Megan Fox:
Ashley Judd is the absolute worst.
I want to like her, I really do. Sometimes she chooses a good cause, like speaking up for trafficked and abused children. Those are the activities she should stick to. Unfortunately, Judd had to go to the “Women’s March,” where hundreds of thousands of women wore pink “pussy” hats while claiming to be upset that Trump had used that word once. She performed ridiculous slam poetry, screeching defamatory accusations about the president wanting to have sex with his daughter and about other terrible things about which she had no first-hand knowledge. (You can watch the video below if you have the stomach for it.)
But at no time did she ever discuss a man who she did know did horrific things. No “by the way, Harvey Weinstein is a dirtbag who tried to get me to watch him shower for a part.” Why didn’t that come up?
I find it very difficult to believe Judd is this angry at Donald Trump, a man who has never done anything to her, or provably to anybody, when there is a man who did do something horrible to her whom she could be screeching about. She needs therapy. And possibly tranquilizers.
Jennifer Lawrence was recently interviewed for her epic fail of a movie, Mother, and gave Democratic talking points like “equality for women in the workplace,” blamed Trump for hurricanes, and rattled off the same tired Leftist arguments we’ve heard forever. During another interview, she claimed that she is terrified of Trump and wanted to make a video of herself saying “F*** you!” to him.
Lawrence claimed she felt she could be a spokesperson for women who are underpaid:
I felt like I had a voice, people look at me and listen to me, and to not say anything, that’s never sat well with me.
That seems disingenuous, because she kept quiet about the creepy mogul who everyone in Hollywood appears to have known was abusing women. Why stay quiet over that? Don’t you have a responsibility to alert other women that there is a serial sexual predator in their midst?
Phoonie on these over paid actors their all a bunch of traitors and spoiled little snots as far as im concerned Hollywoods not what it once was populated by hypotcrits liars,traitors and little bed wetting wanks
Those women… and many more… are basically whores. Except, instead of turning a trick for $50 they do it for a job, a part, a move, support for a project or an introduction. The men are basically pimps, providing fresh meat to Weinstein and keeping quiet about it, and for basically the same reasons.
It’s no secret that the entertainment industry is basically amoral and decadent. To them, perhaps, going to some fat, sweaty pig’s hotel room to watch him spank his monkey or give him a “massage” is nothing out of the amoral ordinary, but they know what the general public would think about it. So, the details are widely known and those not as amoral as they thought they might be are warned to keep their mouths shut or “you’ll never work in this town again.”
And when all that big money and liberal ideology begins to infuse into Washington, those recipients often have the source of the money checked out and find out the sordid details… but the money!!. It’s OK… everyone is keeping lid on it. Let’s go denounce Trump for not being for women’s rights.
But when it breaks publicly, it’s all “Whaaaaaa? Harvey? Well, I never. I guess he’s a bad man. A very bad man.” It just doesn’t sell. I shudder to think how liberals will top THIS hypocrisy. But, they will. They will.
But yet Curt, the amplifying tone of FA is to condemn Weinstein and remain silent of and if not exonerate Trump.
As George Bush would say during his campaign against John Kerry, “Flip. Flop.”.
Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?
Perhaps that question will have to be added to the ever-growing list of questions you scurry from, which is:
What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?
Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?
Is ANTIFA committing violence?
Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?
Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.
Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?
How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?
Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?
Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?
Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?
When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?
What did Trump lie about?
Whose wages did Trump steal?
What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?
How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?
What answer have you provided that has been ignored?
Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?
Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?
McFarlane’s joke shows most of Hollywood knew about Weinstein’s perversions but thought nothing of letting it continue.
Money, money, money.
Would that these individuals had Jesus Christ living in their heart, they would refrain from all such chicanery. Sadly, their “fruits” speak of a preference for the broad road (Matthew 7:13). I simply have to ask – Are these individuals truly so conceited as to believe that they wield that kind of power? I mean, have they actually convinced themselves that they are so deeply admired and held in such esteem that America would crumble without their lackluster acting and singing? Allow me to burst their bubble. We do not look upon you as the Gods that you think you are. We do not follow you as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The truth is that your narcissism demonstrates how truly insecure each of you are. You are one large ensemble collectively playing the same role of the fatuous fool in his own conceit. It cannot be argued by even the most respected of Hollywood movie critics that you play this role to perfection and proving, in the end, that Conceit is a great help to a shallow mind. It is also the most contemptible and one of the most odious qualities in the world, and Hollywood is drowning in it. We have watched in amusement as your vanity has reached such epic proportions that you are now forced to appeal to yourselves and each other for admiration. None are so empty as those who are full of themselves. The public is fed up with your complete hypocrisy and childish behavior.