A California high school teacher has been placed on paid leave after drawing comparisons between Adolf Hitler and President-elect Donald Trump in his classroom.
History teacher Frank Navarro was asked to leave Mountain View High School midday Thursday after a parent wrote an email to the school complaining about his lecture, he told the Monterey Herald.
Navarro, who is a Holocaust scholar, said his lesson was based on facts. Both Trump and Hitler, during their rise to power, vowed to deport foreigners and make their country “great again,” he noted.
“This feels like we’re trying to squash free speech,” he told the paper. “Everything I talk about is factually based. They can go and check it out. It’s not propaganda or bias if it’s based on hard facts.”
Liberal forked tongue. Equating people because they used the same words is about as rational as equating everyone including Hitler because we take a dump and breath the air. Perfect example of how liberals lie through distortion. Where was Trumps brown shirts, his Crystal Nacht, the burning of the Richstag and murder of those that got in his way? Oh that, perhaps he left of few things out to sell his lies to those who don’t know the truth. This man should be banned from teaching anyone his lies.
Hitler wanted Bigger Goverment,Gun Control,hitler was a vegan and a drug user and HITLER was a LIBERAL
Well, we do know something about Donald “Grab em by the vagina” Trump has certainly excited the Neo-Nazies, white supremacist, alt-right, and the KKK.
I don’t think its arguable that these types are extremely happy with the serial lying con man and unquestionable racist taking the Oval Office.
Now, do we just shield the children from these realties and forbid conversation?
Come to think of it, what precisely do we teach our children about the new Republican pick and his bigoted and alt-right cronies he’s placing in high offices? That maybe, this is your new party of Lincoln?
@Ajay42302: Pull your head from the hole it is so deeply imbedded. You know not a thing about the alt-right except what the lying left media has lied about, the KKK clearly now and historically belongs to the Democrat party, White supremaists where have they been attacking police and holding marches Nazis a socialist movement which means leftist, right now its so popular and trendy to bash white men, yet I dont see them retaliate in any way. Look at your leadership oops non existant voted out we freed your slaves again! So crawl back to your tattered plantation and rebuild. This is what a peaceful revolution looks like. Your side just needs to accept lick your wounds but name calling is no longer effective dope! You got a big fat WWHATEVER from America. You wont learn YOU dont have the capacity.
Your playbook lapdog spin does nothing to discredit my argument. The KKK and white supremist groups are standing, cheering, and even saluting Trump in “Heil Hitler ” fashion. I’m not making this up.
So who truly is in denial with their “head deeply embedded”?
@Ajay42302: Ok the one gathering they found which I admit was larger than most of Hillarys rallys, where a few asshats got weird, and the media pounded it like it was a huge following, did you see any coal miners in attendance anyone that looked blue collar? Trump denounced them but the media pays no attention. Not everyone that voted for Trump is representative of the electorate that WON. Keep watching your censored twisted news casts, keep name calling its all you got.
If I hurt yor widdle feelings let me call the waaambulance.
The day some half assed resident sock puppet on a bigoted hack site hurts my feelings I’ll gladly compliment you for it.
What you seem to be having a hard time dealing with is that the election is over.
We had running 2 profoundly dishonest candidates running for office. I don’t think that’s too hard to comprehend. Now, simple deduction tells us that the only possible outcome was for a profoundly dishonest person to win.
Accordingly, we are now left with a sexist, racist, dishonest, egomaniac of a con man to contend with.
And no, I won’t blindly follow you or your despicable ilk in pretending that he is something he isn’t.
@Ajay42302: I agree with you except you assert the voters are just like him, an insult and denial that the ideology and failed policies of the democrats have been rejected except in overpopulated clusters of rot. What proof of racism ? The relationship he has with Ben? Look inside your very own party history how many democrat votes did the civil rights act get?
You are right the election is OVER no recount will help.
You seem to impute opinions that I don’t have as well as inject a total non sequitur in your arguments. Me chastising democrats or ideology has nothing to do with the Trump Frankenstein that’s been created.
As far as racism, the only part I brought up was the fact that the KKK, anti-Semitic and white supremacist groups are adamantly applauding Trump, even claiming huge victories in his rising. Do you not consider these groups not to be racist?
And to literally fan the flames more, Trump as picked the likes of Jeff Sessions and Steve Bannon to top positions.
What more do you need?
@kitt: Cmon Kitt is there any doubt that Donald is the darling of what there is of the KKK and white supremacists. No question they buy into his rhetoric. Seems as though you are as well.
Hope he picks Petraeus as Sec Of State
I’d like to ask if you agree with RT that Michelle Obama is transgender or is it transvestite and the kids are adopted LOL–Can this get much stranger?
How bout a throwback video-Thanks
@Ajay42302: So sorry you have no party left but BOTH were so progressive it was hard to tell R from D The rising of the Right those that will hold feet to the fire and demand they keep all the promises they made has scared the doodoo out of all pols, they are fresh out of excuses.The Dems really believe you want them to take care of every last thing cause they are so intelligent. Really do you need to have them hold your hand? is there something wrong with self determination actually having a choice?
The Dems had an opportunity to move center and have a chance, but no they believed hard left was the direction, they chose, they were wrong. So far out of touch with reality.
If I want a 50 cent American made incandescent bulb over a 10 dollar China LED cause my company left for Mexico and 10 bucks for a light bulb is insane on unemployment it should be a choice.
4 you Rich http://www.jango.com/music/Electric+Light+Orchestra
@Ajay42302: Trump isn’t Fascist, nor remotely “alt-right”.
These are labels given to denigrate the enemies of liberals/democrats.
@Nathan Blue: It seems to me that some consider alt -right a positive badge of honor.
Kitt Thanks for the ELO video Ya got any Rocky Horror Picture Show especially for RT?
Ajay 42302 Please talk english i cant understand your mindless babbling you fool
@Ajay42302: But I’ll say that I know YOU are a racist by your comments. I’d implore you to see reason, and stop spreading hate.
Not sure why you are racist and dishonest, but anyone can change, junior.
Oh, and tell Greg we all said hi, since he’s probably at the next table over in the San Francisco Starbucks you two paid trolls are working out of.
@Rich Wheeler: Or so liberal-run media, and their followers, like to spout at every turn.
@Rich Wheeler: Rich Rich Richard dont you get it, yes we will wear the Deplorable alt right t shirts, we are going to take the nonsense names the asshats come up with and own them thats the disarming strategy. But you best have the proof if you come at a subject, hiring thugs to protest political rallies and start fights then call the rally attendees the violent ones. No matter what proof we provide to you its ohhh thaat source its been long discredited..by whom? So try to get it we will own these new fab insults as a badge of honor just to make your heads explode, cause we dont care what the destroyers of the constitution think it is not a living document its perfectly and clearly written. ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRUjr8EVgBg
@kitt: If you want to preserve The Constitution why would you support Trump?. If given the chance I believe he’ll trample it. If you wish to wear the badge of the alternative right have at it. When Conservatives like Word, Mata Harley and Aye Chi wear it I’ll start to worry.
Semper Fi
@Rich Wheeler: I voted for him I dont support him, My vote was against Hillary. We on the “alt-right” are watching close, he says he wants term limits good very good but getting these pols to vote on that is going to be some trick.Getting criminal illegal aliens deported or jailed, and stopping unvetted jihadist from getting into the country all sounds good. I told you before what I thought of him, but willing to give the guy a chance.
Another jihadist attack at a university today mowed the youngsters down with a car then began stabbing them, stopped by a good guy with a gun.
But the reports that came out was he was a shooter, so trending on twitter was gun control.
@Ajay42302: People that promote the murder of cops supported Hillary, Bernie and Obama. When was the last time a Klansman committed a crime worse than public stupidity?
You love Hillary, Bernie and Obama so you love cop killers. Yeah, I get it.
“You seem to impute opinions that I don’t have” Really. And you don’t like that? That fascinates me, as you have made a career here of doing exactly that.
@Rich Wheeler: “Cmon Kitt is there any doubt that Donald is the darling of what there is of the KKK and white supremacists.” And what, exactly, does that indicate? That they, like the ignorant left, bought into the racist rhetoric generated by Hillary, the DNC and the liberal media? For, as I have proven time and time again, by the stunning non-response whenever I ask the simple question of, “what is it that Trump has done or said that is racist?”, none of you have the slightest idea WHY you regard Trump as racist.
Perhaps their support Trump for the simple reason that he indicates he will not, as opposed to Obama, Hillary and Bernie, pander and make excuses for Black Lives Matter, their racism and their exhortation of other racists to kill cops. Whatever their reason, the fact that they, like most Americans, support Trump does not in any conceivable way indicate any proof that anything about Trump is inherently racist. Far more troubling is the support the left has for cop killing.
“@Nathan Blue: It seems to me that some consider alt -right a positive badge of honor.” It is absolutely amazing that you have drawn that conclusion. That IS a stretch.
“@kitt: If you want to preserve The Constitution why would you support Trump?.” Probably because Obama has been disassembling it and Hillary was pledging to continue the destruction. Trump, while not the best choice, was the ONLY chance to stop the erosion.
“If given the chance I believe he’ll trample it.” What, besides your unhealthy, unsubstantiated hatred, gives you that impression, especially since you have been supporting people with the least possible respect for the Constitution?
@kitt: “But the reports that came out was he was a shooter, so trending on twitter was gun control.” The left wanted this to be gun related so badly that the story spread like wildfire; there were already discussions on liberal blogs about how common shootings are and is this the new norm. Sadly, it was just an immigrant jihadist using the preferred tactics of ISIS, something the left cannot use to further an agenda.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: We must send our condolences to the MSM who now have to fill air time with something else but the cries for gun control tonight. But white cop shoots blackman hell BLM will be there in a soros minute.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Do you honestly believe that “most Americans support Trump.” If so you are severely mathematically challenged Bill.
It seems reasonable to me that many on the far right are proud to embrace the tenets of the alt right. Why wouldn’t they?
Trump supporter banned for life by Delta Airlines. I guess next time he can take a bus to his destination. Unfortunately there’s no practical way to throw a person off an airplane at 10,000 feet.
@Rich Wheeler: His approval rating has been rising steadily since he began the process of selecting the members of his administration and it is becoming clear the liberal lies spun to TRY to make him seem worse than Hillary are unfounded.
The vast majority of racism still resides on the left where it is politically useful.
@Nathan Blue:
You play the typical and expected rubber/glue silly game of accusing me of your very own shortcomings.
The issue on this thread is about the parallels of Hitler and Trump. I point out how the KKK and like groups are elated over Trump and by your logic, makes me a racist. I point out Trumps anti-Semitic and racist appointees and once again, by your logic, I am a racist.
And then we have Bill the troll’s acolading troll actually exonerating the KKK because, well, they just haven’t done anything really bad for a long time now. Wow!
Let me reiterate a fact for you my low caliber spinster friend, you’ve elected a profoundly flawed and dishonest man to lead the country, a serial liar, a shyster, a egomaniac who is loading up his cabinet with blatant racist and self serving con men.
You calling me names or playing your childish distracting rubber/glue games with the assistance of Bill and your other playbook characters doesn’t change that reality.
I can’t decide if this guy is pandering to his populace base by saying whatever he calculates they want to hear, or is genuinely unhinged. It’s a flip of the coin to decide between irresponsible or nuts.
Trump suggests loss of citizenship or jail for those who burn U.S. flags
Of course many constitutional scholars over on the right may not see what’s wrong with such a statement, and like the attitude. That’s how this bozo got elected. One thing that’s abundantly clear is that his judgment is impaired in the early morning hours when he impulsively sends out such Twitter messages. We should all hope that 3 o’clock phone call we all worry about doesn’t come for the next 4 years.
Nothing wrong with penalizing miscreants who hate this country and think it a brave act to burn the flag others have given their last full measure of life, to have the freedoms this country provides.
Would you as a leftist support one burning the rainbow flag?
mrs clinton, who has now failed twice in her effort to become president, when a backbencher senator in 2006, supported a proposed law that would have incarcerated flag burners for up to a year.
@Ajay42302: “And then we have Bill the troll’s acolading troll actually exonerating the KKK because, well, they just haven’t done anything really bad for a long time now. Wow!??” Speaking of trolls, in every sense of the word, here we have the cowardly little turd, AJ. AJ is a liar. Worse, he is a paid liar.
So, lying little turd, AJ, tell me how I was “acolading” (you probably meant “accolading” but you are too stupid to be able to spell even the words you make up) the Klan? Perhaps you can also explain how a guy that has fought the Klan and fought for desegregation in Alabama is a racist? Oh, that’s right… you are too cowardly to ever explain the stupidity you pour out of your Soros-filled mouth.
“You seem to impute opinions that I don’t have” This is what you whined in between whining about your support of a lying criminal that lost the election. So, again, ignore your inherent cowardice and reconcile that whine with you lying about what I said about the Klan.
What am I saying… you are a cowardly turd that never even tries to discuss facts. You are, after all, a liberal, by definition a coward, that supports the Klan, racism, homophobic radical Islamists and fascism.
@Greg: “Trump supporter banned for life by Delta Airlines” I wonder if you ever considered the obvious possibility that this fool is but another liberal plant doing what liberals do best; create trouble to distract from their own failure? I have no idea or evidence if he is, but since this is something the left has been employing all over the country and this clown is so over the top that the possibility is definitely there.
@July 4th American: Its highly unfortunate these young people flew a flag at 1/2 mast in honor of an election result then burned it, what type of educational enviroment are they being exposed to at such an impressional stage in their life. So much foolishness safe spaces playdoh ect, does this prepare them for the future? The go out get hired hate the new CEO so think they can protest and go to the lunch room and play with toys???
You are correct the burning of the flag is protected speech, but they should be shamed thats a 40K a year school they are sooo oppressed by America and its election laws did the lil bastids even vote?
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #30:
You do realize the the story about people hired to incite violence at Trump rallies turned out to be fabricated, don’t you? The writer for a fake news site who wrote the story and put a fake ad in Craig’s list to back up his claim came forward and acknowledged what he’d done. There was an article about it in The Hill.
That’s not the half of it. Also from The Hill:
Report: Russian propaganda efforts propelled fake election news
Accounts of pro-Trump supporters committing violence? Mostly fabricated
Registered Democrat Hillary supporter (who is autistic) accused of attacking anti-Trump protester
@Ajay42302: .
Geez, you left out one. George can’t count on you to get anything right, can he?
I hear the count of ‘alt-right’ is now up to 272 members. That about right? Most of them came over from Somali, they were formerly Cargo ship pirates.
BS, in the first place Trump has not made any anti-Semitic or racist appointments, so it’s not possible for you to point out any. If you disagree, list them and the acts that they did that would support your accusation.
Your paycheck get in on time? I’m hearing they’re cutting back payroll, so if we don’t hear from you again, adios.
Kitt, I heard that ‘alt-right’ membership is up to 272, does that sound about right to you?
Can you give me a link to membership application and a rules of membership. Sounds as if it’s becoming the correct organization for those that oppose libturds.
@Ajay42302: You have no argument, how can it be disputed? It is one thing to compare the history of a leader after he has demonstrated his intent and another to anticipate what a leader may do. Until then, there is no argument, just ignorant speculation.
@RedTeam: I tease the lefties,THEY made up a term for conservatives, teaparty people and republicans in general that got tired of being accused of what they actually do. We are rising we are not listening to the crap anymore and we dont have to compromise. The Media came up with this term so you can sort it out from there.
The membership numbers,everyone that voted republican just a bit higher than your guess.
@Greg: You worried about fake news, frigging get real, CNN MSNBC are the biggest pushers Hands up dont shoot to begin with, heres another, its just they lied so much people are looking for other sources and its killing them [Search domain http://www.usatoday.com] usatoday.com/story/tech/2016/11/25/false-cnn-porn-repo…
t says: June 13
[Search domain nationalreport.net] nationalreport.net/msnbc-anchor-resigns-admits-spreading