Reihan Salam:
Like many Republicans across America, I spent a fair amount of time on Tuesday night high-fiving other Republicans. The midterm elections were a smashing success for the GOP, which greatly surpassed my characteristically low expectations. But when I woke up, bleary-eyed and unready to face the morning, I realized that despite this mammoth GOP victory, it was extremely unlikely that it would translate into solid conservative policy achievements. The fact that President Obama is still in power is the most obvious reason. The other less-obvious reason is that Republicans are just not as good as Democrats at achieving their policy goals.
The Republican and Democratic coalitions are both political parties in the same way that whales and lemurs are both mammals, or that Finnish and Hungarian are both Finno-Ugric languages. Though they share some very broad characteristics, they are profoundly different. Our failure to understand the differences between the two parties sows confusion and resentment, so I’d like to clear things up.
One of the more amusing aspects of our politics is that Democrats will often accuse Republicans of being in the pocket of this or that special interest while Republicans insist that Democrats are wild-eyed ideologues. This is almost the opposite of the truth. It is Republicans who are the ideological ones, while it is Democrats who, in the wise words of political scientists Matt Grossmann and David Hopkins, are “a coalition of interest groups whose interests are served by government activity.” I realize that this is a massive oversimplification, but bear with me, because I think it illuminates why both parties keep falling in the same old patterns.
The Democratic Party is a collection of interest groups that seeks to, among other things, redistribute income and wealth from people who are not Democrats to people who are, or who will be, and they do a pretty good job of it, even when they lose elections. Noam Scheiber of the New Republic did an excellent job of explaining why this was the case way back in December 2002, after a big Republican midterm sweep not unlike this week’s. Scheiber explained that the biggest headache for any masochist setting out to lead congressional Republicans was that “unlike interest groups on the left, which tend to accept the transactional nature of government, many movement conservatives have a genuinely coherent worldview they want to see reflected—in its entirety.” To put this differently, while Democrats generally recognize that half a loaf is better than none, “[t]he right wing of the Republican Party is simply incapable of accepting the kind of compromises a Senate majority leader must make,” or for that matter a speaker of the House, or a president.
Am I claiming that my fellow conservatives are always wrong to claim that Democrats are wild-eyed ideologues? No, of course not. There are plenty of ideological progressives in the Democratic Party, some of whom are wild-eyed. (Trust me on this one.) For the most part, they are European-style social democrats who believe that America would be a richer, fairer society if we had a bigger, more powerful government—staffed by credentialed experts, naturally—that can redress various inequalities and injustices through technocratic means. The chief political difference between ideological conservatives in the GOP and ideological progressives among Democrats is that ideological progressives recognize that they’re usually in the minority among their fellow partisans. Progressives understand that they’ll often have to take a back seat to, say, public school teachers who want education policies that advance their interests, or first- and second-generation Americans who want an immigration policy that puts family unification first, or a renewable energy policy that isn’t necessarily the best way to fight climate change. Ideological progressives succeed because they know they have no choice but to persuade their fellow Democrats. They’ve been trained to make the case for why their policies are best for members of interest groups X, Y, and Z. This in turn teaches them how to persuade moderates in the electorate at large.
The beauty of the way Democrats approach politics is that their willingness to accept half a loaf means that they can keep making incremental gains even when they appear to be “losing.” Lane Kenworthy, a sociologist at the University of California–San Diego and the author of Social Democratic America, puts it beautifully: “Small steps and the occasional big leap, coupled with limited backsliding, will have the cumulative effect of significantly increasing the breadth and generosity of government social programs.” That is, conservatives can try to nibble at the edges of new social programs, but they’ll rarely succeed in rolling them back completely.
Don’t expect much from the republican controlled congress. They have had the senate, house, and white house several times. During any of those times did they put Social Security in its own account, or stop illegals, or reduce the size of government, etc., etc., etc. The only winners of any election are the ones who donated the most to the politicians. They ALWAYS get what they want, because they donate to BOTH parties. Until a way is created to take the money out of campaigning, the ones who donate the most will always win.
That is because establishment Republicans stupidly start the compromise process starting near the center-right, while progressive start negotiations from the extreme left. Establishment RINO’s are too damn anally retentive to realize that by starting new where the compromise should end, that they are setting themselves and Americans at an extreme disadvantage in compromise negotiations.
I don’t. Which is why I am not gloating in the least of the election results. The Establishment RINO leadership are far too experienced at snatching failure from the jaws of victory for my tastes. As the saying goes, those fools “could screw-up a wet dream.”
Which is why wise Establishment Republicans should offer the farthest right-wing proposal possible and negotiate compromise from that. After all, that is precisely what the Democrats do.