P.J. Gladnick
If you didn’t know any better, you might assume that White House PR flacks were composing the gushy copy in the local paper after his belated brief visit to Maui on Monday. Instead this adoration of Biden came from reporter Dan Nakaso in Tuesday’s Honolulu Star Advertiser. The kisses to Biden start with this story title, “President Biden sends message of support, hope after touring Lahaina.”
In fact despite the wide resentment of Biden by Maui residents reported by many other sources, the only hint of negativity in Nakaso’s Biden love note came in just one sentence which portrayed those protesting Biden as an unfairly angry fringe group:
As his motorcade exited Kapalua Airport and turned onto Honoapiilani Highway for Lahaina, a group of protesters shouted profanities, flashed their middle fingers and waved signs reading “Maui Strong” and “Trump won.”
Other than that brief lapse into negativity, Nakaso was all in on hyping how beloved Biden was in Maui. Here are a few saccharine examples:
Biden — during his visit to historic Lahaina town and later before a gathering of an estimated 350 people at the Lahaina Civic Center — twice invoked the memory of his onetime mentor, Hawaii’s late and beloved U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye.
Of course, Nakaso left off the part of Biden’s Inouye tribute in which he insulted the memory of the Hawaiian born and bred senator by incorrectly asserting that he “came from Japan.” Then there’s the kitchen-fire story:
Biden told a story of a fire at his home in Delaware and said, “God made man, and then he made a few firefighters. You’re all crazy, thank God. The only people who run into flames to help other people. And they ran into flames to save my wife and save my family. Not a joke.”
Left out of Nakaso’s account of Biden’s Delaware kitchen fire was that very brief, and not life-threatening. He told the people of Maui, many of whom lost homes and loved ones, that he empathized with them because he almost lost his Corvette and cat due to that brief kitchen fire.
Nakaso concluded by unironically listing Biden’s top Maui hits (and of course NONE of his many misses):
They better pay attention to the crowd who were not welcoming Biden the M.S. Media still kissing the Democrats Rings
Everything about the Democrats, and especially idiot Biden, has to be propped up by the corrupt leftist Ministry of Propaganda. I’m sure those homeless residents that idiot Biden just shit all over all changed their minds about what they actually saw and heard with their own eyes and ears. Maybe at least the people of Maui will reevaluate their blind loyalty to the party that never comes through in times of need. Maybe they can ask the people of New Palestine about how much help they are likely to get into the future.