Official campaign website is full of biographical material but includes no policy statements or issue platforms
We need to make the middle class mean something again,’ Podesta’s email closed. ‘We can do this.’
Next thing you know they will be raffling off the Brooklyn Bridge.
‘In May, once her supporters in all 50 states are organized for house parties or to watch over live-streams,’ the statement said, ‘Hillary will hold her first rally and deliver the speech to kick off her campaign.
With promises of transparency and openness soon to follow, the word “kick-off” makes me visulize a noose and tipped over chair with America left hanging.
SOFT LAUNCH: Hillary Clinton chief of staff John Podesta pre-empted Hillary’s big moment with an email to donors saying that the former first lady was running for the White House
In a sign of her campaign’s fundraising trajectory – her insiders are said to be eyeing a staggering $2.5 billion war chest – a political action committee called HillaryPAC had its first solicitation email out 18 minutes before the campaign’s own press release.
Can we theorize that Podesta and her insiders are referring to all those overseas donors she tapped for funds while the Hildabeast was traveling Secretary of State?
* Campaign Strategy: Overwhelming tide of inevitability
* Spouse: Former Arkansas attorney general William Jefferson Clinton
* Wingspan: 7 feet, 6 inches
* Ideal Running Mate: Primary opponent who knows how to gracefully step aside when the time comes
* Biggest Scandals: Deaths of four Americans at Benghazi, use of private email account for government emails, choice of Nina McLemore dress at a 1998 presidential function
* Grandchildren: One, but pushing Chelsea for one more before Iowa caucus
* Stance On Abortion: Supports a woman’s right to choose for her husband’s mistress
* Birthplace: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming…
Not quite all of Obama’s “57 states.”
* Number Of Times Teeth Gritted To Date: 489,346
* Things She Personally Understands As A Grandmother: Hope, faith, future, education, children, all that crap
* Greatest Fear: Charismatic young senators from the Midwest
* Number Of Big Macs That Fit In Mouth At One Time: 2
* Biggest Challenge: Not completely blowing it**
**Not referring to Bill or his “cigar”
old guy
9 years ago
If it’s Hillary vs Jeb I will move to Australia. We really need a change here and they are not it.
mos 8541
9 years ago
understanding that the mind/ recall of the average American is less than two weeks, who can predict. and the cocaine brain dead stars of ca. are ready to lend support. Ever wonder what her urine drug screen would show?
Freudian slip?
Next thing you know they will be raffling off the Brooklyn Bridge.
With promises of transparency and openness soon to follow, the word “kick-off” makes me visulize a noose and tipped over chair with America left hanging.
Can we theorize that Podesta and her insiders are referring to all those overseas donors she tapped for funds while the Hildabeast was traveling Secretary of State?
Clinton Campaign Site Implores Visitors to Subscribe to Non-Working YouTube Channel
From The Onion: Candidate Profile: Hillary Clinton
Not quite all of Obama’s “57 states.”
**Not referring to Bill or his “cigar”
If it’s Hillary vs Jeb I will move to Australia. We really need a change here and they are not it.
understanding that the mind/ recall of the average American is less than two weeks, who can predict. and the cocaine brain dead stars of ca. are ready to lend support. Ever wonder what her urine drug screen would show?