Hugh Hewitt interview with Herman Cain

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HC: Lenora Cain was my mother, who was a domestic worker. Luther Cain, Jr., was my father, who was a barber, a janitor and a chauffer. And they didn’t start with much. Both of them walked off of a farm at the age of 18, different farms, but they walked off with literally nothing. And they basically pursued their American dream, and they achieved it. And my dad worked three jobs as a barber, a janitor and a chauffer in order to be able to save enough money to buy that little house that he wanted. So my parents gave me great values, and great inspiration that has allowed me to pursue my American dream. And I owe a lot to them for getting me to believe in three fundamental things – my belief in God, my belief in myself, and my belief in the greatest country in the world. And one of the reasons I’m running for president, Hugh, is because this country has gotten off track. And I want to do everything that I can to get it back on track, so that my grandkids, your grandkids, and all of those little faces out there will have an opportunity like we had.
HH: And tell me about Luther. Was he a disciplinarian?
HC: He was a disciplinarian in a very nice way. He’d smile at you while he’s telling you he’s getting ready to give you a whipping. It didn’t changed the whipping, but at least he was smiling when he told you that. Yes, he was a disciplinarian, and he had high expectations for my brother and I. It was just one brother that I was raised with. But he was a disciplinarian, but in a very loving way. But more than that, Hugh, he also led by example, he lived by example, and he taught us a lot of things by example, more so than lectures.


HC: And so I went into corporate America to climb the corporate ladder before it was cool to have a black guy as a vice president. And I was able to do it. And you know how I did it, Hugh? I never looked back at race. If someone in the organization had a problem with my color, rather than looking at my performance, I simply allowed it to be their problem and not mine. Yes, I had to deal with it, but I never had a situation that I could not deal with. And as a result, I was more focused on my performance. And what I learned doing that, in that experience, is that if your performance exceeds those that you are competing against, and exceeds the performance of the people around you, people stop looking at the color of your skin, and they start looking at the content of your character, and they start looking at the content of your ideas.
HH: Did you run into any racists at any of those companies?
HC: Yes, I did.
HH: How did you deal with them?
HC: Well, what I did, dealt with them was I was never in a situation where I had to deal with them directly or head to head. They may have been in the same organization, but they were not like my supervisor or immediate boss, or anything like that, so I just basically allowed them to have a problem with me. I didn’t have a problem with them.
HH: Is racism pretty much gone in America, in your opinion, Herman Cain?
HC: Racism is not gone in America, unfortunately. It’s better than it was in the 60s, but it could be a whole lot better. And here’s why it could be a whole lot better. Quite frankly, the liberals play the race card, because they have very little else to play when they want to try and attack conservatives, or attack somebody like me who considers themselves, I consider myself an American black conservative. Logic and facts don’t support the liberals’ point of view. So they can only use the tactic of name-calling, and as a result, they selectively play it, which stirs this whole race card thing, and creates racial tensions that really don’t need to be there.

Entire transcript of the interview here

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Cain is not perfect by a long shot. But his ability to turn the race card back on the liberals is just one of the many reasons we like him so much. But if Perry gets in I think that he will get the nod in the end. Perry has done well for us here in Texas, but I think he is just another clone. I remember when he did not even have the guts to back the Arizona governor when she was in the thick of it. All he could say was “We want do nothing like that here in Texas.” Disgusting. At least liberals will back each other for the most part. We have whole areas in south texas where the racism is so bad against whites and blacks that it pathetic, and the professional politicians ignore it. Even our hispanic friends cannot understand why they leave the border open. The problems it causes grow exponentially everyday. So I will still stick with Cain.

@Wordsmith: Sir, When the South Vietnamese or boat people settled in Rockportfulton in the late 70’s there was some discrimination at first. (Watch the movie Alamo Bay with Ed Harris) it was filmed there. I was a carpenter on the set, and a drunk in a bar fight in a small scene. The SV peopel were given a certain amount of money from our own Government to help them resettle after we lost the war. I agreed with that policy at the time. Many of them had family and friends who were killed by the NVA when they retook the country over. Or put in prison. Some had nothing but the clothes on their backs when they got here. But they had drive and a dream. They bought out an old apt complex right across the beach, it had one way in, and out. Two stories high. It was like an old castle. With this hughe courtyard where they made made their sauce from fish, and dried their shrimp and fish. they had these big community family parties, and we were always welcomed. I also worked at the local lumbar yard, and still wore my old field jacket with patches. And could speak a little Vietnamese. So when they came in too buy material for the construction of their boats they immediately called “hey GI!”. i want ever forget it. They treated me and my family like kings and queens. So I handled all their transactions and deliveries to the “fort”. We lived not to far down the street, so our son and daughter played with their kids all the time, and went to the only little school that we had. But many of the white and brown shrimpers resented their work ethics, and trouble soon began up in Seadrift and spread too Rockport.
But eventually most whites and browns, and the only black family we had in town accepted them. They later opened up the first video shop, and many other stores, and quite a few of them became rich. Sad to say though that some of their kids lost their parents values and started one of the most infamous gangs there was in Rockport. The home gang was on the west coast. I worked with those juveniles, and young adults and their families that I had know for over 20 years.
But now we have more blacks, yellows, whites, and browns. Old Rockport is but a nice memory for us. Its a tourist trap now, and a liberal haven. And the racism grew right along with the town. There is this sect called la raza. They are protected by the goverment and have been for years now. They hate anything that is not brown. And even other Hispanics that disagree with there violent and racist agenda. I wrote to much but your mention of Asian in the 80’s really brought back some great memories for me and my wife. White flight began down there years ago, along with some brown flight as well. In closing I don’t think that the human race will ever be able to rid itself of the monster racism. I think its human nature for people to find other people to hate, and just find any old excuse to do so, race, sex, money, age, religion, etc…