Jim Geraghty:
I like and respect Ben Shapiro, but I find his latest argument – that anti-Trump Republicans need to find some way of arguing against him without “bashing” his supporters – unpersuasive. First, I’m not sure that’s really possible; how do you say “this man is the wrong choice” without implicitly criticizing the people making that choice?
Second, Shapiro asserts, “Trump’s supporters don’t know enough about his politics yet, because Trump’s detractors have been too busy screaming bloody murder over Trump’s bloody Megyn Kelly comments.”
The contention that Trump critics – whether it’s officeholders like Rand Paul and Rick Perry, or writers like Jonah and Kevin, or strategists like Rick Wilson — haven’t focused on Trump’s political views is simply not accurate. An equally or more plausible explanation is that Trump fans simply don’t care that much about policy. As noted yesterday, Trump is seen as anti-bailout even though he supported them, is seen as tough on illegal immigration even though he wants a quick path to legal status, and is seen as an Obamacare critic even though he summarized his health care plan as “everything in Obamacare but much more.”
At one point, Shapiro writes, “Trump is running a GFY campaign because he is incapable of running any other campaign. And his supporters are in a GFY mood.” (I presume you can figure out what GFY means. Think of an anatomically difficult position.)
We’ve all had those moods, but those moods aren’t particularly conducive to good decision-making.
The Washington establishment MSM and RINO Republican leadership have only themselves to blame for Trump’s high polls and the GFY attitude of his supporters. The voters put them in the majority as a foil to Obama’s extremism, and not only did the leadership NOT do as them promised they would during the election, they have actually joined forces to betray the voters, rubber-stamping parts of Obama’s agenda, while taking on a weak-kneed complacency in fighting his arrogance.
What’s worse, they have declared war on much of their base and they have created for the party an atmosphere of distrust amongst large portions of the very public that gave them their majority.
Since you haven’t noticed…………………………….
Your ‘GFY’ attitude you mention is that of the RINO, GOPe, “establishment whatevers” concerning their OWN BASE.
We had an election last fall–iffen you remember–and the GOP as a party did very well.
Well……………..what did we get for it except a PREMATURE SURRENDER by party “leadership” on virtually EVERY issue, and it was done BERORE the new congress took office??
GFY?? Pot? Kettle, etc??
GFY yourself.