House Rules Say We Can’t Defund Obamacare? Of Course We Can

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Warneer Todd Houston:

We are hearing from many of our representatives that it just isn’t possible to defund Obamacare because the House rules say they can’t. This, as it happens, is just a dodge. The House has defunded separate things while passing the rest of a budget many times.

One of the things that weak-willed Republicans that don’t want to discuss defunding Obamacare say is that the mandatory spending cannot be clocked with an appropriations bill. This is simply not true. In fact, it has been done many times in the past.

The most obvious example is the Hyde Amendment which has renewed every single year since 1976 and prevents the expenditure of federal tax dollars on abortion. It applies both to discretionary spending as well as mandatory spending.

But abortion, you may say, is such a special situation that maybe it should be treated as such and left out of the discussion.

Then let’s do that. Let’s forget the Hyde Amendment. But there is far more evidence that the House commonly makes changes to appropriations.
Another example of goes by the somewhat absurd name of CHiMPS. This is the name bestowed by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) upon changes in mandatory spending bills.

As recent as 2011 the House made changes to several bills to save the treasury millions.

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The GOP’ers in the House have no guts or imagination regarding defunding Obamacare. I am embarrassed to be a Republican and I might not be for much longer.

Stupidity requires no education, no training, no thought and least of all no responsibility. 535 member of the administration demonstrate this trait.
Amazing the trash and low life that the American people have put into office.
stupidity is free, sign up at any local social security office, supreme court, epa, nsa,cia. People like hagel, holder, kerry and smith will accept your application and approve you on the spot for a job in their office.
When the idiot biden states that kerry has been the best sos in American history, there is a major problem of stupidity.

That is a link to the LA Times on the inherent nature of obamacare limiting access to doctors on the exchanges. Again, exactly the results we conservatives said would occur wwith this socialist power grab. And don’t forget the added cost of taxpayers having to subsidize the lower quality healthcare. Looking at the quoted prices I am paying less for my family of 6 than a family of 4 under obamacare.

Just another example of leftist FAILURE.


When the idiot biden states that kerry has been the best sos in American history,

A clown and a dunce. best sos huh? He’s only been in the office a couple months and has screwed up everything he’s touched.