I guess the Iranians were correct…

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…when they said the Obama administration lied about its deal with them.

It’s a sad thing that, on hearing those Iranian claims, I was already inclined to believe their version more than Obama’s. That’s how little meaning his word has these days. And now the WaPo, not known for dissing Obama, has published an editorial that begins:

The fact sheet distributed by the Obama administration about the nuclear agreement with Iran is notable for its omissions.

I suppose Obama misspoke again, because somehow the WaPo manages to write the entire piece without once directly accusing him of lying, and also without once citing the Iranian claims of mendacity that almost certainly sparked the WaPo’s examination of the terms of the agreement.

Here’s the way the editorial deals with the central issue of enrichment:

Though White House officials and Secretary of State John F. Kerry repeatedly said that Iran’s assertion of a “right to enrich” uranium would not be recognized in an interim deal, the text says the “comprehensive solution” will “involve a mutually defined enrichment program with mutually agreed parameters.” In other words, the United States and its partners have already agreed that Iranian enrichment activity will continue indefinitely. In contrast, a long-standing U.S. demand that an underground enrichment facility be closed is not mentioned.

But that’s not even the worst of it, according to the WaPo:

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Obama threw Israel under the bus to get the ObamaCare web site off the front pages for a day or two.
That’s beyond pathetic.

A lie by omission is still a lie… add those to the long list of crap we’ve been fed.
I wonder how long it’s gonna take before that 49% of the population that put him in office realizes what they have done.

@Scott in Oklahoma: Why damage your credibility?
2012 Obama 51.1%- Romney 47.2%
2008 Obama 52.9%-McCain 45.7%

Okay Richard, when are YOU and the others going to wake up? Never mind the pickiness of a couple of percent, I am not worried in the least about my credibility. You and the liberals you claim as allies, on the other hand, don’t have any to worry about. At some point, you won’t be able to ignore how you’ve been led down the path, but I’m afraid it’s going to cost an awful lot of lives.