Hey, who’s up for giving Obama a second chance?

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Jay McInerney @ The Guardian:

Last week I was at a party in a Manhattan art gallery attended by the inevitable mix of artists, journalists and wealthy art collectors. I ran into a friend, a painter, who is a strong supporter of the Democratic party, but she told me she wasn’t donating money to the Obama campaign this year. “He’s been a huge disappointment,” she said. “Not one major Wall Street banker has been held accountable for the financial crash, and he’s extended the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy. I just can’t get enthusiastic about him. I don’t even know if I’ll vote.”

In another part of the room a group of art collectors, most of whom worked in the financial industry, were clutching plastic glasses of cheap white wine and complaining about Obama from the opposite end of the political spectrum. “He’s a socialist,” said one, a short, bald man who runs a huge hedge fund. “He hates people like us.” His friends all nodded in agreement.

“Socialist” is the nastiest thing you can say about an American politician in some quarters. For years the Republican party depended on the spectre of the evil Soviet Union to stir up nationalistic impulses and demonised the left as unpatriotic; many on the right interpreted the collapse of the Soviet bloc as proof of the bankruptcy of socialist principles. For his part, Obama has done precious little to deserve the “socialist” title – he has yet to repeal the massive Bush tax cuts to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans – although his healthcare reform package, which cost him so much time and political capital to get through Congress, represents an expansion of government’s role in the healthcare system.

It’s curious that Obama has managed to alienate the big bankers and brokers and investors, many of whom supported him in 2008, even as he has infuriated those who feel he hasn’t been tough enough on Wall Street. The Dodd-Frank Act, pushed by Obama and passed largely by the Democrats in Congress in 2010, imposed restrictions and regulations on the financial industry but many of us feel that it was watered down and is largely symbolic. Many in the financial industry claim it has hurt their business but the fact is Wall Street has prospered, earning more in the first two and a half years of the Obama administration than during the eight years of Bush’s presidency, according to the Washington Post. Bush initiated the bailouts that helped save the big banks during the meltdown of 2008 but Obama continued those policies, thereby probably saving the financial system from a major collapse.

What disappoints many of us outside of Wall Street is the feeling that Obama hasn’t been nearly as effective in bailing out the lower and middle classes. For someone who so inspired us with his soaring oratory during the last campaign, he has turned out to be a poor communicator during his first term, failing at crucial moments to explain and defend his policies.

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Poor people bought the Hope & Change slogan more than any other group except blacks in 2008.
But this year many of them have seen that Obama was all talk.
Not only are the poor in worse shape than when Obama took office BUT they can sit home and not bother voting and hurt Obama worse than Romney!
I was doling out part of a meal at the park for the homeless when a Cadillac Escalade opened its doors and a family got out and joined the line.
They live in their car.
The husband and the wife both lost their jobs since Obama took office.
Their daughter is 6.
The Escalade is their most valued object.
But they can’t always find a spot in the parks where you can cook, so they take meals with the rest of the homeless on those days.
And their food stamps run out before the end of the month anyway.
Voting for Obama….again?
Some guy asked them.
No, it was a mistake last time and they won’t do it again.

Since Ofraud has been in office, along with his other elitist stoo-nods, the air has been so thick with constant divisive rhetoric on all levels….I have felt stressed out a lot over the last four years…much more so than when Bush was in office…and we had just as much a threat by our enemies…this blowhard in our White House with his leading from behind and totally weak leadership is wearing thin on a lot of Americans…

4 years of a totally bad economic/job situation – continual recession that is… is certainly hurting the middle class and those who were doing badly before everything tanked… Ofraud put us into mind blowing debt which is beyond comprehension… this is his crisis now…

We are to be in the ‘pursuit’ of happiness…The Elitist Ofraud, his Elitist Liberal ilk, and those Moonbats who support him have been trying like hell to take that away from us….’us’ meaning every American….. I say every American because sadly those who support this fraud don’t even see the calculating liar, empty suit, do nothing that is right in front of their faces…



Romney isn’t a successful businessman. Romney is a successful financial speculator. There’s a big difference.

Won and dung!

President Obama’s accomplishments thus far:


What’s Romney done, other than dodge the draft during the Vietnam War.

@Jason: Which is ten times better than the ZERO we have now!!

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

We’ve discussed that list before, Lib1. Much of what is included there is more infamous than useful. More of a destruction of our founding than helpful to people. More damaging to a person’s dream(s) than a bridge to success.

A more useful list would be a list that included all of those things Obama accomplished, or were accomplished during his presidency, that were, in fact, USEFUL to Americans. Heck, you cannot even include the killing of UBL in that, as it didn’t serve any useful function to the lives of Americans.

What’s that leave America with? Practically nothing. Which goes along with President Obama’s nickname, the ‘Empty Suit’.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity): Gosh Lib, I thought I would give you a fair chance to convince me that OObama wasn’t in the white house to just play free golf and party. I have not laughed so hard at your recommended site since the debate. You really are clueless!

Give him another chance?
He was unprepared the first time.
I have noted no efforts on his behalf to better prepare himself for a second term.
First President to achieve a downgrade in the U S financial standing.
First President to expand the National Debt by $5 trillion.
First President to provide $1,000,000 paid staff for his wife.
First President to appoint 30+ Czars (unelected, unsupervised, unaccountable) to make Public policy.
First President to nationalize health insurance.
Yes, many firsts.
First President to fail to satisfy the Constitutional requirement of being a natural Citizen.
First President to shield his entire educational record from public view.
Jobs? That three-letter word? There aren’t any.

I fully suppoert giving him a second chance……to be a community organizer, not president.