5. “Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate.”
Truth: As The Washington Post points out, “In 2009, just eight months after Clinton became secretary of state, the US Code of federal regulations on handling electronic records was updated:
‘Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic-mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record-keeping system.’ The responsibility for making and preserving the records is assigned to ‘the head of each federal agency.’”
“On top of that, when Clinton was secretary, a cable went out under her signature warning employees to ‘avoid conducting official department business from your personal e-mail accounts.’ ”
The State Department requires employees to preserve records, even saying explicitly that on the rare occasion a personal e-mail address is used, those e-mails should be forwarded to the work address for archiving. Clinton never did this.
The Washington Post concludes: “She appears to be arguing her case on narrow, technical grounds, but that’s not the same as actually complying with existing rules as virtually everyone else understood them.”
Can we expect any less of the spouse of the man who argued what “is” is? Columnist Charles Krauthammer said it best when he noted last week, “Nothing she says ever is true three weeks later.”
What will be revealed as a lie next?
The rest of Clinton’s lies can be found at the NY Post
One of Hillary’s syncophants’ talking points is that she and her peeps didn’t send the emails sans their Top Secret markings, it was the CIA that did so!
Now, I don’t know about you, but, isn’t picking a fight with the CIA pretty stupid?
@Nanny G:
That should be easy enough to verify.
Five lies?
Come on.
5,000 lies at least.
Each single classified document on his server is a separate lie and a separate count in an indictment.
She broke the law.
But she will get off. She will be pardoned.
She knows too much dirt about too many people to suffer for her crimes.
Besides, wasn’t a guy in Boston re-elected while in jail?
Could happen to Hillary.
Just wait and see.
It has yet to be clearly established that any classified documents were sent or received through Hillary Clinton’s server.
What is known for a fact is that powerful forces on the political right have been trying to take down the Clintons for over 20 years by any means available. So far they haven’t been especially good at it. Bill Clinton’s popularity rating reached its highest level ever—73 percent—after their failed impeachment effort.
Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s top aides, used personal email accounts to conduct government business in addition to a State Department email and an account on the controversial server Mrs. Clinton kept at her New York home, the State Department confirmed to a federal court Friday.
The State Department admitted to the judge that it doesn’t have control over those documents, and can’t be sure it has all of the records from their time in the administration.
John F. Hackett, the top open-records official at the department, said they have officially concluded that Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills “used personal email accounts located on commercial servers at times for government business.” Ms. Abedin, meanwhile, had an account at clintonemail.com, the domain tied to the Clinton home server.
For some reason it didn’t bother the right in the least that top level Bush administration advisers routinely conducted official business using servers belonging to the Republican National Committee which subsequently disappeared without a trace, along with millions of emails that somehow were not backed up anywhere else.
Thousands of emails sought in connection with a number of active congressional investigations fell into that particular black hole: emails sought in connection with investigations by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which involved 88 private server accounts assigned to senior Bush officials; correspondence relating to the U.S. attorneys dismissal controversy; correspondence relating to the grand jury investigation into CIA leaks; to a congressional investigation of the GSA; and to an investigation of questionable hiring practices relating to the Department of Education’s Reading First program.
The official explanation from the Bush White House when it all mysteriously vanished? “I will admit it. We screwed up and we’re trying to fix it.” To which the media and the right responded with the deafening sound of crickets. And that was the end of that.
Greggie Goebbels, get over it. I’m sure you think that the Department of Education would have been absolutely juicy stuff. Bush has been gone for 6 1/2 years and one thing is clear; it there was ever anything you radical left wingers could have gone after him for, you would have.
The Department of Education backstory probably wouldn’t have been nearly as interesting as internal communications related to highly suspicious CIA leaks, or to the firing of U.S. attorneys to impede investigations and further partisan political objectives. But we’ll never really know, will we? Because the computers were beamed up by UFOs or something.
If you want to talk about problems with past Administrations, well golly gee, let’s start with Bill Clinton. That will keep you busy for weeks defending that crooked bastard.
We don’t have to hide him every time a Democratic National Convention rolls around, do we?
Nope. You left wingers canonize rapists as long as they’re Democrats.
Carter and Clinton; two ex-presidents that can’t seem to adjust to no longer being president. You’ve come a long way from Harry Truman who knew when to go home and stay home.
Good presidents, both.
Carter saw the nation through some dark days. He had to deal with both stagflation and the energy crisis, as well as the Iranian revolution. That didn’t add up to what anyone would consider an optimal situation. I wouldn’t expect you to cut him any slack just because he did his best for the nation and is a genuinely good human being. He’s due more respect than he’s given in some circles for that, if nothing else.
Republicans, of course, just can’t abide the fact that Bill Clinton led the nation through the longest continuous period of economic expansion in U.S. history. More new jobs were created during the Clinton administration than during any other presidential administration before or since. I guess denial is understandable, since the guy they elected to follow him left two unresolved foreign wars in his wake paid for with a credit card, and the U.S. economy in a smoldering heap that took years to put back together.
My God, do you believe in revisionist history. Carter gave us modern Iran when he turned his back on the Shah of Iran after he gave the Shah his promise that the U.S. would be there for Iran. The Shah was a fan of western ways and although he was a dictator, he was still better than what Carter facilitated which was the return of the Ayatollah, and the growth of radical Islam in Iran.
You seem to forget that Clinton also gave us Rwanda, Bosnia. He also destroyed our military where planes were left sitting on the tarmac unable to become airborne due to lack of parts. One sex scandal after another. Only the French appreciated his sexual prowess. How many other presidents rented out the Lincoln bedroom? Not to mention his failure to stop bin Laden in his tracks, although he was fully aware of bin Laden’s intentions to hit the U.S. The Clinton surplus was a myth that only you stupid liberals bought into.