Mark Levin @ Real Clear Politics:
They’ve been hammering on this binder issue you’ve heard all day long because of Romney said during the debate, you know he asked his people to put together hundreds of qualified people. They he’d go through the binders and, you know he’d pick people to interview in something and most of us thought, ‘Okay who cares? Great.’ But the Obama braintrust said, ‘We’ve got him! We’ve got him now! He used the word binders. He’s calling binders!’
You have to really be screwed up to find this offensive, really screwed up. I was listening to Rush talk about this and a little alarm went off in my head. I said ‘wait a minute.’ When I served as an Associate Director, presidential personnel in the White House during Ronald Reagan’s presidency, we put together binders all the time. People would send in resumes who wanted jobs, people who worked in the campaign would give us resumes. They wanted jobs. There were positions that required certain types of expertise. We go out look for resumes, or do research, contact people who served prior administration, or had advised the president before.
We put all this information together, computerized, but a certain number of these positions — these are all non-civil service, non-career positions — required the president’s attention. Presidential appointments in particular, that’s what we called them. Appointments that required the advice and consent of the Senate, including judges. And among other things, I was responsible for putting together information about judicial candidates for my boss, who was the assistant to the president for presidential personnel, John Herrington. I put them together at that time for the counselor to the president, Edwin Meese, and others. And I often put together four binders. When they would meet, I believe it was every week or every other week, something like that, to discuss, for instance, judicial nominations. And I’d put these binders together. One would go to Counselor Meese, one would go to the assistant to the president, John Herrington, one would go to Jim Baker, Chief of Staff to the president, and one would go to the president.
Binders. You know, loose leaf notebooks? Now at the time I had no idea that I was a misogynist. At the time I had no idea that I was discriminating against women when I was putting these binders together.
Way back when Obama made the choice between some lady from CA and Arne Duncan for heading the Dept. of Education, Obama told an interviewer what it came down to:
If you could play basketball with Obama that would put you over the top.
He rattled off quite a few names of Cabinet officials who he had already picked based on that criteria.
No ladies had made the list, at that point.
It mostly depends on how much they donated to the campaign and if they were from Chicago! “Qualifications, we don’t need no stinking qualifications!” Wasn’t that a quote by some Mexican drug lord who just scored a ton of weapons?
And still nothing but crickets about how Obama’s administration pays women less than their male counterparts.
Obama’s people are picked just like what he says and does: His puppeteers TELL him who they will be. This is why he and Michelle have so much time to spend OUR money. Obama hasn’t made any decision since he got elected. Remember how he hadn’t met with his cabinet for two years after he was elected? Not even by phone. But, he met with or talked on the phone with his union and socialist friends every day. How often does he meet with his cabinet now?