Hitler reacts to failed efforts to further delay Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Nomination Posted on October 7, 2018October 7, 2018 by DrJohn ( 5 comments already! ) Spread the love #WorldSmileDay #FridayFeeling 😃😄😁😆😂🤣😂😆😁😄😃Hitler reacts to failed efforts to further delay Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Nomination … pic.twitter.com/58Q740upEQ — TRUMPERLAND (@realTRUMPERLAND) October 5, 2018 0 0 votes Article Rating
Some of the faces have changed, but the political ideology is the same. The same tactics from similar parties.
Good catch so much fun with this win.
if you do not understand history you are amnesia
@MOS#8541: @MOS#8541:
@Bookdoc:I hope they do a bad lip reading on Kavs acceptance speech.