‘I Know Nothing!’ Hispanic Caucus Member Didn’t Know That Illegals Will Receive Tax Refunds

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Kerry Picket:

Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez told The Daily Caller Friday that he didn’t know that illegal immigrants are eligible for tax refunds — even if they haven’t paid taxes.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told members of Congress Wednesday that illegal immigrants who did not pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they are issued social security numbers.

“I know nothing of the sort,” Gutierrez snapped at a Daily Caller reporter Friday when asked about Koskinen’s testimony.

“Of course it would be like you to raise that sort of question,” the Democrat continued. “Why don’t you ask the commissioner of the IRS?”

The commissioner, of course, had already been asked about it.

“Under the new program,” Koskinen told members of the House oversight committee Wednesday, “if you get a Social Security number and you work, you’ll be eligible to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit.”

“You will get an amount depending on your situation,” Koskinen added. “If you are an individual working and applying for the Earned Income Tax Credit, the maximum you can get is in the range of 500 to 600 dollars.”

However, according to the IRS’ own website, a filer can receive a check up to $6,143 when they have “three or more qualifying children.”

When asked whether the tax credit program was only eligible to illegal immigrants who has previously filed tax returns, Koskinen conceded that those who haven’t filed before could still be eligible for back-credits.

“It turns out there was a lack of clarity about that,” Koskinen said. “If you get a social security number, you can then file for this year if you’re working and if you earned income in the 3 years you were working before that and filed you’ll be eligible.”

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The revelation — which contradicts what he told Congress last week — comes as lawmakers also raised concerns Mr. Obama’s amnesty could open a window to illegal immigrants finding ways to vote, despite it being against the law.

“While we may disagree about whether your deferred action programs were lawfully created and implemented, we are confident that we can all agree that these programs cannot be permitted to impair the integrity of our elections,” Republican members of Congress from Ohio wrote in a letter to Mr. Obama Wednesday, ahead of a hearing on the issue in the House on Thursday.


On Wednesday, he said even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to apply for back-credits once they get Social Security numbers.

The EITC is a refundable tax credit, which means those who don’t have any tax liability can still get money back from the government.

“Under the new program, if you get a Social Security number and you work, you’ll be eligible to apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit,” Mr. Koskinen said.

He said that would apply even “if you did not file” taxes, as long as the illegal immigrant could demonstrate having worked off-the-books during those years.

That expands the universe of people eligible for the tax credit by millions. He said only about 700,000 illegal immigrants currently work and pay taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, but as many as 4 million illegal immigrants could get a stay of deportation and work permits under the temporary amnesty, which would mean they would be eligible to claim back-refunds if they worked those years.

Goodlatte: Executive Amnesty Contains ‘Sneaky’ Path to Citizenship

The key is that DHS allows the illegal immigrants who enroll in the deferred action program established by Obama’s orders to apply for advanced parole status.

“As you know, when an individual receives advance parole, upon return to the United States the individual can then be eligible to adjust to lawful permanent resident (LPR) status,” Goodlatte writes to Johnson. “And as you know, lawful permanent resident status is the precursor to U.S. citizenship. A simple search of the Internet reveals that immigration reform advocacy groups and immigration benefits law practices are fully aware of the path to citizenship that is afforded to DACA recipients through advance parole.”

USCIS staff told Goodlatte’s office that 88 percent of illegal immigrants who applied for advance parole through the deferred action program in the last two years had their request approved.

Goodlatte: Obama Program Could Put ‘Hundreds Of Thousands’ Illegal Immigrants On Path To Citizenship

Goodlatte raised the issue in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson Friday; the Virginia lawmaker highlighted President Obama’s assertion that DACA would not lead to citizenship.

“When announcing the creation of the DACA program on June 15, 2012, President Obama stated from the White House Rose Garden that, ‘Now, let’s be clear — this is not amnesty, this is not immunity. This is not a path to citizenship.’” Goodlatte wrote. “Unfortunately your Department seems to be acting contrary to the President’s intent in its implementation of DACA and the expanded DACA program set to begin next Wednesday, February 18, 2015.”

The Judiciary chairman called the new changes to the program a “sneaky attempt to place potentially hundreds of thousands of unlawful immigrants on a path to citizenship.”

In his missive to Johnson Goodlatte requested data related to the changes.

“When the President of the United States tells the American people that DACA is ‘not a path to citizenship,’ no agency should take action in direct conflict with that statement. To do so is misleading the American people,” he wrote.

Sen. Sessions: Executive Amnesty Citizenship Revelation ‘A Scandal’

“Our laws have been dismantled, stripped bare,” Sessions, the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, said.


Sessions further highlighted that Friday’s revelation is the latest in a long line of unsavory surprises about Obama’s executive amnesty.

“We’ve learned that illegal immigrants will be given billions in free cash tax credits. We’ve learned that illegal immigrants will be given trillions in lifetime federal entitlement benefits through Social Security and Medicare. We’ve learned that illegal immigrants will be given driver’s licenses, creating new avenues for voter fraud. We’ve learned that the President’s edict will allow companies to replace American workers with illegal workers instead,” he said, going on to point out the latest citizenship issue.

Brat: Exec Amnesty Means ‘The Nature Of Our Government Is In Question’

“This [the immigration executive action] is about a Constitutional stand…if we don’t make a stand here, where will it end? And so the nature of our government is in question, and so that’s why we’re doing what we’re doing, and Boehner has said he’s going to fight it tooth and nail and so we’re going to hold him to that” he stated.

Brat added that he was in the meeting where Speaker Boehner reportedly called out Senators Sessions and Cruz on immigration, and that he believed “the headline, I think, is wrong, I hope our guys in the Senate are fighting…if he’s challenging Cruz and Sessions, I know where they’re going to come out so I like the bet.”

Later, he stated “I hope people at home, people that are listening, are lighting up the phones to their Senators…that’s what works up here.”