Ashe Schow:
One is a grandmother beloved by members of her party in an almost worshipful way, who charges six figures for speeches and has the media drooling to report everything she says.
The other is Sarah Palin.
Whenever a conservative woman enters politics and gains any kind of traction, the liberal media inevitably calls her “The Sarah Palin of ____.” They did it to Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire, they did it to Joni Ernst in Iowa and just last week they did it to potential presidential candidate Carly Fiorina. The underlying premise of the articles is always that these women are as stupid as the Left’s caricature of Palin.
Outwardly the claims are about Republican women who seemingly come out of nowhere and have the potential to become party rock stars. It’s the rock star part that applies to Hillary Clinton. (Obviously she didn’t come out of nowhere, she rode there on her husband’s coattails.)
Clinton is being treated less like a presidential candidate and more like a celebrity. Instead of any kind of research into her policies or what she says, article after article is being written about what she eats. The way the press has handled her candidacy so far is more suitable for People Magazine than newspapers. The Washington Post even had a quiz on Wednesday asking whether people were tweeting at pop stars or Clinton.
The cult of worship around Clinton is akin to what Palin received after she was thrust into the spotlight by her vice presidential nomination. One could also say it is similar to the media’s fawning over then-Senator Barack Obama.
There are a few key differences between Palin and Clinton, obviously. Clinton doesn’t have a penchant for saying things that are easily twisted. She also doesn’t have Palin’s charisma. And Clinton’s rock-star status comes almost begrudgingly, as her approval rating only climbs when she is not in the public eye. Palin, on the other hand, was the most popular governor in the country before Sen. John McCain selected her as his vice presidential candidate. Her approval has certainly fallen given the vastly negative press she received.
Which brings up another similarity: both women have opponents willing to go to extreme lengths to attack them. Palin was blamed for the shooting of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords because of a campaign map featuring a target over the Arizona representative’s district. Andrew Stiles of the Washington Free Beacon is on a mission to remind America that Clinton is nearly 70 and convince them she is possibly disabled (although he does so in jest, for the most part).
She knows she’s disabled.
Here she is getting into her van which is parked in a Handicapped Parking Space.
I was watching her on TV earlier this week when she tried to stand up from her chair.
It took her THREE tries to get up from the chair!
If it happened, like most reality shows, it would contain very little reality for, how could it? Hillary herself contains very little reality.
How about this comparison: Palin released all her emails and the left (including the media) kicked into overdrive pouring over them looking for dirt. They found none. Meanwhile, Hillary, having kept all her official email on a private, secret server, begrudgingly releases but a portion of her emails and eradicates the rest of the “personal” emails (as defined by her) and the media simply ignores it. Perhaps they are glad to be spared REAL dirt on another of their Maltese Falcons, worthless lead lacquered over instead of true gold.
Why would she park in a Handicapped space?
Monica Lewinski did the job that Hillary failed to do.
Remember how the National Enquirer broke the John Edwards ”love child” and mistress story when the mainstream media was oblivious to his filth?
Today that same mag is breaking a fact-light story about Huma and Hillary’s lesbian love affair’s emails being part of the deleted pile.
Apparently other lesbian loves of Hillary’s are hinted at.
One an actress.
Who knows if more facts can come out to back up this fluff piece?
One thing it true, it will be a ”rag” that will break it if it can.
The MSM will hold it’s collective hands over its ears and yell: la la la la la la!
@Nanny G:
That story, and the well known story about Obama and Emanuel belonging to “Man Country” (a gay bathhouse) are not carried very often on the main stream press, including Fox.
Sure seems Conservatives on here enjoy gay stories more than anyone else.
Is it true that Conservatives/Evangelicals are the largest consumers of gay mags and videos?
@rich wheeler:
That’s something only gays would be interested in asking.
@rich wheeler:
Well, it is if you want it to be…. Harry Reid, promoter of unsubstantiated lies.
@rich wheeler:
You’re reading gay stories on here? So if you’re enjoying them, does that mean you’re conservative? I haven’t seen any nor am I asking for any direction to find any. You may keep your secrets, Rich.
@Bill: Hey Bill,
is there a difference in unsubstantiated lies and substantiated lies. Are they both lies?
@Nanny G: Stories of hillary’s lesbian love lives have been in the news for years. That’s likely why Bill looks elsewhere for his dalliances, apparently she’s not interested in males.