The mainstream media is hyping the story that hot global temperatures in June and July 2023 are the “hottest in the past 125,000 years.” That is fake news.
Who was around measuring temperatures 100,000 years ago? [emphasis, links added]
Let’s first look at the past 10,000 years of estimated temperature.
The graphic below shows our current interglacial period, the Holocene. Physical evidence (from ice cores and rocks) shows that several previous warm periods were warmer than the current warm period.
From the CO2Coalition:
It was widely reported recently that July 4, 2023, was the hottest day in Earth’s recorded history.
Paulo Ceppi, a climate scientist at London’s Grantham Institute stated: “It hasn’t been this warm since at least 125,000 years ago, which was the previous interglacial.”
And, of course, it was reported that it was our fault due to our “sins of emission.”
This didn’t meet the smell test for the scientists at the CO2 Coalition. We know that previous warm periods were warmer than our modern temperatures.
For example, during the Roman Warm Period, there was citrus being grown in the north of England and barley was grown by Vikings on Greenland 1,000 years ago.
Why aren’t they grown there now? It’s quite simple: Lower modern temperatures.
So, here at the CO2 Coalition, we did what scientists are trained to do: we looked at the available data.
Our Science and Research Associate Byron Soepyan reviewed temperature data from the US Historical Climatology Network and found that the number of weather stations reporting temperatures over 100 degrees F and the Maximum Average Temperature for July 4 was slightly declining since the record began in 1895 – not increasing – as Ceppi claimed.
They claimed that 2014 was the hottest year but it was also when they held their Peoples(Useful Idiots) Climate March and they left behind a Huge Mess after they were dose just like they did at Standing Rock
When we have a extensive cold spell and deep snow, something declared to be a thing of the past, it is declare that is mere “weather”. but a few hot days is “climate”. Soon, the total fraud of “climate change” will be exposed for what it is and the left is frantic to grab as much cash as they can before the jig is up.
So now they are coming for the cows. Wonder what the formula is for cows killed per measurement of temperature drop. Because they believe in science of course. phfffft.
One more thing, as we saw with “Climategate” the leading climate scientist were fudging actual temperature numbers to more closely meet their models. It just wasn’t warming as they needed to insure job security. No warming, no job.
It appears not a lot has changed and as the old acronym says GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) they are still at it.