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Hypocrisy and losing leftist friends

By Bookworm

In 2016, when Trump took office, I lost two friends. One was a NeverTrumper who decided that his conservative values mattered less than his personal distaste for Trump, so he voted for Hillary. Another, to his credit, was at least a hardcore lefty. I didn’t drop either of them. Both felt that they could no longer have any social dealings with someone who supported a bantam rooster of a man who nevertheless believed in traditional American values and never strayed from the Constitution.

There was one leftist, however, with whom I did stay friends for the past four years — although, admittedly, my relocating meant that our communications were substantially diminished. We raised our kids together, hung out together, shared sorrows and joys together, and I certainly considered her one of my closest and most important friends. I knew she was a leftist; she knew I was a conservative, but we kept politics out of it.

That is, until Wednesday evening when, completely out of the blue, I received a text from her: “I hold you personally responsible for what happened in Washington because you’ve been feeding people the fairytale about the election.”

The text was so out-of-the-blue, especially from a person whose self-image is defined entirely by seeing herself as “nice,” that I asked if it was a hack. No, it wasn’t. I asked her, therefore, never to contact me again.

Did I overreact? I don’t think so. It would have been one thing if she had tweeted that she was sad about events and worried that people talking about election fraud were what led to it. Or if she had asked me a question about events. But to hold me “personally responsible” — well, that was different. A friend of mine understood. It was, she said, as if a good Christian friend suddenly turns to you, out of the blue, and calls you a “dirty k**e.” Some things are so vicious and extreme that there is no walking them back. Those words sever all ties.

So that’s the set-up. I’ve severed contact and, while I feel a sense of loss because the friendship was a good one for 20 years, I also want to fulminate here about her utter hypocrisy. Because, while she and I didn’t talk politics, I saw on her Facebook page what was happening over the past few years.

She was out on the streets with her stupid little vagina hat protesting Trump’s inauguration.

She used her Facebook page regularly to launch attacks on Trump, escalating this as the election neared.

I seem to recall her using her Facebook page to protest Trump putting kids in cages, although she never had a problem with that during Obama’s years.

She was totally copacetic about the violent conduct during and after the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, including leftists storming the Capitol and trying to break down the doors to the Supreme Court. If I remember correctly she actively supported Blowsy-Frauds claims against Kavanaugh, despite the fact that no one could corroborate them and they suffered from so many internal contradictions it was impossible for them to be true.

And this past year, on Facebook, this white collar, stay-at-home worker fully supported the lockdowns that created terrible desperation amongst people who watched Democrat politicians reduce them to penury.

She supported the Black Lives Matter marches. Her response to the riots, the lootings, the beatings, the statue destruction, or the more than a dozen murders that happened under the BLM banner was to attack the NRA. Nor, despite her support for the economy and life-destroying lockdown, did she feel very troubled by thousands of people leaving their homes to riot and loot.

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