Hunter Biden’s Guilty? Quick, Let’s Pretend Trump’s Prosecution is Fair!

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by Charles Downs

Following Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict on Tuesday, the mainstream media was quick to make the false argument that Hunter Biden and President Trump’s cases were “equal justice under the law.” They claimed that it is not possible that Trump’s “guilty” verdict was part of a political prosecution led by Joe Biden’s White House.

However, this cannot be further from the truth. For starters, Hunter Biden was found guilty of lying about drug use on a federal background check to purchase a firearm. Hunter self-documented his drug use during the time in question, making his criminal case pretty open and shut.

This was not the reality in Trump’s case, as DA Alvin Bragg relied upon testimony from proven liars Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen to “convict” Trump. The mainstream media also spread a lie that Hunter Biden was a “victim” due to being a drug addict.

The vital fact CNN and MSNBC left out to their viewers is that Hunter had all the resources in the world to get help, something most drug addicts in America do not have access to, and then chose to avoid rehab.

Tuesday is yet another example proving the mainstream media will “report” anything to advance Democrat propaganda.

Following Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict, ABC News reported that Hunter would likely not go to jail. Many Americans not named Hunter Biden convicted of the same crime receive up to 25 years in federal prison.

The Trump Campaign rightfully called Hunter Biden’s conviction a distraction, writing, “This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia, and Ukraine. Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit.”

Joe Biden also released a statement following Hunter’s conviction, writing he is “proud of his son. Laura Loomer wrote in response, “Proud of the fact your son is a convicted felon drug addict who fucked your dead son’s wife? Wow. What a failed father @JoeBiden is and always has been. Too bad you weren’t there for Beau when Hunter was banging his wife. You were there for Ashley thoughin the shower.”

The most outrageous lie the mainstream media told Monday was that Hunter Biden’s conviction makes Trump’s “conviction” not a political prosecution. This is false, as Hunter admitted to using drugs at the time when he lied on a federal gun background check. DA Alvin Bragg relied on hearsay and gossipy tales from known liars Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels to “convict” Trump.

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joe biden had a son who is a convicted felon. This is only the start of many indictments and guilty verdicts for his criminal history.

Which will all somehow be part of Biden’s master plan to “weaponize” the DOJ against Republicans.

Makes perfect sense.

You assume his plans actually work. The fact is, the DoJ has been working overtime long before Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden became the first fraudulent President to bury Hunter’s crimes. The USSS detail protecting Hunter tried to get the 4473 after they retrieved the handgun from the trash so this crime could be murdered in the crib. If they had, we’d never known of it. Only a few courageous whistleblowers (being persecuted by the FBI now) coming forward has brought to light the scope of the coverup of Hunter’s crimes so it doesn’t embarrass Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden (any more than he does himself).

Meanwhile, the left has to invent new and novel laws with which to ensnare Trump. Kind of see the divergence of equal justice there yet? Probably not.

Cuff em and Stuff em and throw away the Key

Let us not forget that the USSS detail, paid for by the taxpayer and charged with protecting Hunter from drug dealers, hookers and outraged hotel managers, tried desperately to get the 4473 from the shop owner so they could make this entire episode just go away. As Maxwell Smart would say, “Missed it by that much.”