Via Breitbart TV, this is Labor Day the way it should be — with a guy named Hoffa threatening his political enemies while a union-stooge Democratic leader sits by and smiles. Honestly, I can’t decide how seriously to take him. On the one hand, this sort of salty tough-guy “we don’t take sh*t from no one” garbage is par for the course for labor leaders when addressing the rank and file, and all the more so when it’s the head of the Teamsters speaking. Sure, he makes $300,000 a year on the backs of his working-class constituents, but he knows conservatives are sons of bitches so his “authenticity” is secure. Plus he’s a Hoffa; this sort of rhetoric may be congenital. On the other hand, so filthy was the the left’s demagoguery of the right’s “tone” after the Giffords shooting that this sort of verbal excess by one of their own will never, ever be allowed to pass again without their faces being ground in it. So here you go. Start grinding, please.
A Twitter pal argued that this could have been a “Sistah Souljah moment” for Obama if he had challenged Hoffa on what he said. Interesting point, but I think O had other priorities today — like, for instance, noting how “proud” he is of Hoffa and other union leaders.
Anytime the Baby Hoffa cares to have a fight, I am ready- I wonder if he has considered his final resting place- after all, the Meadowlands has an occupant, but then, considering his juvenile attitude, perhaps a Junior High school football field might be more appropriate for his needs.
Unions are useless as tits on a boar hog, as we say in Texas- 7% of the population, in aggregate, are members of unions, and it should NEVER be a Tyranny by the Minority, where 7% can dictate what 93% of the rest of us can or should do.
Unions are holding the rest of us under water- the Rezident’s speech is going to focus on “infrastructure”, because that rewards his union buddies, but he really has no clue as to how or what really needs to be done, and that is to solidify the small private business confidence level, and he could do that simply by firing all his advisors,czars, etc.- negating all his job-killing regulations, and then slitting his throat.
Sorry if I am sugar-coating this too much.