Hypocritical Pelosi “The Obamacare SCOTUS Arguments Should Be Transparent”

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Tuesday, as Michelle noted, C-Span asked the Supreme Court to allow their cameras to televise oral arguments when the Court hears the Obamacare law case next spring.

Nancy Pelosi agrees:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday that Supreme Court arguments over President Obama’s healthcare law should be televised.

“When the Affordable Care Act is placed before the highest court in our country, all Americans will have a stake in the debate; therefore, all Americans should have access to it,” Pelosi said in a news release.

Back when all Americans should have had a stake in the debate — which was when it was being written — all they got was closed door meetings and “you have to pass it to find out what’s in it.” Now that it’s in the Supreme Court, where the opinion of anybody who isn’t wearing a SCOTUS robe or in the room arguing the case doesn’t really matter, transparency should be the order of the day.

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The SCOTUS should tell Pelosi to keep her hypocritical nose out of their business. I would much rather see 24-hour live webcam broadcasts available in every Senator and Representative’s offices.