Hillary Clinton on People In Her Own Party Telling Her to Exit the Stage and Shut Up: I Had Someone Research That. They Never Said That About a Man.

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Sister, are you capable of singing any other song?

My God, do you have a penis-envy sexual chip on your shoulder, lady. You are one the most overpromoted, privileged failures in history, but you’re so full of entitlement you think you did this all on your own and deserve more — when in fact you’ve always been a laughable dick-rider on your pretend husband.

What a disaster of a human being. The psychology here is pathological.

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“They” are only Dems.
Because Republicans have told John McCain and Mitt Romney both to just please go away.
But neither of them listens.
As to Dems, they never say that.
Even disgraced Sen Menendez will be running again.
After Teddy Kennedy murdered a mistress he was never told to “go away.”
Instead he was re-elected 7 times!
So, she makes a point.
She has forced Dems into new actions: begging her to please just go away.
She will ignore them, naturally.

@Nanny G: You forgot Marion Barry and Bubba. But, that is understandable as there are so many on the left. The left doesn’t have much to choose from in the line of icons anymore. They have to cling to what they have.