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whores, Tip O’Neal once noted that DC is a city of whores that line up every day to get paid, no different than the media. ?? what do these whores of the media get paid? notice that all are demorats.

O’Keefe has videos coming out next that were taken with hidden cameras inside media newsrooms. Should be entertaining next week watching the meda squirm as they get busted out even more as propagandists for the DNC. He hinted that CNN may be one of those caught on film.

They are nutz, all looking to be the first to report anything negative. Cooking up a way to present any thing he says or does in a negative light.
But fail to report interesting things
No reports on international or EU news, same old boring bash Trump 24/7.

A-Mess-NBC the peacock is a liar just like the rest of the media vultures all we have to do to know that is by watching the news or reading the daily birdcage liners to know their liars