Earlier this week I wrote, “we don’t know precisely what the national inflation numbers for May will be, but we can all sense they’re not going to be good.” It turns out that May’s inflation numbers were the worst since December 1981. The confident declarations that “inflation has peaked” in February and April and May now appear to be whistling past the graveyard, as inaccurate as President Biden’s confident assertion in July 2021 that inflation was temporary and transitory.
Back in early May, President Biden pledged, “I want every American to know that I’m taking inflation very seriously and it’s my top domestic priority.” And no doubt later today we’ll get another presidential address on inflation, hitting all of the usual notes.
The president will tell us, for the millionth time, that knows what it’s like to go through financial hard times, and that he knows millions of American families are hurting. He will insist that his policies are working. If he takes questions, Biden will vehemently deny that the American Rescue Plan, passed in March 2021 and dumping another $1.9 trillion into an already recovering economy exacerbated the problem of too much money chasing too few goods. Biden will likely blame monopolies, corporate greed, and price-gouging — even though independent economic reviews keep finding that those are not the factors driving inflation. Biden will likely tout the independence of the Federal Reserve, even though that’s not really the problem or the point. The Fed raising interest rates a half a point in May appears to have little or no effect on runaway inflation.
Biden is an illegitimate puppet install into our WH and must be removed legally.
biden must be removed if for nothing else the image portrayed be a mentally incompetent individual. It is well known there is a cabal of former obamaites at the helm of the ship. Nothing will change from the standpoint of agenda when biden is removed either be impeachment or the 25th amendment post November midterms.
We will have a first in that a former prostitute/whore will be installed. The communication will be word salad after word salad after word salad with a cackle or two thrown in
Watching a clip of Biden from last night’s “interview” was like watching my father suffering from dementia a few years ago. In a few months Biden may not be verbal at all. He failed three times in a row to complete a sentence, lost what he was saying each time. Kimmel finally gave up and went to a commercial because Biden literally couldn’t talk.
As incompetent and stupid as the idiot Biden is, I’m not convinced he doesn’t know what to do. After all, he UN-did it all to get us to this point. The problem is, he isn’t ALLOWED to. If he were to, for instance, reopen full energy production and refineries along with finishing national security pipelines, AOC might “mean tweet” him and we all know how much better off we all are now that there are no more “mean tweets”. Idiot Biden is not allowed to do anything not mandated by the puppet string pullers.
Yeah, when times get tough, just sell some influence to a foreign government! It helps to have a totally amoral, crack-head son to send out and sell for you, but you might have to take a percentage. Works great, makes MILLIONS!
The answer, of course, is he CAN’T.
There is no motivation to correct any of the carnage they have created. Things are just the way they want them for now
One of the things we are seeing is an open warfare inside the White House.
Obamites VS Jill.
Kamalites VS Jill.
The result seems to be Jill “winning,” which means joe is protected.
Moving videos of joe are being limited from the WHpress corps.
Still shots only are allowed.
Transcripts “fix” joe’s mangled sentences on the WH president’s page.
Thing is, Jill is not very savvy as to economics, foreign affairs, organizing upcoming meetings, etc.
The reason that Latin American meeting with joe went so poorly was that the WH (Jill) waited until a few days before it convened to even invite the Latin American countries’ participants!
The reason D-Day was ignored all that day, until 8:45 PM Eastern, was also because Jill is an ignoramous.
joe’s going to be limped out until he dies then watch Jill TRY to usurp Kamala for a while.
Bidenomics: U.S. is Now Experiencing a Shortage of Tampons