Mark Levin:
It is only conservatives who are concerned about what they are reading in liberal media.
Have you you noticed that? The media is very confounded right now, they are very confused. They don’t know whether to trash themselves, trash their colleagues, or what.
What did Obama know? We know he knows this much: everything you just read, he knew. Because it’s in the newspapers. That is pretty big. Number two, we know that if a FISA warrant was secured, it is very likely in his daily intelligence briefing or a call from the Attorney General or the director of the FBI the president would be given a heads up. There’s nothing illegal about it but he would have been given a heads up.
Here’s what else we know:
There are all kinds of, based on these reports, investigative activities going on. McClatchy reported the agencies involved, the FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, Justice Department, Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Unit network, I assume Obama knew something. I mean unless he is Helen Keller. Let me make another point about this. That is a hell of a lot of agency resources. Those are a hell of a lot of investigators.
The news reports should mention The New York Times, January 20th, I just want to make sure CNN and MSNBC are aware of this. ‘Wiretapped Data Used In Inquiry Of Trump Aides.’ I never said independent of news reports about the wiretaps — ‘wiretapped data used in inquiry of trump aides.’
Well, didn’t [former DNI] Mr. Clapper say there were no FISA orders?
It’s very important because if Clapper says there was no FISA order and he was very broad and definite, and he said no… then what the hell are we talking about? That means that they did not have enough information for probable cause to get a warrant in front of the FISA court.
So what’s the FBI, the CIA, National Security Agency, Justice Department, Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Unit network investigating?
There needs to be a special prosecutor for these police State tactics going after American citizens with out warrants, as confirmed by Clapper on MSLSD. Finally they have a source a real person with real quotes.
So no follow up questions huh MSLSD, where did the transcripts come from, You said there was no Russian connections but didn’t investigate or investigated without warrant.
If this isnt confusing enough..WIKILEAKS confirms you should not badmouth the CIA in front of your smart appliances or you are 12 ways screwed. Dont plan that bankjob, discuss your tax dodging, or that you have tapped into the line and are getting free cable, unless you are a liberal they can get away with anything, sell guns to drug runners lie to congress anything!
clapper is a political , illiterate, ass kissing demorat piece of shit. he is a habitual liar. the terrorist pres made only 42% of the PDB, so who attended the other 58%. Oh, the terrorist was on the golf course.
clapper is a political , illiterate, ass kissing demorat piece of shit. he is a habitual liar. the terrorist pres made only 42% of the PDB, so who attended the other 58%. Oh, the terrorist was on the golf course.
If there was no FISA warrant or any surveillance, how did the media learn there were transcripts of the Flynn call and the telephone conversations between President Trump and the PM of Australia and President of Mexico?
Any FISA surveillance authorizations would have involved foreign nationals. It’s the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, isn’t it?
So, you’re legally monitoring a foreign party’s communications—because there have been repeated instances of targeted Russian hacking that clearly add up to election meddling, and they’re known to be working with the Russian intelligence community—and, lo and behold, you suddenly realize they’re getting regular calls from parties inside the Trump organization.
That’s how the information could come to the attention of our own investigators, when nobody originally signed off on wiretaps of Trump’s people.
This looks like it could be something very, very wrong. So, what are you going to do? Destroy the recordings or transcripts? Aid in covering up something that could indicate a serious threat to national security?
Why the Russia Story Is a Minefield for Democrats and the Media
@July 4th American, #7:
No, the New York Times did not revise history. The editor of the National Review subsequently added this note at the beginning of the article:
The editor is acknowledging that their article’s headline accusation directed against the New York Times was bullshit.
New York Times January Wiretapping Headline Goes Viral