Honest Liberals Know Trump Is Innocent and the J6 Hearings Are a Sham

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Any objective person can see that the Democrats are merely exploiting the Capitol riot with primetime hearings in an effort to distract the public from the nation’s economic woes.
This isn’t subjective interpretation — they’ve admitted to this.

“When these hearings are over, voters will know how irresponsibly complicit Republicans were in attempting to toss out their vote and just how far Republicans will go to gain power for themselves,” Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the DCCC, said earlier this month.


The New York Times didn’t even bother pretending that there was any selfless motive behind them either. “With their control of Congress hanging in the balance, Democrats plan to use made-for-television moments and a carefully choreographed rollout of revelations over the course of six hearings…to persuade voters that the coming midterm elections are a chance to hold Republicans accountable for it,” they reported.

The hearings haven’t exactly worked out as the Democrats have hoped, despite the fact that they’ve stacked the deck against Trump with a blatantly partisan committee.
And some on their side are even calling them out for it.

“Pelosi’s decision to shred the long tradition on balanced committees was a signature muscle play,” said liberal law professor Jonathan Turley on Twitter. “The Jan. 6 Committee was stripped of any pretense. It was as subtle as her ripping up President Trump’s State of the Union speech on the House floor. The Committee can now deliver precisely what Pelosi demands: politics unburdened by process. The shame is that it could have been so much more if the committee were balanced and allowed a broader scope of inquiry.”

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Turley isn’t the only liberal calling out the Democrats for their sham J6 committee. During an appearance on Sean Spicer’s show on Newsmax, liberal professor Alan Dershowitz used an analogy to explain how unethical the committee is.

“I’m wearing my [Boston] Celtics shirt today,” he began. “Not only in preparation for the great match-up tonight, but to make an analogy. It’s as if the [Golden State] Warriors came out yesterday [in the NBA Finals] and started shooting toward the basket, but the Celtics were kept off the court, and all we saw was one team scoring one after the other, missing a few layups, missing a few jump-shots, but no defense, no stealing of the mall, no rebounds. That’s what we saw last night.”
It was a spot-on analogy of how Democrats have conducted these hearings. The committee was hand-picked by Pelosi, with the only Republicans being the anti-Trump Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.).
“It was not a fair proceeding,” Dershowitz continued. “And even if you say it was one-sided, it was unethical. Why was it unethical? Take for example President Trump’s speech on January 6th. I opposed that speech. I didn’t think it was done well. I didn’t think he should have done it. But he said at the end of the speech he wanted people to show their voices patriotically and peacefully. They doctored the tape! They edited those words out.”
The Democrats have been trying to thwart Trump ever since he first announced his candidacy for president.

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Accuse the Right of doing what you just did….on camera.

Next up: the Left is commissioning another hoax for this Fall, one will they will accuse the Right of rigging the election through ballot dumps and fraud.

Pretty much what they did in 2020.

The internet Leftist Trolls have already let this one slip…over and over again.

When people tell you who they are, and what they are about to do, believe them.

“michael,” from another post:

I see people on the Right already talking about a “red tsunami” for the election this fall. Surely that, too, must be a portent—this time, that Republicans are going to be doing the cheating.

This time? That’s an admission. And now Republicans are going to do the cheating?

He just showed their hand. Hillary colluded with the DNC and FBI to win the election. She failed, so they engineered a hoax of Trump colluding.

Biden withheld aid to Ukraine. Trump investigated. They created a hoax to say “TRUMP withheld aid!”

The Left conducted an insurrection against our government in 2020. Hell, even Harris paid to help criminals keep attacking. The solution? Stage a false-flag at the Capital and say THE RIGHT tried to overturn the election.

Now, as we all know they cheated, they will stage some fake election fraud that appears to help the Right and say the GOP is rigging elections.

michael just said it above.

Nathan – get some help, dude.

Brainwashed and blind in no way to go through life.

He just showed their hand.

I don’t understand how I’m in a position to know what “their hand” is, let alone show it.

liberal law professor Jonathan Turley

If you say so.

He participated as a Republican witness in impeachment hearings and removal trials in Congress, including the impeachment of President Bill Clinton and both the first and second impeachents of President Donald Trump.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael


I understand your position, Nathan.

You understand, LOL!!!

Around here, even sock puppets have sock puppets.

I wonder why he’d even bother.

Possibly for the same reason Trump has always exaggerated his crowd sizes? (Among other things.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The title of this post illustrates a dynamic I began to notice back during the Bush 43 administration: both Right and Left think that the other side is wrong on the issues; the difference is that the Right thinks the Left is lying about their beliefs, while the Left thinks the Right holds their beliefs because they’re stupid (or, sometimes, bad people).

Righties seem, deep down, to be unable to accept that someone might genuinely hold a belief different from their own.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

The title of this post illustrates a dynamic I began to notice back during the Bush 43 administration: both Right and Left think that the other side is wrong on the issues;

What you are saying is that you did not pick up on the severe division between the parties until 35-40 years after it happened. Not very mentally aware, are you?

the difference is that the Right thinks the Left is lying about their beliefs,

No one on the Right who is politically informed thinks the Left is lying about what the Left believes. The left make it quite clear in the 60’s that they supported organizations like the Black Panthers and Weatherman Underground and that they, as a party, were headed toward hard core Marxism. That same mindset continues now with the B(urn,)L(loot,)Murder/Antifa movement that the left tries to ignore and refuses to prosecute.

while the Left thinks the Right holds their beliefs because they’re stupid (or, sometimes, bad people).

The Left knew that the Right was not stupid. Why do you think the Left has co-opted the accomplishments of the Right such as Civil Rights? The party of the KKK has propagandized the LIV to believe they are responsible for civil rights laws.

Righties seem, deep down, to be unable to accept that someone might genuinely hold a belief different from their own.

Oh, we know. And we also know that the Gramsci Marxism that has taken over the Democratic Party will be the death of the American Republic if allowed to continue.

You really are politically illiterate.

BTW, just because Jonathan Turley is not a radical left winger doesn’t mean he’s a Marxist like Lawrence Tribe. Or are you saying that one cannot be an Originalist and still vote Democrat?


No one on the Right who is politically informed thinks the Left is lying about what the Left believes. 


Honest Liberals Know Trump Is Innocent and the J6 Hearings Are a Sham

That certainly looks as if Curt is saying that people on the Left are not being honest when they say they believe the information the January 6 committee is sharing.

Are you simply wrong, or are you saying that Curt is not politically informed?

Matt Margolis did not post the article to this site. It’s your post under your byline. I’m assuming you posted it because you agree with it.

(By the way: good job citing the name of the original author and putting the article in a quote box. I remember back when you would simply post other people’s articles under your byline and not cite the author at all. That’s personal growth for you.)

the difference is that the Right thinks the Left is lying about their beliefs, while the Left thinks the Right holds their beliefs because they’re stupid (or, sometimes, bad people).

Playing Trump’s address and leaving out the direction to “peacefully go make your voices heard” is, perhaps, the most important part of his speech, relative to “inciting an insurrection”, which is what he is accused of. Suppressing that is LYING, dude. The entire “hearing” is a lie.

True, you leftists think fairness, opportunity, freedom and patriotism is stupid and you think anyone that promotes those attributes is stupid. And, true, we on the right believe you leftists LIE… because you do. Not that it is not the right that silences, doxxes, censors and condemns anyone that expresses a different opinion. No, scooter… that is the LEFT.

You KNOW Trump is a skunk.

No, those with knowledge DON’T know that. If it were true, why would the kartoon kangaroo kommittee edit out “peacefully go make your voices heard”? We KNOW who the skunks are. We know who the stinking, rabid rodents are.

The j6 group of clowns is dying a much deserved death just like all of the other hoaxes that failed

Take for example President Trump’s speech on January 6th. I opposed that speech. I didn’t think it was done well. I didn’t think he should have done it. But he said at the end of the speech he wanted people to show their voices patriotically and peacefully. They doctored the tape! They edited those words out.

OK, maybe one of our liberal friends defending the “credibility” of this sham hearing can explain why that was done.

06/20/22 – Donald Trump plotted fake electors scheme, January 6 panel set to show

The House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack is expected to show at its fourth hearing on Tuesday that Donald Trump and top advisers coordinated the scheme to send fake slates of electors as part of an effort to return him to the White House.

The panel is expected to also examine Trump’s campaign to pressure top officials in seven crucial battleground states to corruptly reverse his defeat to Joe Biden in the weeks and months after the 2020 election.

At the afternoon hearing, the select committee is expected to focus heavily on the fake electors scheme, which has played a large part in its nearly year-long investigation into Trump’s effort to overturn the results of the election at the state level…

Tomorrow, Tuesday, at 1 p.m E.T.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

Well, that seems to work on their little idiot followers every time, why would this time be any different? At least this time, there is no opposition to shut down and out; it’s their show from end to end and he can “parody” the facts without fear of being exposed.

The House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack is expected to show at its fourth hearing on Tuesday that Donald Trump and top advisers coordinated the scheme to send fake slates of electors as part of an effort to return him to the White House.

And, of course, there will be no opposition to show that there was no coordination, no scheme, no fake electors.

The panel is expected to also examine Trump’s campaign to pressure top officials in seven crucial battleground states to corruptly reverse his defeat to Joe Biden in the weeks and months after the 2020 election.

And, of course, there will be no opposition to show that Democrats and the media altered comments and took comments out of context to try and prove their point. In fact, all Trump did was implore them to look at the evidence (they wouldn’t) and audit (not simply recount the same fraudulent votes) because the margins were so tight.

In other words, the “select” committee (those on it specifically selected to offer no opposition to the predetermined presumption) is a farce, a joke, theater, a fraud (Democrats seem addicted to fraud), a travesty, an insult, bogus, meaningless, a waste of time and money. With so many self-inflicted disasters of their own making, you would think the Democrats might have different priorities. Their only priority is damaging this country.

When will you be demanding a truly bipartisan investigation of the Colbert insurrection? Do you think these proceedings are such a joke that Colbert can send his gang of un-funny thugs in to make a mockery of the entire building and process? Are you concerned enough to find our which of the Democrats colluded with the insurrectionists to allow them to bust their way into the Capital? Why just one night in jail?

And note that that was just because they didn’t like the results; aside from illegal immigrants voting for crooked Hillary, there was no evidence of fraud that supported Trump.