe Biden‘s official campaign, Biden For President, spent more than $32,100 on food and drinks in 17 transactions in June. His campaign patronized steakhouses and independent BBQ restaurants including Asadero, Tonic Seafood and Steak and Dragon Pit rather than fast food chains.”

That worked out to $325 per transaction for Trump and $1,888 per transaction for Biden. This is campaign money, which comes from other people.

Lunch Pail Joe eats “American Wagyu beef cooked over mesquite wood” while the out-of-touch billionaire has a Big Mac. This race is, like the last two presidential elections were, between the entitled and the earner.

Democrats spend like they are trust fund babies. The whole student loan program is built on that. The student loans are not limited to tuition and books but include room and board, along with travel to study abroad.

Trump spends like a man who has to meet payroll.

To be sure, his three-story penthouse apartment in New York is worthy of Versailles but you don’t sell luxury condos by living in a van down by the river.

Saturday’s assassination attempt, which was all too unsurprising, did not win the election for anyone. Stay on task. That means registering voters, attending rallies and doing what you can to defeat the people who turned our great nation into the Banana Republic of America. Pray.

Democrats have made sex and race and sexual orientation entitlements. Call them DEImocrats. Obama’s pitch was that after 219 years of white presidents, his color alone entitled him to be president — the debate is over.

Women, too, have convinced themselves that their sex entitles them to public office. Sonia Sotomayor was blunt about it, stating, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

She is so wise that she now claims that a president can send a Navy SEALs team to kill a political opponent. Did she take the short bus to law school?

Competing against DEI makes white men work harder to earn their seat at the table. No one has worked harder or smarter than Donald Trump.

You don’t go from being a millionaire’s son to being a multi-billionaire by playing it safe. At 30 and against his father’s advice, Trump cut a deal to buy a roach-and-rat-infested Commodore Hotel, which he turned into the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread. That’s why so many fools are rich.

You also don’t beat Hillary Clinton by not taking chances.

On October 31, 2016, John Cassidy of the New Yorker wrote:

According to the polls, Donald Trump has been trailing Hillary Clinton badly in Michigan and Wisconsin for months. In Michigan, two surveys taken last week showed Clinton leading by seven percentage points. In a third poll, the margin was six points. It’s a similar story in Wisconsin, where the past three polls have shown Clinton ahead by four points, six points, and seven points.

Why, then, with just more than a week left before Election Day, is Trump campaigning in these two states? Surely he would be better off camping out in places where the polls are closer, such as Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, and Ohio — that’s what many Republican strategists believe.

The Trump campaign, though, is operating according to its own logic, or illogic. A few weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that the campaign believed that its best chance of victory was to eschew the middle ground, seek to create a bigger-than-expected turnout among Trump’s core demographic, and bank on Democratic turnout being low.

Wisconsin had not voted for a Republican candidate in 28 years. Pennsylvania and Michigan hadn’t in 24 years. Trump flipped all three and Hillary flipped her wig on Election Night. She was so drunk that she could not give a concession speech and had to sleep her “pneumonia” off before conceding the next day.

This year, Trump has turned Minnesota into a battleground state. Minnesota is the bluest of states having gone Democrat in each of the last 12 presidential elections. No one else has. Not Hawaii. Not New York. Not even Massachusetts, which Reagan carried in 1984.

Trump can end that 52-year drought for Republicans in Minnesota.

It won’t be easy.

Forget sight, smell and hearing. The strongest sense in Democrats is the sense of entitlement. Dems are willing to sacrifice their own president just to hang onto power.

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I think, at this point, the Democrats have ceded the Presidency. They should have changed candidates a year ago, but hoped they could basement their way to another election kept within fraud range. The debate destroyed that hope. Now, they only hope to keep enough Congressional seats to strangle Trump’s agenda to drive the nation forward to prosperity, peace and security.

Yeah… THAT’S what they oppose.

From budgets to legislation Republicans dd a fine job of strangling Trumps agenda, Mitch was booed at the convention, Johnson cant herd his cats. Now again they want to ride his coat-tails. We can wait t see if they are really all in on the plan, or their lobbyists.

Last edited 6 months ago by kitt